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-able -hato1 N/A -alny 21 G can/1246[ ' =REL]
-al -sa1g -men -enie 42 G =REL HUN: -a1s % disapprov-
-an -i -anus -anin 23 G MEMBER =REL geographical
-ance -a1s -tia -stwo 1 G =REL
-ar -t N/A N/A 54 G
-ate -ista -tor -yczny 28 G
-ation -za1s -tio -acja 61 G =REL % arbitration cogitation hibernation moderation
-dom -sa1g -ia -stwo 43 G =REL
-ed -t # # 2817 G '=REL snow-covered
-en -k -i/-ae/-a -y 30 G become
-ence -sa1g -monia -stwo 44 G =REL
-er -bb -ior/-ius -szy 14 G ER '
-er -o1 # # 2815 G =REL ' entertain+er % =AGT of STEM
-ess -no3 -a/-trix -ka 37 G female
-est leg-bb issimus naj-szy 1513 G ER all
-ful -teli -osus -ny 56 G HAS =REL success- % full
-hood -sa1g -ia -os1c1 45 G
-ible -hato1 N/A -alny 22 G -able
-ic -i -ius -anin 24 G =REL az esetek to2bbse1ge1ben tu1lelemez, de photograph+ic, econom+ic
-ical -i -icus -anin 25 G
-ing -a1s -endi -anie 2 G =REL
-ion -at -tio -cja 9 G =REL
-ish -szeru3 -idus -awy 52 G =REL HUN -s
-ist -ista -tor -yczny 29 G person, MEMBER =REL 13 scientist, 4 tourist, 2 communist, 1 typist, 1 therapist, 1 ecologist
-ity -sa1g -itas -os1c1 46 G =REL
-ive -as -ivus -iwy 6 G =REL % demonstrative, divisive, prohibitive, festive, massive
-ization -esi1te1s -atio -izacja 18 G -ize
-ize -esi1t -N/A -owac1 17 G CAUSE[=REL AT/2744 =PAT] 18 criticize, 3 hypnotize, 1 privatize, 1 demobilize
-less -talan in- bez- 55 G lack
-like -szeru3 -tus -podobny 53 G lifelike, springlike, childlike, ladylike
-ly -i -tus -anin 26 G =REL HUN -An
-ment -a1s -tio -anie 3 G =REL
-ness -sa1g -itas -os1c1 47 G =REL
-or -sa1g -or -os1c1 48 G behaviour, labour
-ous -as -osus -iwy 7 G =REL % HAS?
-ry -sa1g -monius N/A 49 G
-ship -sa1g -ia -os1c1 50 G =REL
-th -ad -imus -ty 4 G part, [=REL(part)] IN/2758 whole, before(divide)
-th -adik -imus -ty 5 G position, IN/2758 sequence
-ure -sa1g -tura -os1c1 51 G function, office % legislature, prefecture
-ward -fele1 versus na 19 G after(AT/2744 =REL)
-wards -fele1 versus na 20 G -ward
-work -bo1l N/A -any 15 G
-y -as -ulus -ity 8 G =REL derivation with sound change (shine)
100-year 100-e1ves # # 3327 A AT/2744 time, time HAS length[year[hundred]] 1
1000-year 1000-e1ves # # 3328 A AT/2744 time, time HAS length[year[thousand]] 1
12-month 12-ho1napos # # 3326 A AT/2744 time, time HAS length[month[twelve]] 1
1920s 1920-as_e1vek # # 3085 N @1920s
1930s 1930-as_e1vek # # 3086 N @1930s
1940s 1940-es_e1vek # # 3087 N @1940s
1950s 1950-es_e1vek # # 3088 N @1950s
1960s 1960-as_e1vek # # 3089 N @1960s
1970s 1970-es_e1vek # # 3090 N @1970s
1980s 1980-as_e1vek # # 3091 N @1980s
1st elso2 # # 3092 A first
24-hour 24-o1ra1s # # 3246 A AT/2744 time, time HAS length[day], AT/2744 day, AT/2744 night 2
Abraham A1braha1m # # 2935 N man/744, @Abraham
Adam A1da1m # # 2941 N man/744, @Adam
Adolf_Hitler Adolf_Hitler # # 3100 N politician, @Adolf_Hitler
Afghanistan Afganiszta1n # # 2893 N country, @Afghanistan
Africa Afrika # # 2832 N land, @Africa
Afrikaans afrikaans # # 3193 N @afrikaans
Alaska Alaszka # # 2934 N state/76, @Alaska
Alps Alpok # # 2933 N hill, @Alps
America Amerika # # 2831 N land, @America
Antarctic antarktiszi # # 3192 N @Antarctica
April a1prilis aprilis kwiecien1 83 N month, FOLLOW march/1563, may/1560 FOLLOW
Arabia Ara1bia # # 3149 N land, @Arabia
Arabian arab # # 3160 N @Arabia
Argentina Argenti1na # # 2892 N country, @Argentina
Asia A1zsia # # 3146 N land, @Asia
Atlantic Atlanti_O1cea1n # # 2834 N ocean, @Atlantic
August augusztus mensis_Augustus sierpien1 183 N month, FOLLOW july, september FOLLOW
Australasia # # # 3191 N place/1026, @Australasia
Australia Ausztra1lia # # 2835 N country, @Australia
Austria Ausztria # # 2836 N country, @Austria
Babylonian babilo1niai # # 3190 N @Babylonia
Bangladesh Bangladesh # # 2891 N country, @Bangladesh
Barcelona Barcelona # # 2932 N place/1026, @Barcelona
Belarus Fehe1roroszorsza1g # # 3189 N country, @Belarus
Belgium Belgium # # 2837 N country, @Belgium
Bible biblia Biblia biblia 291 N holy(book), christian
Birmingham Birmingham # # 3188 N @Birmingham, city
Bordeaux Bordeaux # # 2931 N place/1026, @Bordeaux
Britain Britannia # # 2813 N country, @United_Kingdom
British brit Britannus brytyjski 339 A MEMBER @United_Kingdom
Broadway Broadway # # 2930 N place/1026, @Broadway
Buddha Buddha # # 2929 N man/744, @Buddha
Buddhism buddhizmus Buddhismus buddyzm 352 N religion, @Buddhism
Buddhist buddhista Buddhista buddysta 351 N person, @Buddhism ADHERE teaching, @Buddha HAS teaching
Bulgarian bolga1r # # 2890 N MEMBER @Bulgaria
California Kalifornia # # 2928 N state/76, @California
Calvin Ka1lvin # # 3187 N @John_Calvin
Calvinism Ka1lvinizmus # # 3186 N PART_OF christianity, @Calvinism
Cambridge Cambridge # # 2838 N city, @Cambridge
Canada Kanada # # 2839 N country, @Canada
Catholic katolikus # # 2958 N religion, PART_OF @Catholic_Church
Celsius celsius # # 3103 N temperature, @Celsius
Charles_II II._Ka1roly # # 2927 N king, @Charles_II_of_England
Charles_II II._Ka1roly # # 3333 N king, @Charles_II_of_England
Christian kereszte1ny Christianus chrzes1cijan1ski 1301 A MEMBER christianity ND: ADHERE Jesus
Christianity kereszte1nyse1g religio_Christiana chrzes1cijan1stwo 1302 N religion, ABOUT @Jesus BASED_ON teaching, Jesus HAS teaching % ND
Christmas kara1csony dies_natalis Boz1e_Narodzenie 1232 N holiday, christian, tree, present, candle ND
Coca-Cola Coca-cola # # 3312 N drink, @Coca-Cola 1
Colombia Kolumbia # # 2926 N country, @Colombia
Cornwall Cornwall # # 2925 N politician, @Cornwall
Cuba Kuba # # 2889 N state/76, @Cuba
December december December grudzien1 454 N month, FOLLOW november, january FOLLOW
Denmark Da1nia # # 2840 N country, @Denmark
Devon Devon # # 3200 N land, @Devon
Dr Dr. # # # A title, professional Longman real DV
EU EU # # 3148 N political(unit), @European_Union
Egypt Egyiptom # # 2841 N country, @Egypt
Einstein Einstein # # 3185 N @Albert_Einstein
Elizabeth_I I_Erzse1bet # # 2924 N queen, @Elizabeth_I_of_England
England anglia # # 2761 N country, @United_Kingdom
English angol Britannicus angielski 169 A @United_Kingdom see 2763 and 2764
Europe Euro1pa # # 2842 N land, @Europe
Fahrenheit fahrenheit # # 3102 N temperature, @Fahrenheit
February februa1r mensis_Februarius luty 748 N month, FOLLOW january, march/1563 FOLLOW
Finland Finnorsza1g # # 2874 N country, @Finland
France Franciaorsza1g # # 2843 N country, @France
Friday pe1ntek dies_Veneris pia1tek 1951 N day, PART_OF week, FOLLOW thursday, saturday FOLLOW
Gautama_Buddha Gautama_Buddha # # 3183 N @Gautama_Buddha
George_I I._Gyo2rgy # # 3182 N king, @George_I_of_Great_Britain
Germany Ne1metorsza1g # # 2844 N country, @Germany
Greece Go2ro2gorsza1g # # 2845 N country, @Greece
Greenland Gro2nland # # 3180 N island, @Greenland
Greenwich Greenwich # # 2878 N place/1026, @Greenwich
Guy_Fawkes Guy_Fawkes # # 3184 N @Guy_Fawkes
Haile_Selassie Haile_Selassie # # 3195 N man/744, @Haile_Selassie
Haiti Haiti # # 2923 N island, @Haiti
Hamburg Hamburg # # 2922 N city, @Hamburg
Hamburg Hamburg # # 3178 N city, @Hamburg
Hanukkah Hanuka # # 3159 N holiday, @Hanukkah
Hawaii Hawaii # # 2921 N island, @Hawaii
Himalayan Himala1ja # # 3158 N mountain, @Himalaya
Himalayas Himala1ja # # 3101 N mountain, @Himalayas
Hindu hindu Indicus hindu 1054 A adherent, IN/2758 @India, @Hindu
Hinduism hinduizmus hinduismus hinduizm 1055 N religion, IN/2758 @India
Hispanic # # # 3177 N @Hispanic
Hollywood Hollywood # # 2920 N place/1026, @Hollywood
Hong_Kong Hongkong # # 2919 N area/2366, @Hong_Kong
Hungary Magyarorsza1g # # 2918 N country, @Hungary
I e1n ego ja 509 G person, speak indexical, primitive * ZsA
Iceland Izland # # 2846 N country, @Iceland
India India # # 2847 N country, @India
Indonesia Indone1zia # # 2888 N state/76, @Indonesia
Iran Ira1n # # 2848 N country, @Iran
Iraq Irak # # 2917 N country, @Iraq
Ireland I1rorsza1g # # 2849 N country, @Ireland
Isaac_Newton Isaac_Newton # # 2907 N scientist, @Isaac_Newton
Israel Izrael # # 2850 N country, @Israel
Italy Olaszorsza1g # # 2851 N country, @Italy
Jamaica Jamaica # # 2887 N country, @Jamaica
January janua1r Ianuarius_mensis styczen1 1176 N month, FOLLOW december, february FOLLOW
Japan Japa1n # # 2852 N country, @Japan
Java-enabled Java-ke1pes # # 3110 A @Java_(programming_language) AT/2744
Jesus Je1zus # # 3048 N man/744, @Jesus
Jew zsido1 Iudaeus z1yd 2689 N adherent, IN/2758 @Judaism ND
Jewish zsido1 Iudaicus z1ydowski 2688 A @Jew
John_Wesley John_Wesley # # 3161 N @John_Wesley
Judaism zsido1_valla1s # # 3096 N @Judaism
July ju1lius mensis_Iulius lipiec 1202 N month, FOLLOW june, august FOLLOW
June ju1nius mensis_Iunius czerwiec 1203 N month, FOLLOW may/1560, july FOLLOW
Karl_Marx Marx_Ka1roly # # 3198 N @Karl_Marx
Kelvin kelvin # # 3176 N @Kelvin, temperature
Kenya Kenya # # 3175 N country, @Kenya
King_Edward_VII VII._Edua1rd # # 3332 N king, @Edward_VII
Koran Kora1n # # 3157 N book, @Koran
Korea Korea # # 2853 N country, @Korea
Korean koreai # # 2915 N MEMBER @Korea
Ku_Klux_Klan Ku_Klux_Klan # # 3099 N group, people, @Ku_Klux_Klan
Land_Rover Land_Rover # # 3196 N car, @Land_Rover MAKE
Lao_Tzu Lao-ce # # 2914 N man/744, @Laozi
Latin latin # # 3067 A language, @Latin
Leon_Trotsky Trockij # # 2913 N politician, @Leon_Trotsky
Liverpool Liverpool # # 2854 N city, @Liverpool
London London # # 2855 N city, @London
Louisiana Louisiana # # 2886 N state/76, @Louisiana
Luxembourg Luxembourg # # 2912 N city, @Luxembourg
Malaysia Malajzia # # 3173 N country, @Malaysia
Malta Ma1lta # # 2911 N country, @Malta
Manchester Manchester # # 2910 N city, @Manchester
March ma1rcius mensis_Martius marzec 1563 N month, FOLLOW february, april FOLLOW
Marines tengere1szgyalogsa1g # # 3079 N @Marine
Marx Marx # # 3083 N @Karl_Marx
Marxism marxizmus # # 3147 N ABOUT politics, FROM/2742 @Karl_Marx, history[struggle], class[struggle, social]
Maryland Maryland # # 2885 N state/76, @Maryland
May ma1jus mensis_Maius maj 1560 N month, FOLLOW april, june FOLLOW
Mediterranean Fo2ldko2zi-tenger # # 2856 N sea, @Mediterranean
Mesopotamia Mezopota1mia # # 3171 N land AT/2744 history, @Mesopotamia
Mexico Mexiko1 # # 2857 N country, @Mexico
Mikhail_Gorbachev Gorbacsov # # 3098 N @Mikhail_Gorbachev
Miss kisasszony N/A panna 1357 G woman, HAS lack(husband)
Mississippi Mississippi # # 2909 N river, @Mississippi
Monday he1tfo3 dies_lunae poniedzial1ek 1022 N day, PART_OF week, FOLLOW sunday, tuesday FOLLOW
Mongolia Mongo1lia # # 2908 N country, @Mongolia
Mormon Mormon # # 3169 N religion, @Mormon
Moscow Moszkva # # 2884 N city, @Moscow
Moses Mo1zes # # 3168 N jew, man/744, @Moses
Mr u1r N/A pan 2474 G man/744
Mrs -ne1 N/A Pani 35 G woman, HAS husband
Mrs asszony N/A Pani 178 G mrs/35
Muhammad Mohamed # # 2877 N man/744, @Muhammad
Muslim iszla1m Mohammedanicus muzul1man1ski 1162 A believe, adherent, @Muslim
Netherlands Hollandia # # 2858 N country, @Netherlands
New_Guinea U1j-Guinea # # 3179 N @New_Guinea
New_York New_York # # 2859 N city, IN/2758 @United_States, @New_York_City
New_Zealand U1j_Zealand # # 2860 N country, @New_Zealand
Noah Noe1 # # 2883 N man/744, @Noah, MAKE ship
Norway Norve1gia # # 2875 N country, @Norway
November november mensis_November listopad 1800 N month, FOLLOW october, december FOLLOW
October okto1ber October paz1dziernik 1899 N month, FOLLOW september, november FOLLOW
Oedipus O2dipusz # # 3167 N man/744, @Oedipus
Oregon Oregon # # 2906 N state/76, @Oregon
Pakistan Pakiszta1n # # 2861 N country, @Pakistan
Palestine Paleszti1na # # 2882 N country, @Palestine
Paris Pa1rizs # # 2881 N city, @Paris
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania # # 3166 N state/76, @Pennsylvania
Persia Perzsia # # 2880 N country, @Persia
Peru Peru # # 2905 N country, @Peru
Philippines Fu2lo2p-szigetek # # 3165 N island, more, @Philippines
Poland Lengyelorsza1g # # 2862 N country, @Poland
Polynesian polyne1z # # 2904 N MEMBER @Polynesia
Portugal Portuga1lia # # 2863 N country, @Portugal
Punjab Pandzsa1b # # 3156 N @Punjab
Rastafarian Rasztafaria1nus # # 3155 N @Rastafarian
Rome Ro1ma # # 2864 N city, @Rome
Russia Oroszorsza1g # # 2865 N country, @Russia
Sahara Szahara # # 3164 N desert/1981, @Sahara
Saturday szombat dies_Saturni sobota 2245 N day, PART_OF week, FOLLOW friday, sunday FOLLOW
Saudi_Arabia Szau1d-Ara1bia # # 3154 N country, @Saudi_Arabia
Scandinavia Skandina1via # # 3153 N land, @Scandinavia
Scotland Sko1cia # # 2866 N country, @Scotland
September szeptember mensis_September wrzesien1 2193 N month, FOLLOW august, october FOLLOW
Shakespeare Shakespeare # # 3152 N poet, @Shakespeare
Shiite si1ita # # 3077 A MEMBER @Shia_Islam
Sigmund_Freud Sigmund_Freud # # 3097 N man/744, @Sigmund_Freud
Socrates Szo1krate1sz # # 3095 N man/744, @Socrates
Somalia Szoma1lia # # 2903 N country, @Somalia
Soviet_Union Szovjetunio1 # # 3082 N country, @Soviet_Union
Spain Spanyolorsza1g # # 2867 N country, @Spain
Spanish spanyol # # 3393 A spain
Sri_Lanka Sri1_Lanka # # 2902 N country, @Sri_Lanka
Sudan Szuda1n # # 2901 N country, @Sudan
Sunday vasa1rnap dominica niedziela 2590 N day, PART_OF week, FOLLOW saturday, monday FOLLOW
Sweden Sve1dorsza1g # # 3073 N country, @Sweden
Switzerland Sva1jc # # 2868 N country, @Switzerland
TV TV # # 3071 N television
Tanzania Tanza1nia # # 2937 N country, @Tanzania
Thames Temze # # 2900 N river, @Thames
Thursday csu2to2rto2k dies_Iovis czwartek 436 N day, PART_OF week, FOLLOW wednesday, friday FOLLOW
Tibet Tibet # # 2936 N area/2366, @Tibet
Trinity Szentha1romsa1g # # 3163 N god, christian, one, three, @Trinity
Tuesday kedd dies_Martis wtorek 1266 N day, PART_OF week, FOLLOW monday, wednesday FOLLOW
Turkey To2ro2korsza1g # # 3072 N country, @Turkey
Tyneside Tyneside # # 3151 N land, city, @Tyneside
U-shaped U_alaku1 # # 3202 A HAS shape(bend/1112) 8
U.S. USA # # 3150 N country, @United_States
UK Egyesu2lt_Kira1lysa1g # # 2938 N country, @United_Kingdom
USA USA # # 2899 N country, @United_States
USSR Szovjetunio1 # # 2869 N country, @Soviet_Union
Uganda Uganda # # 2942 N country, @Uganda
United_States Egyesu2lt_A1llamok # # 2879 N country, @United_States
Ural Ura1l # # 3162 N @Ural
Venice Velence # # 2898 N city, @Venice
Victoria Vikto1ria # # 2876 N queen, @Queen_Victoria
Vietnam Vietnam # # 2897 N country, @Vietnam
Wales Wales # # 2870 N country, @Wales
Washington Washington # # 2871 N place/1026, @Washington
Wednesday szerda dies_Mercurii s1roda 2194 N day, PART_OF week, FOLLOW tuesday, thursday FOLLOW
West_Indies Karib-te1rse1g # # 2872 N place/1026, @West_Indies
William_Shakespeare William_Shakespeare # # 2896 N poet, @William_Shakespeare
Yorkshire Yorkshire # # 2895 N land, historical, @Yorkshire
Yugoslavia Jugoszla1via # # 2894 N country, @Yugoslavia, historical
_path # # # 2780 # FROM/2742 ' , after(=POSS AT/2744), HAS through HAS source, HAS target
a egy NA N/A 557 u G one discourse
a-shaped a_alaku1 # # 3245 A HAS two(side), cross PART_OF 2
abashed zavart perturbatus zagubiony 2675 A shame
ability ke1pesse1g facultas umieje1tnos1c1 1248 N can/1246
able ke1pes idoneus w_stanie 1245 A can/1246[=AGT[=TO]] =TO on the surface both in Hun, Eng, and French 'capable de'
about miatt propter o 1686 u D =REL CAUSE
above fenn supra ponad 788 u D up
abroad ku2lfo2ldo2n foras za_granica1 1449 D IN/2758 foreign(country)
absence hia1ny absentia nieobecnos1c1 1047 N lack(=POSS)
absent hia1nyzo1 absens nieobecny 1049 A lack, AT '
abstinent tarto1zkodo1 abstinens abstynent 2316 A
abuse ba1nt abutor naduz1ywac1 199 V treat, bad
accept elfogad accipio akceptowac1 615 u V allow, =PAT[lack(good)], =AGT SAY[=PAT[right/1191]], receive, before(=FROM OFFER =PAT) right/1191 FOR/2782 self
accident baleset casus_adversus wypadek 223 u N event, lack(person PLAN), bad, CAUSE damage
accompany ki1se1r comitor towarzyszyc1 1321 V with/60
accordance egyeze1s convenientia zgodnos1c1 574 N agree
according szerint secundum wedl1ug 2201 D =REL CAUSE[person KNOW]
account besza1molo1 # # 2695 N story
account sza1mla ratio rachunek 2139 N
accustom hozza1szoktat assuefacio przyzwyczajac1 1090 V =TO[habit,familiar[after]] gewöhnen an ACC
ache fa1j dolet bolec1 711 U sensation, bad, <physical>
achieve ele1r # # 2787 V =AGT HAS success, complete
acid sav acidum kwas 2064 u N substance, <burn>, HAS taste[sharp,sour], lack(kind)
across a1t trans poprzez 98 D before(ON side), =REL HAS side, after(ON other(side)) =REL HAS side[other] ?
act hat proficio oddzial1ywac1 1010 u V act/2373
act tesz ago dzial1ac1 2373 u V do
act tett factum akt 2379 u N act/2373 % empty definition
action cselekve1s actio dzial1anie 399 u N person DO
active hato1 valens aktywny 1017 A motion
activity teve1kenyse1g industria czynnos1c1 2383 u N act
actor szi1ne1sz actor aktor 2208 N profession, IN/2758 [<theatre>,<film>], play % ill-formed
actual mostani hic obecny 1727 A exist, now
adapt alkalmazkodik accommodo zaadaptowac1 156 U =PAT[suitable[after]] HUN EN mismatch in arg struct
add o2sszead addo dodawac1 1859 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT IN/2758 =TO] HUN: (hozza1)ad
added hozza1adott adjectus dodany 3404 u N
addition o2sszeada1s additio dodatek 1860 N CAUSE[=TO[ER ' ]] zusätzlich zu
address ci1m domicilium/inscriptio adres 370 N description, place/1026, <person> HAS, <person> AT/2744 place/1026, written
adherent hi1vo3 # # 3351 N person, MEMBER ' , group HAS idea
adjective melle1kne1v nomen_adiectivum przymiotnik 1659 N word
admiration csoda1lat admiratio podziw 424 N admire
admire csoda1l miror podziwiac1 423 u V respect
admit bevall fateor przyznac1 280 V tell, =AGT CAUSE[=DAT KNOW =AGT[<criminal>]]
adorn di1szi1t orno zdobic1 460 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[beautiful]]
advance elo3revisz profero poprawic1 645 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[move]], =AGT CAUSE[=PAT AT/2744 front]
advantage elo3ny emolumentum zaleta 643 N good, property
adventure kaland casus przygoda 1217 N experience, excite, danger AT/2744, lack(usual)
adverb hata1rozo1 adverbium przysl1o1wek 1013 N word
advertise hirdet proscribo reklamowac1 1059 u V =AGT CAUSE[public KNOW advantage], =PAT HAS advantage, =AGT WANT[sale[increase]]
advice tana1cs consilium rada 2299 N =POSS[person] THINK should[other(person) DO]
advise tana1csol suadeo radzic1 2301 V
affair eset eventus sprawa 694 N activity[<public>,<political>]
affairs u2gy causa sprawy 2487 N affair
affect e1rint # # # V =AGT CAUSE =PAT[change] Longman real DV
affix toldale1k affixum przypia1c1 2426 N
afford megtehet possum_facere pozwalac1_sobie 1649 V =AGT HAS resource[<money>,<time>], resource FOR/2782 =PAT, =AGT[can/1246]
afraid fe1lo3 timens/timendus przestraszony 735 A fear
african-american african-american # # 3325 A MEMBER [@United_States,nation], MEMBER [@Africa, race]
afro-brazilian afro-brazil # # 3324 A MEMBER [nation,@Brazil], MEMBER race, HAS parent, parent FROM/2742 @Africa 1
after uta1n post po 2533 u G follow, IN/2758 order/2739
afternoon de1luta1n dies_postmeridianus pol1udnie 453 N PART_OF day, FOLLOW morning, sunset FOLLOW HUN: FOLLOW de1lelo3tt
afterwards azuta1n postea naste1pnie/potem 193 D before(=REL)
again u1jra iterum znowu 2471 u D AT/2744 other(time)
against ellen contra/adversus przeciwko 628 u G oppose IN/2758 opposite(direction)
age kor aetas wiek 1429 N time, life IN/2758
aggressive agresszi1v # # 3338 A angry, threaten, WANT [fight,attack,overpower]
ago elo3tt ante temu 646 D direction, front, visible unfinished % read Leonard Talmy
agree egyezik consentio zgadzac1_sie1 575 u V =AGT HAS same(opinion)
agreement egyezse1g consensus zogda 3405 u N
agriculture mezo3gazdasa1g # # 3334 N human CAUSE plant[grow], human CAUSE animal[reproduce], AT/2744 land
ahead elo2l in_fronte z_przodu 640 A AT/2744 front
aim ce1l finis cel 363 N purpose
air levego3 aer powietrze 1540 u N gas, FOR/2782 life
aircraft le1gi_ja1rmu3 # # 3056 N vehicle, fly, <plane/2807>
airforce legiero3 # # 3194 N PART_OF army, fly
airport repu2lo3te1r # # 2983 N place/1026, plane/2807 ON ground, building AT/2744
alcohol alkohol alcohol alkohol 158 u N liquid, <drink>, <CAUSE person[drunk]>
alcoholic szeszes vinolentus alkoholowy 2206 u A alcohol IN/2758
alike egyforma aequabilis podobny 577 A similar
alive e1lo3 vivus z1ywy 507 A life ND
alkali alka1li # # # A substance, [WITH/3412 acid] CAUSE [MAKE salt] Longman real DV
all mind omnis wszyscy 1695 u N primitive
all-male fe1rfi- # # 3323 A male 1
all_right rendben ordine w_porza1dku 2008 A
allow enged sino pozwolic1 670 u V =AGT SAY =DAT[=PAT[can/1246]], say CAUSE =DAT[=PAT[can/1246]] modality probability vs permission
almost majdnem paene prawie 1589 u D SIMILAR =REL, lack(=REL) conjunctive
alone csak solus/modo sam 380 u D only
along mente1n per wzdl1uz1 1669 u D AT/2744 =REL[long]
aloud hangosan clare gl1os1no 996 D INSTRUMENT normal(voice)
alphabet a1be1ce1 litterae alfabet 63 N order/2739, letter/278 PART_OF conventional, ZsA
already ma1r iam juz1 1561 D before(=REL)
also is et tez1 1154 D empty def
altercate civakodik iurgo kl1o1cic1_sie1 378 U lack(agree), forceful
alternate va1lt permuto zmieniac1 2551 V
although ba1r quamquam pomimo 203 u G though
altogether egyu2tt una razem 585 D together
always mindig semper zawsze 1696 D AT/2744 time[all]
among ko2zo2tt inter mie1dzy 1416 G at/2744
amongst ko2zo2tt inter mie1dzy 1417 G among
amount mennyise1g numerus ilos1c1 1666 u N quantity TODO
amuse mulattat delecto bawic1 1737 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[merry]]
amusing szo1rakoztato1 iucundus zabawny 2227 u A CAUSE[person[happy]]
an egy NA N/A 558 u G a
ancient o3si antiquissimus staroz1ytny 1881 A AT/2744 history, far
and e1s et/-que/atque i/a 536 u G =AGT, =PAT reference to arguments needed
and s et/-que i 2054 u G
anger du2h furor gniew 488 N feeling, bad, strong, aggressive
angle szo2g angulus ka1t 2230 u N
angry haragos iratus zl1y 999 u A anger
animal a1llat animal zwierze1 78 u N live, move
animal-like a1llati # # 3217 A animal HAS 4
ankle boka talus kostka 323 N joint, AT/2744 foot, AT/2744 leg
annoy bosszant irrito denerwowac1 335 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[angry]]
anoint felken consecro namas1cic1 777 V no Longman
another ma1s alius inny 1565 A other
answer felel respondeo odpowiadac1 765 u V say, before(question), =PAT ABOUT question
ant hangya formica mro1wka 997 N insect, MEMBER [complex,society/2285]
anxiety agga1ly dubitatio niepoko1j 119 N feeling, bad, lack(sure) CAUSE
anxious aggo1do1 anxius zaniepokojony 121 A HAS anxiety
any egy ullus z1aden 556 u D empty definition
anybody ba1rki quisquis ktokolwiek 207 N anyone
anyhow ba1rhogy quoque_modo jakkolwiek 205 D manner
anyone ba1rki quisquis ktokolwiek 208 u N person
anything ba1rmi quodcumque cokolwiek 211 u N thing
anywhere sehol ullo_loco gdziekolwiek 2074 D
apart sze1t seorsus roz- 2173 A away
apartment laka1s # # 2955 N place/1026, private, live IN/2758, IN/2758 building
apparatus berendeze1s apparatus zestaw 267 N collection, instrument MEMBER
appear tu3nik pareo wydawac1_sie1 2450 u U =DAT THINK [=PAT[=OBL]]
appearance la1tszat simulacrum wygla1d 1479 N
apple alma malum jabl1ko 161 N fruit
appoint kinevez dico wyznaczac1 1346 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT HAS position]
apprehend megragad apprehendo zl1apac1 1639 V grasp
approach megko2zeli1t accedo podchodzic1 1634 V after(=AGT AT/2744 =PAT)
approach_stealthily lopakodik obrepo skradac1_sie1 1554 U no xml
approve jo1va1hagy approbo uznac1 1194 V consider[=PAT[right/1191]], say[=PAT[right/1191]]
aquatic vizi # # 2734 A live AT/2744 water ND
arab arab # # 2833 N group, @Arab
arch i1v curvatura l1uk 1111 N structure, upper, vertical(ER space/2327), support
are # # # 2783 # more, is hunspell problem
area terep area teren 2355 u N
area teru2let area teren 2366 u N place/2326, IN/2758 country, <HAS border>
argue e1rvel argumentor argumentowac1 530 U lack(agree), speak, <angry>
argument vita disputatio debata 2810 u N argue
arise emelkedik ascendo wznosic1_sie1 664 U =AGT AT/2744 position[vertical], after(vertical(=AGT ER')) ND movement [up] % move, after(up)
arm kar bracchium ramie1 1231 N long, human HAS body, body HAS, limb, hand AT/2744, wrist AT/2744, shoulder AT/2744
armour pa1nce1l thorax zbroja 1928 N defend, cover, metal, AT/2744 history, FOR/2782 fight
arms sereg exercitus armia 2084 u N
army hadsereg exercitus wojsko 969 N organization, people[many], work AT/2744 war
around ko2re1 circum dokol1a 1388 u D AROUND =REL
arrange rendez ordino ukl1adac1 2011 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT HAS structure]
arrangement beoszta1s dispositio uklad 266 u N plan, IN/2758 time % HUN teendő
arrangements mega1llapoda1s pactum umowa 1616 N see 266
arrive mege1rkezik advenio przyjechac1 1622 u V after(=AGT AT/2744 goal), =AGT[move[lack, after]]
arrow nyi1l sagitta strzal1a 1813 N artefact, long, straight/563, HAS pointed(head), move
art mu3ve1szet ars sztuka 1735 u N MAKE beautiful
artefact keszi1tme1ny arte_factum # 3141 N human MAKE
article cikk scriptum artykul1 373 N text, public, ABOUT real
artificial mesterse1ges # # 3339 A ' MAKE, lack(natural), lack(real), RESEMBLE [natural[other],real[other]]
artist mu3ve1sz artifex artysta 1734 N profession, MAKE art, HAS imagination, HAS skill, MAKE beautiful
as mint ut jak 1700 u D empty definition
ascend felha1g ascendo wznosic1_sie1 769 V =AGT[up[after]]
ash hamu cinis popio1l1 991 N powder[<grey>,<white>,<black>], burn MAKE
ashamed sze1gyenkezve cum_pudore zawstydzony 2162 u A FEEL shame
ashes hamvak cineres popiol1y 992 N no Longman, see 991
aside el seorsum na_bok 590 D AT/2744 side, away
ask ke1rdez quaero pytac1 1253 u V communicate, =AGT SAY want HUN ke1r
asleep alva dormiens s1pia1cy 164 A sleep
association egylet societas zwia1zek 581 N group, people
asterisk betu3 # # # N letter/278, star Longman real DV
at -na1l apud u 2744 u G =PAT[place/1026]
at -ra apud przy 39 u G English is primitive, Hungarian hadled in dep_to_4lang, Latin deferred
atmosphere le1gko2r # # 3379 N AT/2744 =POSS, lack(' SEE), air, place/2326 HAS, <feeling>, <gas>
atom atom atomus atom 181 u N particle, lack PART_OF, small naive_theo:HAS nuclear(energy)
atomic atom- atomicus atomowy 182 A atom
attach e1desget amplexor przywia1zac1 2696 u V bind, =AGT CAUSE love, love IN/2758 =PAT
attach hozza1kapcsol adiungo dol1a1czyc1 1089 u V join
attack roham impetus atak 2034 u V violent, <INSTRUMENT weapon>, WANT hurt, WANT damage
attain ele1r potior osia1gna1c1 603 V gain
attempt kise1rlet conatus pro1ba 1359 N try
attend figyel animum_adverto uwaz1ac1 800 U see 2773
attend re1szt_vesz # # 2771 V =AGT AT/2744 =PAT
attend_upon szolga1l famulor sl1uz1yc1 2242 V
attention figyelem animi_attentio uwaga 801 u N listen, see, =POSS THINK =PAT[interesting, important]
attentive figyelmes attentus uwaz1ny 802 A watch
attitude attitu3d positio nastawienie 3409 u N
attract vonz attracho przycia1gac1 2664 V good, =AGT CAUSE[=PAT HAS interest/517]
attractive vonzo1 suavis atrakcyjny 2665 A beautiful, person LIKE/3382
aunt nagyne1ni agnata/amita ciotka 1750 N woman, relative, old(relative ER =POSS) related to parent, =POSS HAS parent
authority hato1sa1g jurisdictio wl1adza 2811 u N power, command, determine, judge
autumn o3sz autumnus jesien1 1882 N season/548, FOLLOW summer, winter FOLLOW, rain IN/2758, cool/1103, leave HAS colour[lack(green)] decline % ND
available ele1rheto3 # # 2800 A can/1246[=TO USE]
average a1tlag plurimus_minimusque s1redni 105 u N amount[normal]
avoid elkeru2l evito unikac1 624 V =AGT AT =PAT[lack]
awake e1ber vigilans czujny 494 A conscious HUN e1bren van
away el dis- od- 591 u D AT/2744 distance
awkward ki1nos molestus niezre1czny 1320 A strange, CAUSE lack(comfort/1240)
axe balta securis siekiera 224 N tool, IN/2758 hand, HAS head, HAS edge, CUT <tree>
axis tengely # # 3377 N line, round AROUND, turn AROUND, AT/2744 middle, shape HAS
baby baba pupus niemowle1 216 u N animal[young[very]] ND
back ha1t tergum plecy 960 u N PART_OF body, neck AT/2744
back vissza retro zpowrotem 2639 u D after(AT/2744 place/1026), before(AT/2744 place/1026)
background ha1tte1r recessus tl1o 962 N AROUND =POSS relational noun
backside far posticus tyl1 726 N bottom
backward maradi exoletus staros1wiecki 1597 A see 2775
backwards ha1tra retro do_tyl1u 961 G front[lack, after], HAS direction[opposite]
bacteria bakte1rium bacterium bakteria 220 N the plural of 221
bacterium bakte1rium bacterium bakteria 221 N live, small, <CAUSE ill>, lack(visible)
bad rossz malus zl1y 2043 u A lack(good) anto
badly-behaved rosszul_viselkedett # # 3244 A HAS bad(behaviour) 2
bag zsa1k saccus torba 2684 u N container, cloth
bake su2l coquor piec_sie1 2128 U
bake su2t coquo piec 2130 V cook/825, =PAT[<bread>, <cake>], =AGT CAUSE =PAT[hard]
balance egyensu1ly aequilibrium ro1wnowaga 566 N stable, weight ON side, weight ON other(side), state/77, lack(change)
balance me1rleg libra waga 1607 N device, weigh, HAS <two>(pan), after(level), motion[lack, after]
ball ba1l saltatio bal 198 u N see 2713 „labda, golyo1”
ball labda pila pil1ka 2713 u N artefact, round, <sport INSTRUMENT> labda, golyo1
ball-shaped go2mb_alaku1 # # 3322 A HAS ball(shape) 1
banana bana1n bananus banan 225 N fruit, long, HAS skin[thick/2752,yellow] naive_theo HAS pulp[white], HAS lack(seed)
band zenekar symphonia zespo1l1 2678 N group, musician, <popular>
bank bank argentaria bank 227 u N institution, money IN/2758
bank part ripa brzeg 1945 u N see 227
bar kiza1r excludo wyl1a1czac1 1367 u V =AGT CAUSE lack(can/1246(=PAT IN/2758)), there seem to be no verbal use, just a/the metal/small bar, restaurant,…
bar kocsma caupona bar 1421 u N shop, [SELL [alcoholic(drink)]] AT/2744, room/2235
bare csupasz nudus nagi 439 A HAS lack(garment) RA
bargain alku pactio okazja 159 N after(agree), after(price)
bark ke1reg cortex kora 1254 N hard, cover[wood], protect[wood]
bark ugat latro szczekac1 2517 U <dog> MAKE sound/993[short, loud], =AGT AT/2744 conflict
barley zab avena owies 2670 N
barrel hordo1 cupa baryl1ka 1082 N cylinder, contain, HAS top, HAS bottom
barren meddo3 sterilis bezpl1odny 1613 A MAKE child, make[can/1246[lack]] MAKE lack(chid)
base alap fundamentum podstawa 146 u N part, AT/2744 bottom, CAUSE =POSS[fix]
base aljas abiectus niski 153 u A see 146 and 2757
base ba1zis NA baza 2755 u N artefact, IN/2758 @Baseball, four(corner), run TOUCH
baseball baseball # # # N game, ball PART_OF, two(group) PART_OF Longman real DV
basic alapveto3 # # 3050 A other NEED
basin ta1l lanx misa 2274 N
basket kosa1r corbis kosz 1437 N container, net, carry
bath fu2rdo3 balneum ka1piel 874 N CAUSE clean, body[clean] IN/2758 water, water IN/2758 container
bathe fu2rdet lavo ka1pac1 872 V bathe/873
bathe fu2rdik lavor ka1pac1_sie1 873 U after(clean), =PAT[<person>], =PAT IN/2758 liquid naive_theo:IN/2758 liquid ⇒ wet
bathroom mosdo1 balneum l1aziekna 3413 u N
battle csata proelium bitwa 390 N fight, INSTRUMENT weapon
be van sum byc1 2585 u U copula % empty definition
be_born szu2letik nascor rodzic1_sie1 2264 U born
beak cso3r rostrum dzio1b 420 N nose, bird HAS, strong, sharp naive_theo: tear INSTRUMENT
beam gerenda tignum promien1 896 N large, long, strong, horizontal, support, build INSTRUMENT
beam suga1r # # 2722 N line, light/739, FROM/2742 <sun> or lamp % RA
bean bab faba fasola 215 u N vegetable
bear tu3r patior znosic1 2452 N no Longman use
beard szaka1ll barba broda 2153 N hair/3359, AT/2744 face, man/744 HAS face to unify
beat u2t tundo bic1 2502 U hit[repeat]
beat u2tem modus uderzenie 2505 N
beautiful sze1p pulcher pie1kny 2170 A good, ' SEE
beautify sze1pi1t exorno upie1kszac1 2171 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[beautiful]] RA
because mert quod poniewaz1 1676 G =REL CAUSE
become vmve1_lesz fio stawac1_sie1 2655 U =AGT[=PAT[after]]
bed a1gy lectus l1o1z1ko 68 N furniture, rest IN/2758
bee me1h apis pszczol1a 1601 u N insect, HAS wing, HAS hair/3359, sting, <social>, PRODUCE honey CAUSE nectar[together], CAUSE pollen[together]
been van fui byl1 3414 u N
beer so2r cervisia piwo 2109 N
before ele1 ad przed 598 u D after(=REL FOLLOW) % figure and ground
before elo3tt ante przed 2768 u G primitive, =REL FOLLOW
beg ko2nyo2ro2g supplico bl1agac1 1383 V ask, =AGT WANT pity
begin kezd incipio zaczynac1 1312 u V after(=PAT)
behave viselkedik me_gero zachowywac1 2638 u U do
behaviour magatarta1s mores zachowanie 1584 N animal DO
behind mo2go2tt post za 1711 D direction, back/2639, visible[lack] x is behind y, x y mo2go2tt van % read Leonard Talmy
being van ens istota 3416 u N
belief hit opinio wiara 1063 N believe
believe hisz credo wierzyc1 1062 u V =AGT THINK[=PAT[true,real]]
bell harang campana dzwon 1000 N hollow, metal, instrument, HAS shape[cup/395], ring/2735 <HAS clapper>, cup_shaped
bell-shaped harang_alaku1 # # 3213 A HAS bell(shape) 5
bellow bo3g rudo/rugio muczec1 315 V roar, <bull>
belly has # # 2820 N non-LDV, added from swadesh
belong vkihez_tartozik sum_alcis nalez1ec1 2654 u U =PAT[member], =TO HAS =PAT
below lent infra poniz1ej 1534 A under
belt o2v cingulum pas 1868 N flexible, fix
bend hajli1t flecto zginac1 974 V bend/975
bend hajlik flecto zginac1_sie1 975 U =PAT HAS form[change], =PAT[straight/563[lack, after]]
bend i1v curvatura l1uk 1112 N lack(straight/563)
beneath ala1 sub pod 135 D under
berry bogyo1 baca jagoda 322 N fruit, small
beside melle1 iuxta obok 1658 D next_to
besides amellett praeterea z_wyja1tkiem 165 D other
best legjobb optimus najlepszy 1515 A good(ER all)
bestow adoma1nyoz dono udzielic1 118 V =AGT CAUSE[=DAT HAS =PAT[gift]]
better jobb melior lepszy 1198 u A good(ER')
between ko2ze1 in/inter mie1dzy 1409 u G AT/2744 space/2327, space/2327 SEPARATE =REL
beyond tu1l ultra poza 2437 u D
bicycle bicikli birota rower 292 u N vehicle, HAS frame, HAS [two(wheel)]
big nagy magnus duz1y 1744 u A ER'
bill cso3r rostrum dzio1b 421 N beak
bill sza1mla ratio rachunek 2140 N list, price ON
bill to2rve1nyjavaslat # # 2745 N
billiards billiards # # # N game, ball PART_OF, two(person) PART_OF, table PART_OF Longman real DV
bind ko2t ligo wia1zac1 1393 U tie
bird mada1r avis ptak 1576 u N vertebrate, MAKE egg, HAS feather, HAS two(wing) naive_theo: sit ON egg
birth szu2lete1s ortus narodziny 2263 N born
bit darab frustum kawal1ek 448 N piece
bite falat frustum kawal1ek 722 u N
bite harap mordeo gryz1c1 1001 u V cut, INSTRUMENT <tooth>
bitter keseru3 amarus goz1ki 1306 u A taste, sharp, coffee IS_A, poison IS_A
bitter-tasting keseru3_i2zu3 # # 3243 A HAS bitter(taste) 2
black fekete niger czarny 761 u A colour, dark, death HAS lack(colour)?
blade penge lamina ostrze 1954 N cut, HAS edge, flat, <sword> HAS
blame hiba1ztat incuso winic1 1052 V think[=AGT[ responsible ]]
bleed ve1rzik sanguino krwawic1 2600 U blood FROM/2742
bless a1ld benedico bl1ogosl1awic1 70 V =AGT CAUSE =PAT[holy]
blind vak caecus s1lepy 2572 N see[can/1246[lack]]
block akada1lyoz obstruo blokowac1 129 V =AGT CAUSE =PAT[lack(progress), lack(happen)]
block to2mb moles blok 2408 N
blood ve1r sanguis krew 2599 u N fluid, IN/2758 body, red
blow csapa1s ictus cios 2714 u V hit, sudden, hard, =AGT[animal] INSTRUMENT <fist>
blow fu1j flo dmuchac1 864 u V move, =AGT[<wind>], =PAT[<air>]
blue ke1k caeruleus niebieski 1237 A colour, sky HAS colour, cold RA: boyish
blue-black ke1k-fekete # # 3242 A blue, black 2
blue-green ke1k-zo2ld # # 3321 A blue, green 1
blue-grey ke1k-szu2rke # # 3320 A blue, grey 1
blue-white ke1kesfehe1r # # 3104 A blue, white
bluish-green ke1keszo2ld # # 3319 A green, blue 1
bluish-purple ke1keslila # # 3318 A purple, blue 1
board deszka axis deska 456 u N artefact, long, flat
boast ke1rked glorior chwalic1_sie1 1255 V speak, proud
boat hajo1 navis l1o1dz1 976 u N ship, small, open/1814
body test corpus cial1o 2370 u N object, animal HAS
boil forr fervo gotowac1_sie1 861 U liquid, hot, <'COOK/825>, gas IN/2758
bold ba1tor animosus odwaz1ny 212 A brave
bomb bomba pyrobolus bomba 331 N weapon, explode
bone csont os kos1c1 431 N rigid, tissue, frame, PART_OF body
book ko2nyv liber ksia1z1ka 1384 u N artefact, text IN/2758, HAS more(page), HAS cover, ' READ
boot csizma caliga but 413 N COVER foot, COVER leg
border hata1r confinium granica 1011 N official, line, SEPARATE <two(country)> RA
bore fu1r perforo wiercic1 865 V =AGT CAUSE[hole IN/2758 =PAT], INSTRUMENT roll <drill>
bore untat # # 2697 V =AGT CAUSE =PAT[weary/713], dull
born szu2letik nascor rodzic1_sie1 2265 V =AGT[after, live, <child>], before(=AGT IN/2758 mother)
borrow ko2lcso2no2z mutuor poz1yczac1 1375 V =FROM HAS =PAT, =FROM LET/971[=PAT AT/2744 =AGT]
both mindke1t uterque oboje 1697 A two, all
bottle u2veg lagoena butelka 2506 u N container, HAS narrow(top), liquid IN/2758, HAS material[<glass>,<plastic>]
bottle-shaped palack_alaku1 # # 3216 A HAS bottle(shape) 4
bottom fene1k fundus dno 787 N part, position, vertical(=POSS ER)
bound ko2tve # skok 3418 u N
bow hajol flecto # 2698 u V greet, INSTRUMENT bend/975(body), =AGT HAS body
bow i1j arcus l1uk 1108 u N weapon, shot INSTRUMENT, arrow RA
bow meghajol flecto kl1aniac1_sie1 2700 u V bow/2698
bowel be1l intestinum jelito 234 N stomach
bowl kupa scyphus miska 1462 N round, wide, food IN/2758
bowl-shaped ta1l_alaku1 # # 3227 A HAS shape[bowl, round] 3
box doboz capsa pudel1ko 478 u N container, HAS lid, cube
box-like doboz-szeru3 # # 3241 A box cold frame hidega1gy, van % 2
boy fiu1 puer chl1opiec 811 u N male, child
brain agy cerebrum mo1zg 122 N vertebrate HAS, CONTROL body, feel, conscious, thought IN/2758, memory IN/2758, emotion IN/2758
branch a1g ramus gal1a1z1 66 u N part, long, <tree HAS>, depend
branch-like a1g-szeru3 # # 3317 A branch broccoli stem % 1
brass bronz aes bra1z 340 u N metal, yellowish alloy
brass re1zfu1vos aerisonus de1te 2715 u N instrument, HAS [metal(tube)], air[move] FOR/2782 trumpet IS_A, trombone IS_A, french_horn IS_A,
brave ba1tor fortis odwaz1ny 213 u A confident, AT/2744 bad[<danger>], active ND: HAS courage
bread kenye1r panis chleb 1292 u N food, FROM/2742 flour, bake MAKE
bread-like kenye1r-szeru3 # # 3316 A food, FROM/2742 flour, bake MAKE 1
breadth sze1lesse1g latitudo szerokos1c1 2167 N
break to2r frango l1amac1 2411 u V =PAT[object], =PAT[rigid], after(separate), after(=PAT HAS more(piece)), sudden, violent
breakfast reggeli ientaculum s1niadanie 2003 N first(meal), IN/2758 morning
breast mell mamma piers1 1656 N two, organ, ON chest, woman HAS
breath le1legzet spiritus oddech 1500 N =AGT[animal] MOVE =PAT[air], air IN/2758 lung, air[out] % [animal INHALE] OR [animal EXHALE]
breathe le1legzik spiro oddechac1 1501 u U breath
breed tenye1szt educo hodowac1 2352 V
brick te1gla later cegl1a 2321 N
bridge hi1d pons most 1037 N structure, PART_OF road, vertical(ER <river>)
bright vila1gos clarus jasny 2629 u A shine
brightly-coloured vila1gos_szi2nu3 # # 3205 A HAS bright(colour) 8
bring hoz fero przynosic1 1088 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[here]]
broad sze1les latus szeroki 2165 A
broadcast suga1roz emitto emitowac1 2135 V =AGT CAUSE[programme IN/2758 device]
broken to2ro2tt abruptus zl1amany 3421 u N
brother o2cs frater brat 1843 N HAS parent, =POSS HAS parent, male
brown barna fuscus bra1zowy 231 u A colour shit HAS colour
brownish barna1s # # 2971 A brown[slight]
brownish-grey barna1sszu2rke # # 3240 A grey, brown 2
brownish-yellow barna1s-sa1rga # # 3315 A yellow, brown 1
brush kefe peniculus szczotka 1277 u N device, HAS hair/3359, HAS handle, clean INSTRUMENT, polish INSTRUMENT, paint INSTRUMENT
bubble bubore1k # # # N air, IN liquid Longman real DV
bucket vo2do2r hama wiadro 2656 N
build e1pi1t aedifico budowac1 513 V make, =PAT[<building>] HAS structure, before(material), thing PART_OF =PAT
building e1pu2let aedificium budynek 3125 u N artefact, structure, lack(outdoor) IN/2758, HAS roof, HAS more(wall), <house>
bull bika taurus byk 3423 u N
bullet golyo1 glans pocisk 901 N metal, FROM/2742 gun
bunch ko2teg fascis kupa 1397 N group, thing MEMBER, close/1413, before(fasten)
burn e1g ardeo palic1 497 u U =AGT[fire] CAUSE =PAT[lack]
burst fakad scato wytrysna1c1 718 U =AGT[begin]
burst robban # # 2709 V explode
bury ela1s infodio zakopac1 594 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT IN/2758 ground]
bury temet humo grzebac1 2347 V
bus busz autocarrus autobus 356 N vehicle, [more(passenger)] IN/2758, HAS motor, HAS stop, HAS regular(way)
bush bokor frutex krzew 324 N plant, low
business u2zlet negotium biznes 2974 u N organization, MAKE money
busy elfoglalt occupatus zaje1ty 616 A active, work, HAS lack(time)
but de sed ale 450 u D opposition
butter vaj butyrum masl1o 2570 N RESEMBLE fat/3337, soft, yellowish, FROM/2742 milk, food
buttocks fene1k # # 3363 N PART_OF body, sit ON
button gomb bulla/malleolus guzik 902 u N artefact, PART_OF machine[electric], finger PUSH
buy vesz emo kupowac1 2609 u V exchange, =AGT CAUSE[=AGT HAS =PAT, =FROM HAS money], before(=AGT HAS money), before(=FROM HAS =PAT), =AGT[pay/812]
buzzer csengo3 bombinator syrena 3425 u N
by -ra per przy 40 u G FOLLOW =REL
cage beza1r claudo uwie1zic1 284 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT IN/2758 cage/1307]
cage ketrec cavea klatka 1307 N artefact, animal IN/2758, enclose wire or bar that let in air and light/739
cake torta scriblita ciasto 2434 u N food, sweet, [ ' MAKE] INSTRUMENT bake, FROM/2742 flour, FROM/2742 butter, FROM/2742 sugar, FROM/2742 egg
calculate sza1mol calculo obliczac1 2141 V =AGT CAUSE[=AGT KNOW number], FROM/2742 information
call hi1v voco wol1ac1 1045 u V speak, =AGT MAKE[contact]
calm nyugodt tranquillus spokojny 1827 u A lack(motion), quiet, lack(angry), lack(nervous), lack(upset)
camel teve camelus wielbl1a1d 2382 u N
camera kamera cinematographica_machinula kamera 1221 N equipment, MAKE photograph, HAS lens
camp ta1bor castra obo1z 2271 u N
can ke1pes potest mo1c 1246 u U <do>
can konzerv cibus_conservatus puszka 1427 u N cylinder, metal, CONTAIN [<food>,<drink>] =AGT % OR
candidate jelo2lt # # 3399 N <person>, can/1246(person CHOOSE)
candle gyertya candela s1wieca 932 u N artefact, solid, long, round, <wax>, thread PART_OF, light/739 FROM/2742
cannot nem_ke1pes # # 2795 U lack(can/1246)
cap fedo3 operculum nakre1tka 753 N protect, cover, close/3381
cap sapka # # 2716 N garment, AT/2744 head, soft FIT[close/1413]
capital fo3- maximus/summus gl1o1wny 820 A important, ER', main
captain kapita1ny centurio kapitan 1228 N rank, LEAD/1803 team
car auto1 automobile samocho1d 184 u N vehicle, HAS four(wheel), <HAS engine>
carbon sze1n carboneum we1giel 3426 u N
card ka1rtya charta karta 1211 u N artefact, flat, rectangular, stiff, paper
card lap pagina karta 1490 u N
cardboard karton charta_spissa karton 1234 N paper, thick/2752, rigid material?
care a1pol curo piele1gnowac1 82 u V help, =PAT[sick], =AGT WANT [good FOR/2782 =PAT], =AGT THINK [=PAT[important]]
care gond diligentia opieka 903 u N
careful o1vatos cautus ostroz2ny 3427 u N
caretaker gondnok provisor opiekun 906 N person, job, FOR/2782 place/1026
carnivorous ragadozo1 # # 2731 N animal, EAT meat ND
carriage szeke1r currus powo1z 2178 N HAS wheel, vehicle
carry hord fero nosic1 1080 u V hold, transport
cart szeke1r currus wo1zek 2179 N vehicle, HAS wheel, load AT/2744 to take something somewhere in a cart, truck etc
case eset casus/causa sprawa 695 u N example, situation
case tok theca skrzynka 2423 u N
cast vet iacio rzudzac1 2612 V throw
castle va1r arx zamek 2556 N
cat macska felis kot 1575 u N mammal, <AT/2744 house>, CATCH/828 vertebrate, <pet/966>
catch csapda laqueus chwyt 387 u N device, catch/828
catch fog capio l1apac1 828 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[move[lack]]], after(hold)
cattle marha pecus bydl1o 1599 N mammal, herbivore, AT/2744 farm, PRODUCE milk ND
cause ok causa powo1d 1891 N reason
cave barlang caverna jaskinia 230 N hole, natural, IN/2758 earth, <HAS entrance>
cave u2reg cavum jaskinia 2499 N
cease abbamarad desino przestac1 109 U stop
cell elem membrum/particula/pila_electrica komo1rka 609 u N electric(energy) IN/2758 the type of cell used in a dry battery
cell sejt cella komo1rka 2076 u N place/1026, HAS border, small, space/2327
cement cement lithocolla cement 367 N material, build INSTRUMENT
cent cent teruncius cent 368 u N amount, <money>, small
centre ko2ze1p centrum centrum # N centre Longman real DV
centre ko2ze1ppont centrum centrum 1412 u N middle
century e1vsza1zad saeculum stulecie 547 N period, hundred(year)
cereal gabona # # 3340 N food FROM/2742 grain, plant AT/2744 agriculture, wheat IS_A, rice IS_A
ceremony u2nnepe1ly sollemne uroczystos1c1 2497 N formal, act, <PART_OF religion>, tradition conventional % HUN szertarta1s
certain egyes quidam pewien 567 u A ' KNOW
certainty bizonyossa1g certitudo pewnos1c1 299 N sure
chain la1nc catena l1an1cuch 1471 N object, metal, lot/3394(ring/402), rope
chair sze1k sella krzesl1o 2163 u N furniture, seat, one USE
chairman elno2k praeses prezes 636 N PART_OF group[<committee>], direct
chalk kre1ta creta kreda 1442 N <white>, CAUSE[mark ON surface], <write> INSTRUMENT <blackboard> HAS surface
challenge kihi1v provoco wyzywac1 1334 V =AGT OFFER[=PAT[compete]], conflict
chance ese1ly potestas szansa 691 N probability
chance ve1letlen # # 2770 N force, lack(knowledge) ABOUT, cause, lack(person LEAD/2617)
change csere mutatio zmiana 404 u N see 2554 (no use in the first 20 result with -„to change”)
change va1ltoztat muto zmieniac1 2554 u V =PAT[different[after]]
character jellem habitus charakter 1187 u N property[<moral>, <good>], <person HAS>, recognize INSTRUMENT
characteristic tulajdonsa1g # # 3352 N
charge di1j merces opl1ata 457 u N price
charge rohamoz oppugno atakowac1 2035 u V see 457, 2541
charge va1d accusatio oskarz1enie 2541 u N =PAT[responsible] HAS control HUN megbi1za1s, felelo3sse1g
charm ba1j venustas czar 195 N quality seduce % RA
chase u3z sequor s1cigac1 2510 V quick, follow, FOR/2782[catch/828] RA
chatter csiripel fritinno c1wierkac1 411 V talk[quick], friendly, lack(pause), ABOUT lack(serious), ABOUT lack(important)
cheap olcso1 vilis tani 1901 A HAS low(price), lack(expensive)
cheat csal fallo oszukiwac1 382 V trick/244
check csekk compesco sprawdzac1 3428 u N
cheek arc facies policzek 176 N PART_OF face, side, UNDER eye, NEXT_TO nose, NEXT_TO ear
cheer kede1ly hilaritas nastro1j 1267 N joy
cheerful vi1g laetus wesol1y 2620 A HAS joy
cheese sajt caseus ser 2060 N food, solid, FROM/2742 milk, <yellow>, <white>
chemical vegyi chemicus chemiczny 2602 A chemistry
chemistry ke1mia chemia chemia 1239 N science, ABOUT material, ABOUT atom ABOUT molecule
cheque csekk gyrus czek 397 N paper, write ON, amount ON, signature ON, pay/812 INSTRUMENT
chess sakk # # # N game, two(person) PART_OF, board PART_OF, king PART_OF Longman real DV
chest mell pectus piers1 1657 N front, PART_OF trunk/2759
chew ra1g rodo z1uc1 1983 N bite/1001, CAUSE[=PAT[fluid]]
chew_up megra1g arrodo z1uc1 1638 V no xml
chick csibe pullus kurczak 407 N young(chicken)
chicken csirke pullus kurcze1 412 N poultry naive_theo FOR/2782[meat,egg] % ND
chide korhol vitupero ganic1 1432 V say, lack(approve)
chief fo3 primus gl1o1wny 817 A
child gyerek puer/puella dziecko 931 u N person, young, lack(responsible), parent MAKE lack(adult)
chimney ke1me1ny fumarium komin 1238 N smoke THROUGH, vertical, structure, <vertical(ER roof)>
chin a1ll mentum broda 73 N ON face, AT/2744 centre, PART_OF lower(jaw)
chocolate csokola1de1 chocolata czekolada 426 N food, sweet cacao IN/2758
choice va1logatott electus wyborowy 2550 A
choose va1laszt eligo wybierac1 2546 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT FOR =AGT]
church egyha1z ecclesia kos1cio1l1 578 u N institution, FOR/2782 worship, religion HAS ND
cigarette cigaretta cigarulus papieros 372 u N artefact, full(tobacco[fine] IN/2758 tube[thin/2598,paper]), HAS consume[burn]
cinema mozi cinema kino 1730 N building, film IN/2758
circle ko2r circulus kol1o 1386 N shape, round, close/3381, curve
circular kerek rotundus okra1gl1y 1294 A shape, RESEMBLE circle, curve
circular ko2rko2ro2s rotundus okra1gl1y 1389 A circle
circular ko2rleve1l litterae_passim_dimissae oko1lnik 1390 N notice, many(person) READ
citizen polga1r civis obywatel 1963 A person, MEMBER political
city va1ros urbs miasto 2559 u N town, buy IN/2758, society/2285 IN/2758
civilize civiliza1l a_fera_agrestique_vita_ad_humanum_cultum_civilemque_deduco cywilizowac1 379 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT IN/2758 society/2285]
claim ko2vetel postulo twierdzic1 1403 V demand
clasp csat fibula klamra 389 N device, fasten
class oszta1ly ordo klasa 1920 N group, study
clatter zo2ro2g crepo klekotac1 2680 U
claw karom # # 2821 N non-LDV, added from swadesh
clay agyag argilla glina 123 u N soil, after(hard)
clean tiszta mundus czysty 2389 u A HAS lack(dirt)
cleanse tiszti1t purgo czys1c1ic1 2396 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[clean]]
clear tiszta purus czysty 2390 u A can/1246(see THROUGH) easily seen through
clergy papsa1g # # 2940 N official, LEAD/2617 religion, <priest>
clerk u2gyinte1zo3 clericus urze1dnik 2491 N
clever okos acutus ma1dry 1894 u A HAS mind[good]
cleverly-designed u2gyesen_megtervezett # # 3314 A HAS clever(design) 1
cliff szirt scopulus klif 2222 N high, rock, <AT/2744 shore>
climb ma1szik enitor wspinac1_sie1 1573 U move, after(up), hand AT/2744 surface, foot AT/2744 surface
cling tapad adhaereo przylegac1 2307 V
clock o1ra horologium zegar 1833 N instrument, FOR[KNOW time], SHOW time, more(number) ON
close csuk claudo zamkna1c1 3381 u V move, after(part AT/2744 other(part)), enter[lack, after], operate[lack, after], change[lack, after]
close ko2zeli intimus bliski 1413 u A
cloth poszto1 pannus material1 1973 N material, HAS fibre, wool IS_A to dry a person or animal by rubbing them with a cloth
cloth szo2vet textum material1 2232 N
cloth-covered ruha1val_bori2tott # # 3313 A cloth COVER 1
clothe o2lto2ztet induo ubierac1 1850 V =AGT CAUSE[garment AT/2744 =PAT] ZsA
clothes ruha vestis ubrania 2051 N cloth, ON body, human HAS body, CAUSE body[warm]
cloud felho3 nubes chmura 770 u N object, visible, water, drop, IN/2758 sky, <white>, <grey>
club bunko1 clava pal1ka 355 u N stick, strong, heavy, weapon
club klub coetus klub 1368 u N group, people MEMBER, HAS purpose, meet AT/2744, every(period)
coagulate megalvad concresco te1z1ec1 1617 U no xml
coal sze1n carbo we1giel 2169 N mineral, hard, black, burn, MAKE heat
coarse durva asper szorstki 491 A rough
coast part litus brzeg 1946 N land, NEXT_TO sea
coat kaba1t tunica_manicata pl1aszcz 1213 u N garment, HAS sleeve, outer, garment, COVER both(shoulder), COVER waist
coconut ko1kuszdio1 cocos kokos 1369 N fruit, large, brown, hard, HAS white (flesh), hole PART_OF, white(fluid) IN/2758 hole
coffee ka1ve1 coffea kawa 1212 N plant HAS seed, drink, CAUSE active
coin e1rme nummus moneta 524 N metal, flat, circular/1294, money
cold hideg frigidus zimno 1053 u N temperature, low
collar galle1r collare kol1nierz 887 N PART_OF garment, AROUND neck button-down Longman a button-down shirt or collar
collar ha1m iugum uzda 957 N see 887
collect gyu3jt colligo kolekcjonowac1 946 V =PAT[together[after]]
college egyetem universitas uniwersytet 572 u N university
colour szi1n colour kolor 2207 u N sensation, light/739, red IS_A, green IS_A, blue IS_A
colour szinez colouro kolorowac1 2219 u V
comb fe1su3 pecten grzebien1 746 N artefact, CAUSE[hair/3359[tidy]], HAS tooth
comb le1p favus plaster 1504 N
combine vegyi1t misceo mieszac1 2603 V =PAT[more], after(together)
come jo2n venio przychodzic1 1195 u U move, =AGT[near[after]]
come_to_pieces sze1tesik dissolvor rozpadac1_sie1 2174 U
comfort ke1nyelem commoditas wygoda 1240 N pleasure, rest
comfort vigasz solacium pocieszenie 2626 N good FOR soul
command parancs iussum rozkaz 1941 N speak, HAS authority, CAUSE =DAT[=PAT]
commemorate megu2l celebro upamie1tniac1 1653 V =AGT REMEMBER, INSTRUMENT ceremony no xml
committee bizottsa1g consilium komitet 301 N group, people, official, HAS purpose
common ko2zo2s communis wspo1lny 1415 u A AT/2744 many, more HAS, public BELONG[ more(<people>)] % BELONG_TO % HUN alternative ' ko2zo2nse1ges, a1tlagos '
communicate kommunika1l # # 3145 U =AGT GIVE information
companion ta1rs comes kompan 2282 N person, WITH/60 =POSS
company csapat manus towarzystwo 385 u N group, human
company va1llalat negotiatio firma 2549 u N organization, FOR/2782 business
compare o2sszehasonli1t comparo poro1wnywac1 1862 V <different>
comparison o2sszehasonli1ta1s comparatio poro1wnanie 1863 N compare
compass ta1jolo1 acus_magnetica kompas 2273 N
compete versenyez contendo rywalizowac1 2608 U goal PART_OF, victory PART_OF, opponent PART_OF
competition verseny certamen konkurs 3430 u N
complain panaszkodik queror skarz1yc1_sie1 1937 V express, =PAT[situation[bad FOR/2782 =AGT]]
complete teljes totus kompletny 2345 u A HAS part[all]
complex o2sszetett # # 3341 A HAS many(part), difficult, group difficult to understand
complicated bonyolult # # 3032 V difficult
compound elegy mixtio zwia1zek 606 A material IN/2758, other(material) IN/2758
computer sza1mi1to1ge1p ordinatrum komputer 2968 u N device, calculate, HAS programme, electric, information IN/2758
concern gond sollicitudo zmartwienie 904 N important, FOR/2782 =PAT, CAUSE =PAT[anxious]
concerning illeto3leg quod_pertinet_ad_aliquem dotycza1cy 1133 G about ill-formed
concert koncert certamen_musicum koncert 1425 N event, music AT/2744, entertainment
condition felte1tel condicio warunek 782 u N CAUSE[=REL[possible]]
condition ko2ru2lme1ny status warunek 2699 u N situation content: modify
conditions ko2ru2lme1nyek status warunki 3433 u N
conduct vezet # # 3353 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT AT/2744 goal], <energy[flow] IN/2758>
cone ku1p # # 2703 N object, HAS one(side), HAS flat(bottom), HAS peak
confidence bizalom # # # N trust Longman real DV
confident magabiztos # # 3027 A THINK good[self, after, sure] sure
confine elza1r claudo zamkna1c1 657 V keep/1646, bind
conflict visza1ly # # 3364 N lack(agree), fight, two AT/2744, <must[choose]>
conform megfelel # # 3375 N =AGT[good], good FOR/2782 =PAT
confuse o2sszekever confundo mylic1 1864 V think[clear[lack]], lack(understand), mistake, =AGT THINK thing[thing[other]] problematic: confuse sy
confused zavaros confusus zagubiony 2674 A
connect kapcsol coniungo l1a1czyc1 1227 V join
conquer ho1di1t expugno podbijac1 1067 V defeat, INSTRUMENT force
conscience lelkiismeret conscientia sumienie 1531 N KNOW good, ABOUT moral, ABOUT right/1191, LEAD/2617 thought, LEAD/2617 action, =POSS HAS thought, =POSS HAS action
conscious tudatos conscius s1wiadomy 2459 A notice, realize, awake, understand, deliberate, think, know
consecrated szentelt sacer us1wie1cony 2191 A
consider tekint considero rozwaz1ac1 2339 V think
considered tekintett consideratus uwaz2ane 3434 u N
consist van consisto skl1adac1_sie1 2586 u V =PAT PART_OF =AGT ENG consist_of, HUN a1ll
consonant egybehangzo1 congruens wspo1l1brzmia1cy 560 A agree
consonant ma1ssalhangzo1 consonans spo1l1gl1oska 1572 N sound/993, PART_OF speech
constant a1llando1 # # 3365 A lack(change)
consume elfogyaszt absumo konsumowac1 618 V =AGT USE[resource,<time>,<energy>,<food>,<drink>] contradicting defaults
consumer fogyaszto1 # # # N person, buy, USE service Longman real DV
contact e1rintkeze1s # # 3366 N thing AT/2744 other(thing)
contain tartalmaz contineo zawierac1 2313 u V =PAT IN/2758 =AGT
container tarta1ly vasculum pojemnik 2801 u N artefact, contain
content ele1gedett contentus zadowolony 600 A see contents % in ele1gedett sense: feeling, lack(NEED improvement)
contents tartalom argumentum zawartos1c1 2314 N IN/2758 '
continue folytat pergo kontinuowac1 850 u V after(action), before(action) lack(stop)
continuous folytonos continuus cia1gl1y 2172 u A lack(separate), lack (sudden)
contract megkap afficior zarazic1_sie1 1632 V see 2205
contract szerzo3dik paciscor zawierac1_umowe1 2205 V agree, written, =AGT AT/2744 law
control befolya1s vis kontrola 253 u N
control szaba1lyoz ordino kontrolowac1 2148 u V CAUSE[progress[<good>]], CAUSE happen, =PAT AT/2744 happen
control vezete1s ductus kontrola 2619 u N control
convenient ke1nyelmes commodus wygodny 1241 A satisfy English meaning is wider
conversation ta1rsalga1s sermo rozmowa 2286 N lack(formal), talk HUN = besze1lgete1s
cook fo3l coquitur gotowac1_sie1 822 u U
cook fo3z coquo gotowac1 825 u V =AGT MAKE <food>, INSTRUMENT heat
cook szaka1cs coquus kucharz 2152 u N person, <profession>, MAKE food TODO
cool hu3l frigesco chl1odzic1_sie1 1101 V
cool hu3vo2s frigidus chl1odny 1103 A temperature, normal ER, ER cold
copper re1z cyprium miedz1 2000 N red, brown, metal, conduct
copy ma1sol transcribo kopiowac1 1571 u V make, =PAT RESEMBLE original
cord ko2te1l restis sznurek 1395 N thin/2598, <rope>
corn kukorica zea kukurydza 1460 u N cereal, AT/2744 agriculture, cereal, grain[yellow], food
corner sarok angulus ro1g 2062 N point, turn AT/2744, sharp, two(side) AT/2744, catch/828 IN/2758, <four>, lack(centre)
corner zug angulus ka1t 2693 N 2062
correct helyes rectus poprawny 1029 u A CONFORM norm
cost a1r pretium koszt 84 u N price
cotton pamut linum_xylinum bawel1na 1936 N plant, soft, white, fibre
cough ko2ho2g tussio kaszlec1 1373 V air FROM/2742 lung, =AGT HAS lung, sudden, noise AT/2744, throat[<free>[after]], [bad AT/2744 throat] CAUSE
could ke1pes potest mo1c 1247 V to remove?
council tana1cs consilium rada 2300 N
count sza1mol numero liczyc1 2142 u V calculate, other(number) FOLLOW number
counter- ellen- contra- kontr- 629 D oppose
country orsza1g terra pan1stwo 1913 u N state/76
countryside vide1k # # 3049 N land, more(house) PART_OF, lack(town)
courage ba1torsa1g animus odwaga 214 N brave will ER fear % will[strong] 2011.04.19 % ND
course kurzus cursus kurs 2775 u N series, lesson PART_OF
course pa1lya cursus bieg 1927 u N way
court bi1ro2sa1g curia sa1d 3124 u N place/1026, INSTRUMENT law, judge AT/2744 related to 2515
court udvar curia sa1d 2515 u N outdoor(place/1026), ' AROUND related to 3137
cover fed tego okryc1 750 u V =AGT ON =PAT, protect, CAUSE[lack(=AGT SEE =PAT)]
cover_up befed contego zakryc1 251 V =AGT COVER =PAT[<dishonest>]
cover_up eltitkol obscuro ukrywac1 651 V =AGT CAUSE =PAT[secret]
cow tehe1n vacca krowa 2335 N mammal, <female>, <cattle>, <MAKE milk> „AT/2744 farm” moved to the definition of cattle % <mature>
coward gya1va timidus tcho1z1liwy 918 A danger CAUSE[HAS fear]
crack re1s rima pe1knie1cie 1994 u N hole, narrow
crash zu1z contundo niszczyc1 2691 V
crazed o3ru2lt insanus szalony 1879 A ?? EN = crazy
crazy o3ru2lt # # 3031 A strange, lack(sensible)
creak recseg fragorem_edit skrzeczec1 2001 V =AGT MAKE sound/993, move, =AGT[artefact]
cream kre1m cremor krem 1441 N substance, thick/2134, smooth, yellowish, <fat/3337>, <IN/2758 milk>, AT/2744 surface, <milk HAS surface>, <ON skin> conflicting defaults
cream szinejava flos s1mietanka 2218 N
creature teremtme1ny animal stworzenie 2354 N animal
creep ku1szik repo czol1gac1_sie1 1445 N move, body AT/2744 ground
cricket tu2cso2k gryllus s1wierszcz 2440 N insect, brown, jump, MAKE sound/993 leap, <chirp>, HAS antennae
crime bu3n delictum zbrodnia 346 u N action, illegal
criminal bu3no2s sceleratus kryminalny 347 A crime
criticize kritiza1l mordeo krytykowac1 3040 u V talk, talk ABOUT[problem IN/2758 =PAT]
crop ro2vidre_va1g reseco wycinac1 2030 u V see 2361
crop terme1s messis zbio1r 2361 u N plant, AT/2744 agriculture, product
cross kereszt crux krzyz1 1300 u N shape, line AT/2744 other(line), symbol, <HAS upright(post/2740)>, <HAS horizontal>, <christian>
crowd to2meg multitudo tl1um 2409 N
crown korona corona korona 1434 N symbol, ON head, gold, authority
cruel kegyetlen crudelis okrutny 1283 A CAUSE pain HAS lack(mercy)
crush o2sszeroppant infringo miaz1dz1yc1 1866 N press, break, INSTRUMENT[two(surface)]
cry si1r fleo pl1akac1 2095 U weep[aloud], grief CAUSE
cry_out felkia1lt exclamo wykrzykna1c1 778 U say, loud which sense?
cube kocka # # 2701 N object, HAS four(side), HAS flat(top), HAS flat(bottom)
cultivate kimu3vel excolo kultywowac1 1345 V =AGT[work] ON =PAT[land], crop[raise[after]] AT/2744 =PAT
cultivate termeszt aro uprawiac1 2364 V
cup cse1sze phiala filiz1anka 395 u N container, small, open/1814, drink IN, HAS flat(bottom), HAS handle
cup kupa poculum kubek 1463 u N
cupboard szekre1ny armarium szafa 2180 u N furniture, HAS door, HAS shelf, store
cure gyo1gyi1t sano uzdrawiac1 934 V heal
cure ku1ra cura leczenie 1444 N AT/2744 disease, CAUSE health
curl fu2rt cirrus lok 875 N HUN hajlik % TWIST <hair/3359>, MAKE[<ringlet>,<coil>]
curl hajlik # # 3123 U lack(flat)
current folyam flumen pra1d 844 N move[steady,smooth]
curse a1tok exsecratio przeklen1stwo 107 N pray, FOR/2782[=PAT HAS harm] content: CAUSE?
curtain fu2ggo2ny velum zasl1ona 867 N hang, AT/2744 <window>, decorate, CAUSE shade AT/2744 cavity
curve go2rbe curvamen krzywa 898 u N line, lack(straight/563), lack(plane/2090), bend/1112, HAS direction[lack(constant)]
custom szoka1s consuetudo zwyczaj 2236 N common (behaviour)
customer vevo3 emptor klient 2711 u N buy agt of
cut va1g seco cia1c1 2542 u V separate, INSTRUMENT edge RA
cut_in_pieces sze1tva1g disseco kroic1 2175 V
cut_off leva1g deseco obcinac1 1538 V cut, after(=PAT[lack] AT =FROM) head, arm, skin, branch, hair
cut_up felva1g disseco pocia1c1 784 V cut, after(open/1814)
cutlery evo3eszko2z # # 3354 N knife IS_A, fork IS_A, spoon IS_A, FOR/2782 eat
cycle ciklus circulus cykl 374 N time, repeat IN/2758, change IN/2758
cylinder henger # # 2704 N object, HAS one(side), HAS flat(bottom), HAS top
daily napi quotidianus codziennie 1756 A AT/2744 day, regular
damage ka1r damnum zniszczenie 1209 u N bad(situation)
damage se1ru2le1s vulnus zniszczenie 2066 u N see 1209
dance ta1nc saltatio taniec 2278 u N move, HAS rhythm, <INSTRUMENT music>
danger vesze1ly periculum niebezpieczen1stwo 2610 N can/1246(harm)
dare mer audeo waz1yc1_sie1 1670 V
dare mere1szel audeo waz1yc1_sie1 1672 V =AGT[brave], =PAT
daring mere1sz audax odwaz1ny 1671 A bold no xml
daring mersz animus odwga 1675 N bold no xml
dark so2te1t obscurus ciemny 2110 u A lack(light/739)
dark-blue so2te1tke1k # # 3311 A dark, blue 1
dark-coloured so2te1t_szi2nu3 # # 3310 A HAS dark(colour) 1
date da1tum dies data 441 N information, day PART_OF, month PART_OF, year PART_OF
date ered orior datowac1_sie1 674 U =FROM[origin,time], time IN/2758 past
daughter la1nya filia co1rka 1475 N female, offspring, =POSS[parent], HAS parent relational
day nap dies dzien1 1754 u N period, week HAS, month HAS, HAS more(hour), sun ON sky, work AT/2744
dead holt mortuus niez1ywy 1076 u A lack(live), before(live)
deal alku pactio interes 160 u N agree, <secret>, <business>
deal foglalkozik contraho zajmowac1_sie1 2776 u V activity
deal oszt distribuo rozdawac1 1918 u V see 2779
dear dra1ga carus ukochany 484 N good FOR
death hala1l mors s1mierc1 981 N life[lack, after]
debt ado1ssa1g aes_alienum dl1ug 117 N must[=POSS PAY/812] modality
decay romla1s pernicies rozkl1ad 2041 N material[change[slow]], health[lack, after]
deceive megte1veszt fallo oszukiwac1 1647 V trick/244
decide do2nt decerno decydowac1 471 u U want, before(=AGT HAS more(possibility)), after(=PAT) ZsA
decimal tizes N/A dziesia1tkowy 2402 A
decision do2nte1s consilium decyzja 2957 u N decide
deck fede1lzet constratum pokl1ad 752 N floor, <ship HAS>
deck pakli N/A talia 1934 N pack, card MEMBER, play INSTRUMENT card
declare kijelent declaro deklarowac1 1336 V =AGT CAUSE[=DAT[<everybody>] KNOW =PAT[<official>]]
decorate di1szi1t # # 2736 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[beautiful]]
decoration di1sz ornamentum dekoracja 3441 u N
decrease cso2kken decresco zmniejszac1_sie1 415 U reduce
deed tett factum czyn 2380 N act
deep me1ly altus gl1e1boki 1602 N HAS[bottom[far]]
deer o3z caprea jelen1 1887 N mammal, wild, can/1246(run), EAT grass, HAS horn/2772
defeat legyo3z vinco pokonac1 1520 V before(compete), =AGT HAS success, =PAT[loose] =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[loose]]
defeat verese1g clades przegrana 2606 N
defence ve1delem praesidium obrona 2594 N
defend ve1d defendo bronic1 2592 V =OBL[attack], =AGT CAUSE[safe(=PAT)] =OBL is maleficient
defiant dacos contumax wyzywaja1cy 442 A resist, bold
definite hata1rozott # # 3011 A change[lack, after], before(decide)
degree fok gradus stopien1 836 u N step, process HAS scale HAS % Longman: qualification
delay halaszt differo przel1oz1yc1 984 V lack(do), AT/2744 long(time), after(do)
deliberate sza1nde1kos # # 2814 A conscious DO, man/659 WANT effect/1014
delicate finom subtilis delikatny 808 A beautiful, HAS value, sensitive
delight o2ro2m gaudium przyjemnos1c1 1855 N great(pleasure)
deliver lesza1lli1t trado dostarczac1 1537 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT AT/2744 proper (place/1026)]
demand ko2vetel posco z1a1dac1 1404 V =AGT WANT [=AGT HAS =PAT], =AGT THINK[=AGT HAS right/3122, urgent]
department oszta1ly divisio wydzial1 1921 N PART_OF organization
depend fu2gg pendeo zalez1ec1 866 U =AGT NEED =PAT[support], =PAT[situation], =AGT HAS situation
dependent fu2ggo3 pendens zalez1ny 868 N depend
depth alj fundus gl1e1bokos1c1 152 N see 2756
depth me1lyse1g # # 2754 N distance, FROM/2742 top, TO/2743 bottom
derive ered orior wywodzic1_sie1 675 U =AGT HAS origin[=FROM]
derive levezet derivo wywodzic1 1542 V no xml
descend lemegy descendo opadac1 1532 U sink/2747 go?
describe lei1r describo opisywac1 1526 V communicate, =AGT GIVE information, information ABOUT =PAT
description lei1ra1s descriptio opis 1527 N describe
descriptive lei1ro1 descriptivus opisowy 1528 A no xml
desert elhagy desero opus1cic1 620 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[empty,alone]], lack(help), lack(support) empty OR alone
desert puszta loca_deserta pustynia 1981 A area/2366, life[lack] IN, rain[lack] IN
deserve e1rdemel mereor zasl1ugiwac1 518 V before(=AGT DO <good>), should[after(=AGT GET/1223 =PAT)]
design terv propositum plan 2368 u N plan ABOUT produce HUN terveze1s
desire va1gyik desidero pragna1c1 2544 V feeling, want
desk asztal mensa biurko 179 N furniture, HAS flat(top), write ON top
destroy lerombol demolior niszczyc1 1536 u V damage, =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[lack(exist), lack(operate), lack(live)]]
detail re1sz pars szczego1l1 1995 N
detail re1szlet pars szczego1l1 1999 N PART_OF information, exact
determine meghata1roz determino ustalac1 1627 V decide HUN elhata1roz
detest uta1l odi nienawidziec1 2532 V =AGT DISLIKE/3382 intensely
develop fejleszt excolo budowac1 758 u V
develop fejlo3dik confirmor rozwijac1_sie1 759 u U =PAT[er[after, good]]
develop kifejleszt excolo rozwijac1 1333 u V
development fejlo3de1s progressio rozwo1j 3442 u N
device ke1szu2le1k # # 3142 N artefact, machine
devil o2rdo2g diabolus diabel1 1853 N evil, supernatural, person, enemy, god HAS enemy relational noun: god ENEMY? % ND
devour elnyel absorbeo poz1erac1 638 V eat, =PAT[lack, after], greedy
diamond gye1ma1nt adamas diament 925 N hard, mineral, HAS lack(colour), <jewellery>
dictionary szo1ta1r dictionarium sl1ownik 2228 N book, list[word] IN/2758, <meaning IN/2758>, <pronunciation IN/2758> <etymology IN/2758>
die meghal morior umierac1 1626 u U =PAT[dead[after]]
difference ku2lo2nbse1g discrimen ro1z1nica 1451 N part[lack(same)] antonym : similar(ity)
different ma1s diversus inny 1566 u A lack(similar), lack(like/1701)
difficult nehe1z difficilis trudny 1771 u A =DAT NEED large(effort), effort FOR/2782 difficult effort OR skill
difficulty nehe1zse1g difficultas trudnos1c1 1773 N difficult
dig a1s fodio kopac1 94 u V move, =AGT MAKE hole, hole IN/2758 earth, INSTRUMENT spade
dimension dimenzio1 # # 3355 N quantity, IN/2758 place/2326
dinner vacsora cena obiad 2563 N main(meal)
dip ma1rt immergo moczyc1 1564 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT IN/2758 liquid], temporary
direct ira1nyi1t rego skierowac1 1149 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT HAS direction]
direction ira1ny regio kierunek 1148 N relation, HAS target, IN/2758 space/2327, position
dirt kosz sordes brud 1438 N earth IS_A, mud IS_A, dust IS_A
dirty koszos sordidus brudny 1439 u A HAS dirt
dis- nem dis- nie- 1774 G lack
disappoint kia1bra1ndi1t fallo rozczarowac1 1324 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[sad]], before(=PAT EXPECT other), expect[fail] event struct
disc lemez discus dysk 3443 u N
discourage elriaszt deterreo znieche1cac1 647 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[confident[lack]]]
discover felfedez reperio odkrywac1 768 u V after(know), before(effort)
discuss megvitat confero przedyskutowac1 3019 u V speak ABOUT =PAT
disease ko1r morbus choroba 1370 u N bad(situation), organ IN/2758 HAS symptom
dish e1tel cibus potrawa 541 N food, PART_OF meal
dish ta1l lanx naczynie 2275 N open/1814, food IN/2758
dishonest tisztesse1gtelen fraudulentus nieszczery 3445 u N
disk lemez # # # N device, CONTAIN information Longman real DV
dismiss elhesseget absterreo odprawic1 623 V employ[lack, after] HUN elbocsa1t
dissolve old diluo rozpuszczac1 1902 V no xml
distance ta1v distantia odlegl1os1c1 2290 u N space/2327 HAS size, space/2327 BETWEEN
distant messzi longinquus daleki 1679 A far
distress szoronga1s # # 2706 N anxiety
distress szu2kse1g angustiae potrzeba 2258 N see 2706
distressing aggaszto1 dubius niepokoja1cy 120 A CAUSE anxiety
disturb zavar turbo przeszkadzac1 2673 V interrupt, =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[lack(calm)]] worried, upset
ditch a1rok fossa ro1w 91 N hole, long, IN/2758 earth, artificial, <water[move] IN>
divide oszt divido dzielic1 1919 u V split
division re1sz pars dywizja 1996 N no xml
do tesz facio robic1 2372 u N cause, =AGT[animal], =PAT[happen]
dock dokk # # # N place/1026, PART_OF port Longman real DV
doctor orvos medicus lekarz 1914 N person, heal
document irat litterae dokument 1150 N written, <paper>, official
dog kutya canis pies 1465 u N animal, carnivorous, faithful ND
dollar dolla1r Americanus_nummus dolar 480 N money, country HAS
donkey szama1r asinus osiol1 2156 N
door ajto1 foris drzwi 128 N artefact, AT/2744 entrance, open/1814, close/3381
doorway kapualj porta futryna 1230 N space/2327, AT/2744 door
dot pont punctum kropka 1968 N small, round, mark no xml
double dupla duplex podwo1jny 490 N two
doubt gyani1t suspicor podejrzewac1 923 V lack(believe), lack(sure) HUN: ke1tse1g
down le deorsum w_do1l1 1498 u D vertical('ER)
drag vonszol traho cia1gna1c1 2662 V
draw hu1z traho cia1gna1c1 1095 u V write
draw rajzol pingo rysowac1 2707 u V =AGT MAKE line, represent INSTRUMENT picture, INSTRUMENT <pencil>
draw von delineo rysowac1 2660 u V
drawer fio1k arca szuflada 810 N contain, PART_OF furniture[<desk>], ' PULL, ' PUSH, box naive_theo:pull → out, push → in
drawing rajz figura rysunek 3447 u N
dream a1lom somnium sen 81 N IN/2758 mind, AT/2744 sleep, event, lack(real)
dress o2lto2zik induo ubierac1_sie1 1849 V clothe
dress ruha vestis suknia 2052 N garment RA
drink iszik bibo pic1 1161 u V =PAT[liquid,<alcoholic>] IN/2758 mouth, =AGT HAS mouth, swallow „alcoholic” suggested by Randall 4.1.1 (12)
drink ital potio napo1j 1164 u N liquid, IN/2758 mouth, swallow, <alcohol> % ND
drip csepeg rorat kapac1 403 V fall/2694, =PAT[more(drop)]
drive vezet rego prowadzic1 2614 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[<car>,move]], control
driver vezeto3 auriga kierowca 3448 u N
drop ejt demitto upus1cic1 588 u V =PAT[fall/2694]
drown fullad mergo tona1c1 880 U die, =PAT[breathe[lack]] CAUSE, =AGT HAS oxygen[lack, <air>], <=PAT IN/2758 liquid>
drug drog medicamentum_stupefactivum narkotyk 486 u N substance, medical
drug k1bi1to1szer venenum narkotyk 2954 u N substance, illegal, CAUSE[happy]
drum dob tympanum be1ben 476 N music INSTRUMENT, instrument, round, HAS surface[tight], ' HIT
drum-shaped dob_alaku1 # # 3309 A HAS drum(shape) 1
drunk ittas potus pijany 1165 A alcohol CAUSE, =AGT HAS lack(control)
dry sza1raz siccus suchy 2145 A lack(wet) anto
duck kacsa anas kaczka 1214 N bird, AT/2744 water, HAS short(leg), HAS wide(beak) migratory % unfinished % ND
dull tompa hebes te1py 2431 A lack(sharp) anto % Longman use opposite of sharp (pain)
during ko2zben inter/interea podczas 1408 G AT/2744 time, time AT/2744 =REL
dust por pulvis kurz 1970 u N substance, fine, dry, particle, powder, <dirt>
duty ado1 tributum cl1o 115 N
duty ko2telesse1g officium obowia1zek 1398 N must[ ' DO], <society/2285> WANT[=POSS DO]
duty va1m portorium cl1o 2555 N
dwell lakik habito mieszkac1 1486 U live[permanent], in/2758
e-mail i1me1l # # 3105 N mail, INSTRUMENT computer
each mind quisque kaz1dy 1693 G all
eager moho1 avidus che1tny 1716 u A HAS desire, lack(wait)
ear fu2l auris ucho 870 N organ, hear INSTRUMENT
early korai maturus wczesny 1431 A AT/2744 time, ER time
earn keres mereo zarabiac1 1296 u V after(=AGT HAS =PAT[money]), before(=AGT[work])
earth fo2ld terra ziemia 815 u N planet, IN/2758 space/2509, life ON, ocean ON, island ON, HAS atmosphere
east kelet oriens wscho1d 1284 N direction, ON earth, right/1199, map HAS right/1199(side)
eastern keleti orientalis wschodni 1285 A east
easy ko2nnyu3 facilis l1atwy 1380 u A lack(difficult) antonym
eat eszik edo jes1c1 700 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT IN/2758 mouth], swallow, =PAT[<food>], <bite/1001>, <chew>, =AGT HAS mouth
economy gazdasa1g # # 3068 N system, trade, industry, manage, money, profit, country HAS, low(cost)
edge e1l acies kant 503 u N part, thin/2598, sharp, blade HAS, cut, instrument HAS
educate oktat doceo uczyc1 1897 V teach
education oktata1s educatio edukacja 3450 u N
effect hata1s effectus rezultat 1014 u N <event> CAUSE
effect okoz efficio powodowac1 1896 u V cause
effective hate1kony efficax efektywny 1016 u A CAUSE '
effort ero3feszi1te1s labor wysil1ek 687 N USE energy, attempt
egg toja1s ovum jajo 2422 u N food, round, animal[<hen>] MAKE, HAS thin/2598(shell)
egg-shaped toja1sdad # # 3308 A HAS egg(shape) 1
eight nyolc # # 2997 A number, FOLLOW seven
eight-day nyolcnapos # # 3307 A AT/2744 time, time HAS length[day[eight]] 1
either egyik alter N/A 579 A one
eject kidob eicio wyrzucac1 1328 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[out]], INSTRUMENT force
elastic rugalmas elasticus elastyczny 2050 A flexible
elbow ko2nyo2k cubitus l1okiec1 1382 N joint, bend/975, PART_OF arm
elder ido3sebb maior starszy 1122 A wise, old, person ND
eldest legido3sebb maximus najstarszy 1514 A old(ER all), MEMBER ', person
elect va1laszt creo/lego wybierac1 2547 V =AGT CHOOSE =PAT[person], after(=PAT AT/2744 official)
electric villamos electricus elektryczny 2632 A INSTRUMENT electricity
electrical villamos electricus elektryczny 2633 A electric
electrician villanyszerelo3 instructor_electricus elektryk 2636 N
electricity a1ram fluidum_electricum elektrycznos1c1 88 u N power, move, <FOR device>, <IN/2758 wire>
electricity villamossa1g vis_electrica elektrycznos1c1 2634 u N
electro-convulsive_therapy elektrosokk-tera1pia # # 3306 N @Electroconvulsive_therapy 1
electronic elektromos electronicus elektronyczny 3451 u N
element elem elementum pierwiastek 3452 u N
elephant elefa1nt elephantus sl1on1 605 u N mammal[large,herbivore], lack(hair/3359), HAS trunk/1910, HAS large(ear) HAS tusks[ivory], ear HAS shape[fan]
eleven tizenegy # # 3069 A number, FOLLOW ten
else vagy aut albo 2567 u G other HUN: ma1s
embarrass zavarba_hoz # # 2973 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT FEEL shame], =PAT AT/2744 other(people)
emotion e1rzelem affectus emocja 3010 u N state/77, IN/2758 mind, feeling
emphasize hagsu1lyoz # # 2818 V CAUSE[=DAT KNOW[=PAT[important]]]
empire birodalom imperium imperium 294 N group, more(country) IN/2758, political, unit, one(person) CONTROL
employ alkalmaz munus_alci_mando zatrudnic1 155 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[work,=PAT HAS money]]
empty u2res vacuus pusty 2501 u A lack IN
en- bele intro w- 257 G CAUSE[ ' IN/2758] % encapsulate
enclose beza1r obsero zamkna1c1 285 V around, =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[shut/2668]]
encourage biztat hortor zache1cic1 302 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[lack(fear), brave]]
end ve1g finis koniec 2596 u N part, lack(continue)
endure kibi1r perfero znosic1 1327 V =PAT[bad,happen], =AGT[suffer], =AGT[live[after]]
enemy ellense1g hostis wro1g 632 N WANT[injure, damage], injure FOR/2782 =POSS, damage FOR/2782 =POSS
energy energia energia energia 2804 u N work[physical]
engine ge1p machina silnik 893 N machine, CAUSE[move] HUN motor % CONSUME fuel
englishman angol # # 2762 N MEMBER @United_Kingdom
enjoy e1lvez fruor cieszyc1_sie1 508 V =PAT CAUSE[=AGT HAS pleasure]
enough ele1g satis wystarczy 599 u A HAS quantity, satisfy
enquire nyomoz investigo dowiadywac1_sie1 1820 V no xml
enter bele1p intro wejs1c1 258 u V go, after(=AGT IN/2758 =PAT)
entertain szo1rakoztat # # 3023 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT HAS pleasure]
entertainment szo1rakoza1s # # 3356 N FOR/2782 pleasure HUN alter mulat
entrance beja1rat porta wejs1cie 256 N place/1026, [<person>[enter]] THROUGH, <door>
envelop bebori1t velo okryc1 242 V cover fully % ZsA
envelope bori1te1k involucrum koperta 333 N container, flat, paper, letter/1539 IN/2758
environment ko2rnyezet # # 3018 N live IN/2758
equal azonos idem identyczny 191 u A
equal egyenlo3 aequalis ro1wny 565 u A HAS quantity, =OBL HAS quantity German gleichen DAT
equal-sized azonos_me1retu3 # # 3305 A HAS equal(size) 1
equator egyenli1to3 # # 2939 N line AT/2744 middle, earth HAS middle
equipment berendeze1s # # 2788 N tool, ' HAS
eruption kito2re1s eruptio wybuch 1362 N explode
escape szo2kik fugio uciekac1 2231 U move, =AGT[out[after]], <before(=AGT AT/2744 danger)>
especially fo3leg imprimis szczego1lnie 823 u D specific, important, ER' emphasis ON
especially fo3leg praesertim gl1o1wnie 2816 u A example
essence le1nyeg essentia sedno 1503 N important, CAUSE[=POSS HAS identity]
establish alapi1t constituo zakl1adac1 148 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[exist,permanent]]
etc. stb. etcetera itd. 3456 u N
even egyenletes aequus ro1wnomierny 564 u A flat flat/1493
even si1k planus ro1wny 2087 u A flat flat/1493
evening este vesper wieczo1r 699 u N period, light/739[decrease] AT/2744, before(afternoon), after(night) FOLLOW afternoon, night FOLLOW
event eseme1ny eventum wydarzenie 692 u N activity, AT/2744 place/1026, <important> TODO
ever egyre perpetuo cia1gle 582 u D ER'
ever valaha quandoque kiedys1 2767 u A AT/2744 time quantification
every mind omnis kaz1dy 1694 G all
everybody mindenki # # 3396 N every, person
everyone mindenki # # 2961 G person, all
everything minden # # 2979 G every, thing
evil gonosz malus zl1y 912 N moral(bad)
exact exakt exactus dokl1adny 705 u A correct Longman use precise information
exactly pontosan prout dokl1adnie 3458 u N
exalt dicse1r laudo chwalic1 463 V praise
examination vizsga probatio egzamin 2652 N
examine vizsga1l examino badac1 2653 V watch, WANT[=AGT KNOW more], more ABOUT =PAT
example pe1lda exemplum przykl1ad 1950 N pattern HAS, representative, typical illustrate
excellent kitu3no3 egregius doskonal1y 1363 A quality, ER'
except kive1ve praeter opro1cz 1365 G lack
exchange csere mutatio wymiana 405 u N before(=PAT[<good>] AT/2744 person), after(=PAT AT/2744 other(person)) TODO
excite izgat excito podniecac1 1167 V =PAT[person], =AGT CAUSE[=PAT HAS strong (feeling)]
excited izgatott # zainteresowany 3593 u A
excuse megbocsa1t ignosco wybaczac1 1619 V
excuse mentse1g # # 2708 N accident CAUSE[lack(blame) AT =POSS]
exercise edz exerceo c1wiczyc1 550 u V see 920
exercise gyakorol exerceo c1wiczyc1 920 u V repeat, develop/758, =AGT CAUSE[skill[better]], <sport>
exhausted kimeru2lt exhaustus wyczerpany 1343 A work CAUSE, HAS resource[lack, <energy>]
exhilarate u2di1t exhilaro ods1wierzac1 2485 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[ happy ]] =AGT CAUSE[=PAT [feel refreshed]] % no Longman use
exist van exsto byc1 2587 u V real
expect va1r exspecto spodziewac1_sie1 2557 u V =AGT THINK[=PAT[real] AT/2744 future]
expend kiad expendo wydawac1 1326 V spend
expensive dra1ga # # 2830 A HAS high(price)
experience a1te1l cognosco/video dos1wiadczac1 101 u V
experience tapasztal experior dos1wiadczac1 2308 u V after(=AGT REMEMBER =PAT), =PAT factive
explain megmagyara1z interpreto tl1umaczyc1 1636 V =AGT CAUSE[=DAT UNDERSTAND =PAT]
explanation magyara1zat interpretatio wytl1umaczenie 1586 N
explode robban displodor wybuchac1 2031 V sudden, move, violent, pressure CAUSE, pressure IN/2758 =AGT
explosion robbana1s diruptio wybuch 2032 N explode
explosive robbane1kony qui_facile_disploditur wybuchowy 2033 A can/1246(explode) modality
express kifejez effor wyrazic1 2757 u V =AGT CAUSE[=DAT KNOW =PAT]
express kimondott enuntiatus wyraz1ony 1344 u A
expression a1bra1zat facies mina 64 u N
expression kifejeze1s significatio wyraz1enie 1332 u N word[<more>] <idea> IN/2758
extend kiterjeszt dilato rozszerzac1 1361 V =AGT CAUSE[long(=PAT ER)]
extol dicso3i1t laudo wychwalac1 466 V praise
extreme rendki2vu2li # # 2786 A ER'
exult ujjong exsulto cieszyc1_sie1 2523 U rejoice no Longman use
eye szem oculus oko 2182 u N organ, see INSTRUMENT, animal HAS, ON face, <two>
eyelid szemhe1j palpebra powieka 2189 N
face arc vultus twarz 177 u N organ, surface, front, PART_OF head, forehead PART_OF, chin PART_OF, ear PART_OF, jaw PART_OF
fact te1ny factum fakt 2323 u N HAS proof[exist]
factory gya1r officina fabryka 915 N building, produce IN/2758
fade fakul decolour_fio bledna1c1 720 U =PAT[bright[lack, after]], lack(loud)], after(lack(' SEE =PAT))
fail kudarcotvall fallo zawodzic1 1459 u U lack(succeed/2718)
failure kudarc calamitas przegrana 1458 N fail
faint ela1jul deficior mdlec1 593 U =PAT[conscious[lack, after]]
faint halk submissus cichy 985 A sound/993, 'ER
fair korrekt rectus/honestus prawidl1owy 1435 u A good(treat)
fair szo3ke flavus jasny 2234 u A
fair va1sa1r mercatus jarmark 2561 u N
fairly megleheto3sen aeque cal1kiem 3460 u N
fairy tu2nde1r diva_quaedam wro1z1ka 2444 N HAS magic, person, fly ND
faith hit fides wiara 1064 N belief, religious ND
faithful hu3 fidus wierny 1099 A HAS faith ND
fall o3sz autumnus jesien1 1883 u N autumn ND
fall zuhan cado spadac1 2694 u U =PAT[move], =PAT[down[after]]
false hamis falsus fal1szywy 990 A lack(fact), lack(truth)
fame hi1rne1v gloria sl1awa 1044 N many THINK[=PAT[good]]
familiar ismero3s notus znajomy 1158 A =AGT KNOW
family csala1d familia rodzina 383 u N group, [<two>(parent)] PART_OF, child[<more>] PART_OF
famous hi1res illustris sl1awny 1043 A many KNOW
fan legyez ventilo wachlowac1 1519 V =AGT Longman uses fan in „rajongo1” sense, see 2710
fan rajongo1 # # 2710 N LIKE/3382 =POSS[famous], passionate, enthusiastic, =POSS[<actor>, <PLAY sport>]
fancy kedv voluntas zachcianka 1268 N Longman uses fancy in the „puccos” sense (ritzy), see 2987
fancy puccos # # 2964 A superior, quality
far messze procul daleko 1678 A AT/2744 great(distance)
farm farm ager gospodarstwo 727 u N land, work AT/2744, produce, building ON
farmer gazda agricola rolnik 890 N person, work ON farm
fart fing crepitus ba1k 807 N gas FROM/2742 buttocks, =AGT HAS buttocks
fashion divat mos moda 469 N popular, style, ABOUT <garment>, AT/2744 period
fashionable divatos novus/elegans modny 470 A CONFORM[fashion]
fast bo2jt ieiunium post 309 u N period, FOR religion, person EAT little ND
fast gyors celer szybki 940 u A quick
fast-moving gyorsan_mozgo1 # # 3304 A fast/940, move 1
fasten ro2gzi1t stabilio przymocowywac1 2025 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[firm/2215]]
fat ko2ve1r pinguis gruby 1399 u A HAS body[wide, heavy], much(fat/3337) IN/2758 body
fat zsi1r adeps tl1uszcz 3337 u N substance, RESEMBLE oil, <IN/2758 food>, <UNDER skin>
fate sors sors los 2120 N
father apa pater ojciec 173 N parent, male
fatten hi1zlal sagino tuczyc1 1046 V =PAT[fat/1399[after]]
faucet csap epistomium kran 384 N device, CONTROL liquid[flow]
fault hiba delictum wina 1050 N =POSS CAUSE problem
favor kegy favor przysl1uga 1278 N no Longman use
favour kegy favor przysl1uga 1279 u N friendly, act, free % HUN szi2vesse2g TODO
favourable kedvezo3 opportunus dogodny 1276 A good
favourite kedvenc delicia ulubieniec 1273 N [=POSS LIKE/3382] ER
fear fe1l timeo bac1_sie1 732 V feeling, <anxiety>, danger CAUSE "feeling" is used in 4lang as 'mental state' rather than the nominalisation of "feel"
fear fe1lelem timor strach 734 N
feast lakoma convivium uczta 1488 N meal, before(invite), large, many(people) AT/2744, entertainment
feather toll penna pio1ro 2427 N soft, AT/2744 bird RA
feature vona1s differentia cecha 3017 u N sign, important, typical, CAUSE[recognize]
feed abrak farrago karma 111 N
feed ta1pla1l alo karmic1 2280 V =AGT CAUSE [=PAT EAT =OBL]
feel e1rez sentio czuc1 521 u V =PAT IN/2758 mind, =PAT AT/2744 body, =AGT HAS body, =AGT HAS mind
feeling e1rze1s sensus uczcia 533 u N mental, other CAUSE, joy IS_A, sorrow IS_A, fear IS_A, anger IS_A spontaneous TODO
fellow ta1rs socius kompan 2283 N no Longman use
female no3 femina samica 1794 u N sex
feminine no3i femininus z2en1ski 3463 u N
fence keri1te1s saepes ogrodzenie 1304 N structure, border, AROUND =POSS[area, <garden>], more(post/2740) PART_OF
fence vi1v battuo N/A 2621 V
fever la1z febris gora1czka 1483 N lack(normal), body HAS high (temperature)
few keve1s paucus kilka 1308 A amount('ER)
fibre rost # # 3357 N IN/2758 food, CAUSE health, thread, IN/2758 rope, IN/2758 cloth, thin/2598, natural, IN/2758 wood
fiction kitala1lt # # 3398 N lack(real)
field mezo3 campus pole 1681 u N place/1026, land, level broad
fierce a1da1z saevus gwal1towny 65 A state/77, INSTRUMENT strong (feeling), INSTRUMENT much (energy) RG %: MaM violent % ZsA to redefine, i cannot fix this
fight harc pugna bo1jka 1002 u N person WANT[harm AT/2744 other(person)], INSTRUMENT weapon
figure alak figura figura 140 N shape, human HAS shape
figure o2sszeg # # 2712 N number
fill to2lt compleo wypel1niac1 2407 u V =PAT[full[after]]
fill_up beto2lt impleo wypel1nic1 276 V fill
film film pellicula film 806 u N photograph[move] ON screen
filth mocsok sordes brud 1712 N no xml
final utols1 # # 3042 A last
financial pe1nzu2gyi # # 2981 A money
find lel invenio znajdowac1 1530 u V after(KNOW place/1026), =PAT AT/2744 place/1026
fine finom elegans dobry 809 A small, light/1381 OR thin/2598
finger ujj digitus palec 2522 u N PART_OF hand, long, thin/2598 "HAS four fingers", de "HAS o2t ujj"
finish ve1g finis koniec 2597 u N part, =POSS[lack, after]
fire tu3z ignis ogien1 2454 u N substance, CAUSE heat, CAUSE light/739, HAS flame, burn, <CAUSE smoke>
firm ce1g domus firma 362 u N company/2549[<small>]
firm szila1rd firmus firma 2215 u A rigid, lack(soft)
first elso3 primus pierwszy 649 u A -th/5[one], lack(FOLLOW '), second/1569 FOLLOW second/1569
fish hal piscis ryba 980 u N vertebrate, live IN/2758 water, HAS cold(blood)
fisherman hala1sz piscator rybak 983 N profession, CATCH/828 fish
fit illo3 decens odpowiedni 1135 A good, AT/2744 ' , together HAS proper(size), HAS proper(shape)
five o2t # # 2989 A number, FOLLOW four
fix ro2gzi1t firmo przymocowywac1 2026 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[stable]]
flag za1szlo1 vexillum flaga 2669 N
flame la1ng flamma pl1omien1 1473 N burn, light/739 FROM/2742, stream
flash villan mico bl1yskac1 2635 V sudden, short, intense, light/739
flat lapos planus pl1aski 1493 u A HAS surface, horizontal, lack(slope) IN, lack(curve) IN
flat-bottomed lapos_feneku3 # # 3303 A HAS flat(bottom) 1
flesh hu1s caro mie1so 1093 N material, soft, tissue
flesh-eating hu1sevo3 # # 3302 A EAT flesh 1
flexible hajle1kony # # 3371 A can/1246(change), can/1246(bend/975) suit any new situation
flight repu2le1s volatus lot 2019 N fly
float lebeg volito unosic1_sie1 1511 V =AGT IN/2758 fluid, =AGT AT lack(solid)
flood a1r fluctus powo1dz1 85 N water[flow], much, ON land, trouble
floor padlo1 coaxatio podl1oga 1932 N surface, room/2235 HAS, stand ON
flour liszt farina ma1ka 1545 N food, FROM/2742 grain
flow folyik fluo pl1yna1c1 847 u V move[smooth], <fluid>
flower vira1g flos kwiat 2637 N plant HAS, <HAS colour>
fluid folyade1k # # 3143 N thing, HAS lack(shape)
fly repu2l volo latac1 2018 u U move, =AGT IN/2758 air, control
fold fe1lbehajt complico zl1oz1yc1 733 u V bend/975, =AGT CAUSE[half ON other(half)]
fold o2sszehajt congregatio owczarnia 2725 u N group, [religious (people)] IN/2758 ND Hun gyu2lekezet
follow ko2vet sequor poda1z1ac1 1400 u V =AGT HAS direction, =PAT HAS direction, after(=AGT), before(=PAT)
fond kedvel delector lubic1 1271 A like/3382 other sense
food e1tel cibus jedzenie 542 N material, ' EAT
fool bolond stultus gl1upek 328 N mad
foolish buta stultus gl1upi 357 A stupid
foot la1b pes stopa 1466 u N organ, leg HAS, AT/2744 ground
football foci ludus_calcius pil1ka_noz1na 826 u N game, [team[two]] PART_OF, INSTRUMENT ball INSTRUMENT kick the ball, INSTRUMENT head the ball, INSTRUMENT carry the ball, INSTRUMENT goal % goal in the „kapu” sense
footmark labnyom # # 3199 N mark, walk MAKE
for -e1rt pro dla 2824 u G AT/2744 exchange, =REL[price]
for -ig adhoc do 2826 u G English for is primitive, other languages deferred
for -ig tenus przez 27 u G English for is primitive, other languages deferred
for -nak NA dla 2825 u G =REL[good[after] ER]
for miatt propter przez 2782 u # primitive
forbid megtilt veto zabraniac1 1650 V =AGT CAUSE[=DAT HAS lack(permission)]
forbidding zord durus ostra 2683 A
force ero3 vis sil1a 683 u N power
fore- elo3- pro-/prae- przed 641 G AT/2744 time, =REL ER time probelmatic unification, ?
forehead homlok frons czol1o 1077 N PART_OF face, front, up, hair/3359 AT/2744, AT/2744 temple/982
foreign idegen peregrinus zagraniczny 1117 A lack(native)
foreigner ku2lfo2ldi peregrinus/peregrina cudzoziemiec 1448 N FROM/2742 place/1026[foreign,<country>]
forest erdo3 silva las 673 N area/2366, tree MEMBER
forget elfelejt obliviscor zapomniec1 613 u V lack(remember), before(know)
forgive megbocsa1t ignosco wybaczac1 1620 V after(=PAT HAS lack(anger))
fork villa furca widelec 2630 N cutlery, <metal>, HAS[ <four>(branch)], HAS handle, [MOVE food]INSTRUMENT USE_FOR/2782 instead of FOR/2782
form alak forma forma 141 u N object HAS
formal alaki formalis formalny 143 u A HAS structure
formal formai iustus formalny 858 u A formal/143
former kora1bbi prior poprzedni 1430 A before ill-formed % non-intersective adjective
formerly valahai pristinus poprzednio 2574 D AT/2744 past
forsake elhagy derelinquo opus1cic1 621 V after(lack(=AGT IN/2758 =PAT)), =PAT NEED =AGT
fort ero3d castrum forteca 686 N strong(building), army PART_OF, defend
fortunate szerencse1s felix sze1s1liwy 2198 A
fortune sors fortuna los 2121 N
forward elo3re protinus na_przo1d 644 D TO/2743 front
forwards csata1r N/A strzelec 391 N See 644
found alapi1t repertus znaleziony 3466 u N
foundation alap fundamentum podstawa 147 N see 2755
foundation alapi1tva1ny # # 2753 N institution, support
four ne1gy # # 2988 A number, FOLLOW three
four-legged ne1gyla1bu1 # # 3226 A HAS four(leg) 3
four-sided ne1gyoldalu1 # # 3301 A HAS four(side) 1
four-wheeled ne1gykereku3 # # 3300 A HAS four(wheel) 1
fox ro1ka vulpes lis 2022 N wild(animal), RESEMBLE dog, HAS fur[red,brown], HAS pointed(face), HAS thick/2752(tail), clever, deceive english: sexually attractive. naive_theo: carnivorous, STEAL poultry
frame keret forma rama 1303 u N artefact, HAS part[more, together], structure, GIVE shape, fix, border
framework va1z forma rama 2562 N
free szabad liber wolny 2149 u A lack(control) AT, HAS lack(price) lack(obligation)?
freedom szabadsa1g # # 3055 N free
freeze fagy gelu mro1z 715 N cold CAUSE, before(liquid), solid[after, <ice>]
french-canadian francia-kanadai # # 3299 A MEMBER [nation,@Canada], HAS parent, parent MEMBER @France
frequent gyakori frequens cze1sty 919 A often
fresh friss viridis s1wiez1y 863 N new, replace
friend bara1t amicus przyjaciel 228 u N person, =POSS KNOW, =POSS LIKE/3382, =POSS TRUST
fright ijedelem # # 2812 N sudden, intense, fear
frighten ijeszt terreo straszyc1 2916 u V CAUSE fright
fro vissza retro tam 2640 G
from -bo1l ab z 2742 u G before(IN/2758 =REL), after(far)
from o1ta ex z 1838 u G AT/2744 [period[begin AT/2744 =REL]] x from y: x IS_A period
front elej pars_prior przo1d 608 u N part ?
frozen fagyott gelatus zamroz2ony 3468 u N
fruit gyu2mo2lcs fructus owoc 945 N PART_OF plant, seed PART_OF, food, sweet, HAS flesh
fuck baszik futuo pieprzyc1 232 V intercourse
fulfil beto2lt impleo wypel1nic1 277 V satisfy
full teli plenus pel1ny 2344 u A =OBL[much] IN/2758, lack(space/2327) IN German voll von
fun mo1ka iocus zabawa 1710 N CAUSE happy, event
funeral temete1s funus pogrzeb 2348 u N
fungus gombafe1le fungus grzyb 3469 u N
funny vicces salsus s1mieszny 2624 A fun
fur pre1m pellis futro 1974 u N hair/3359, COVER skin, mammal HAS
furnish ella1t orno zaopatrzyc1 625 V supply, =AGT GIVE <furniture>
furniture bu1tor supellex meble 343 N object, IN/2758 room/2235, chair IS_A, table IS_A, bed IS_A, cupboard IS_A
further tova1bbi reliquus dalszy 2435 A
future jo2vo3 futura przyszl1os1c1 1197 u N time, FOLLOW present
gaiety deru3 hilaritas wesol1os1c1 455 N joy
gain nyer lucror zdobywac1 1810 u U =AGT GET/1223 =PAT[good]
gamble szerencseja1te1k alea gra_hazardowa 2199 N
game ja1te1k ludus gra 1173 u N activity, HAS rule, people[compete]
gang banda caterva gang 226 N group, criminal
gape a1si1t oscito ziewac1 95 U wonder, HAS[mouth[open/1814]] % HUN ta1tja a sza1ja1t % no Longman
garage gara1zs statio_automobilium garaz1 889 N building, car[park,lack(move)] IN/2758
garden kert hortus ogro1d 1305 N place/1026, outdoor, [useful(plant)] IN/2758 RA
garment ruha vestis ubio1r 2053 N artefact, COVER body
gas ga1z gasium gaz 885 u N substance, HAS shape[change], full(IN/2758 container) lack(dense)
gate kapu porta brama 1229 N door, HAS side[out]
gather gyu3jt colligo zbierac1 947 V collect
gay buzi catamites gej 361 N man/744 FEEL attract, other(man/744) CAUSE attract
general fo3- maximus/summus gl1o1wny 821 u A every IN/2758
generate nemz gigno pocza1c1 1785 V no xml
generation genera1cio1 # # 2778 N group, people, AT/2744 age
generosity bo3kezu3se1g liberalitas hojnos1c1 316 N give[valuable]
generous du1s uber hojny 487 A generosity HUN nagylelku3
gentle gyenge1d mollis delikatny 928 A nice, =TO NEED thing, THINK thing[important]
gentleman u1r dominus dz1entelmen 2476 N man/659, HAS[ proper(behaviour) ]
get jut nanciscor dostawac1 1206 u V after(has)
get kap accipio dostawac1 1223 u V after(=AGT HAS =PAT) after(HAS)
ghost szellem # # 2728 N supernatural, person, spirit/2181, [person[dead, natural]] HAS [spirit/2181] ND
gift aja1nde1k donum dar 124 N ' GIVE, lack(pay/812)
gigabyte gigabyte # # 3181 N @Gigabyte
girl la1ny puella dziewczyna 1474 u N female, child
give ad do dac1 113 u V =AGT CAUSE[=DAT HAS =PAT]
give_birth szu2l pario rodzic1 2261 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[born]], =AGT[mother]
given adott datus dany 3470 u N
glad boldog laetus zadowolony 325 A HAS joy
glass u2veg vitrum szkl1o 2507 u N substance, transparent, solid, <bottle>
gleam ragyog splendeo bl1yszczec1 1988 U no xml
glean gyu3jt lego zbierac1 948 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[together]], =PAT[small, piece, <information>], slow, difficult
glorious dicso3 gloriosus chwalebny 465 A HAS glory
glory dicso3se1g gloria chwal1a 467 N fame ND: divine (presence)
go megy eo is1c1 1654 u U move, INSTRUMENT leg, =AGT HAS leg
goal ce1l # # 3358 N good, =POSS WANT[=POSS AT/2744]
goat kecske capra koza 1265 N mammal, HAS horn/2772, HAS beard, <IN/2758 mountain>, <AT/2744 farm>, HAS wool, PRODUCE milk contradicting defaults
god isten deus bo1g 1159 N spirit/2181, religion FOR/2782, HAS power, ER nature ultimate
goddess istenno3 dea bogini 1160 N female, god ND
gold arany aurum zl1oto 175 u N metal, expensive, soft, yellow, coin FROM/2742, jewellery FROM/2742
gold-coloured aranyszi2nu3 # # 3239 A HAS gold(colour) 2
gold-yellow arany-sa1rga # # 3298 A HAS colour[gold], yellow 1
golden arany aureus zl1oty 174 A HAS colour, gold HAS colour
golf golf # # 2873 N game, outdoor, ON course/1927, hole[many, far] AT/2744 course/1927, ball[small, hard], INSTRUMENT club/355, stroke/2749 PART_OF
good jo1 bonus dobry 1189 u A ' WANT
good-bye viszontla1ta1sra vale dowidzenia 2645 D communicate, AT/2744 people[split] ZsA
good-quality jo1_mino3se1gu3 # # 3297 A good(quality) 1
goodbye viszontla1ta1sra # # 3022 G leave
goods a1ru merx towary 92 N product
goodwill jo1akarat benevolentia dobra_wola 1192 N attitude[kind, friendly]
govern vezet gero rza1dzic1 2615 V official, legal, authority CONTROL[system, <country>], =AGT HAS power
government korma1ny gubernium rza1d 1433 u N authority, country HAS, people IN/2758
government-controlled korma1ny_a1ltal_elleno3rzo2tt # # 3296 A government CONTROL 1
grace ba1j gratia wdzie1k 196 N charm
grace kegy gratia l1aska 1280 N divine FAVOR faithful % mercy % ND
gracious ba1jos venustus wdzie1czny 197 A kind
gracious kegyes comis l1askawy 1282 A mercy
gradual fokozatos quod_gradatim_fit stopniowy 839 A continue, IN/2758 degree lack(sudden)
gradually fokozatosan gradatim stopniowo 840 D gradual
grain szem granum ziarno 2183 u N seed, small, dry, cereal HAS
gram gramm gramma gram 913 N unit, mass
grammar nyelvtan grammatica gramatyka 1809 N science, ABOUT language
grand fo3 primus gl1o1wny 819 N big RA
grandfather nagyapa avus dziadek 1748 N father, parent HAS, =POSS HAS parent
grandmother nagyanya avia babka 1747 N mother, parent HAS, =POSS HAS parent
grape szo3lo3 uva winogrona 3400 u N fruit, round, green
grasp fog comprehendo chwytac1 829 V catch/828
grass fu3 gramen trawa 877 N plant, HAS narrow(leaf), COVER ground
grateful ha1la1s gratus wdzie1czny 954 A SAY[before(=DAT CAUSE good)]
gratify kiele1gi1t libidinor wynagradzac1 1330 V satisfy
grave si1r sepulcrum gro1b 2094 u N place/1026, dead(body) AT/2744, <body UNDER ground> naive_theo: burial AT/2744, tombstone AT/2744
gray szu2rke canus szary # N grey Longman real DV
grease zsi1r # # 2822 N substance, fat/3337 IS_A, oil IS_A, smooth non-LDV, added from swadesh
great nagy magnus wielki 1746 u N big
greedy moho1 avidus zachl1anny 1717 A no xml
green zo2ld viridis zielony 2679 A colour, plant HAS colour, HAS lack(experience)
green-black zo2ld-fekete # # 3295 A green, black 1
green-brown zo2ldesbarna # # 3107 A green, brown
green-coloured zo2ld_szi2nu3 # # 3294 A green 1
greenish-blue zo2ldeske1k # # 3212 A blue, green 5
greenish-yellow zo2ldessa1rga # # 3238 A yellow, green 2
greet u2dvo2zo2l saluto pozdawiac1 2486 V welcome
grey szu2rke canus szary 2268 A colour, dark(cloud) IS_A
grey-blue szu2rke1ske1k # # 3293 A grey, blue 1
grey-coloured szu2rke_szi2nu3 # # 3292 A grey 1
grey-green szu2rke1szo2ld # # 3237 A grey, green 2
grey-white szu2rke1sfehe1r # # 3108 A grey, white
grief gya1sz maeror z1al 916 N sorrow, death CAUSE
grieve gya1szol maereo byc1_w_z1al1obie 917 V grief
ground talaj solum ziemia 2297 u N surface, solid, AT/2744 earth
group csoport caterva grupa 432 u N several MEMBER, together TODO
grow no3 cresco rosna1c1 1796 u U after(size(ER'))
growth no2vekede1s auctus wzrost 1793 N
growth tumor tumor guz 2464 N
guard o3r custos straz1nik 1876 N protect
guess tala1lgat conicio zgadywac1 2294 V try[know], lack(sure)
guest vende1g hospes gos1c1 2604 N AT/2744 home, =POSS[host/2605] HAS home, <before(=POSS INVITE)>
guide vezet rego prowadzic1 2616 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT HAS information], information ABOUT place/1026, after(=PAT AT/2744 place/1026)
guilt bu3ntudat conscientia wina 348 N FEEL [before(=POSS DO crime)]
guilty bu3no2s reus winny 3472 u N
guitar gita1r cithara gitara 3473 u N
gun puska sclopetum bron1 1980 u N weapon, HAS[metal(tube)], CAUSE bullet[move]
gunpowder lo3por pulvis_pyrius proch 1552 N explode, powder, CAUSE bullet[move], black
habit csuha talaria habit 437 N all Longman uses in the first 10 result are habit/2237
habit szoka1s consuetudo zwyczaj 2237 N repeat, character HAS, lack(think) ABOUT
habitual szoka1sos solitus zwyczajny 2238 A habit
hail je1gvere1s grando grad 1179 N weather, ice[fall/2694] FROM/2742 cloud
hail ko2szo2nt saluto pozdrawiac1 1392 V welcome
hail odahi1v advoco przywol1ywac1 1889 V =AGT CAUSE attention, =PAT HAS attention, INSTRUMENT <shout(=AGT)>
hail zu1di1t conicio zarzucac1 2690 V =AGT MOVE =PAT, INSTRUMENT force, =PAT[lot/3394]
hair haj capillus wl1osy 972 u N hair/3359, ON head
hair szo3r coma wl1osy 3359 u N organ, fine, thread, grow, long, ON body, mammal HAS body
hairy szo3ro2s # # 3378 A hair/3359 ON body, HAS body
half fe1l dimidius po1l1 731 A part, [two(part)] IN/2758 [whole], before(divide)
half-circle fe1lko2r # # 3224 N shape, bend/1112 3
half-frozen fe1lig_megfagyott # # 3291 A ice IN/2758 1
hall csarnok # # 3094 N IN/2758 building
hammer kalapa1cs malleus ml1otek 1219 u N artefact, IN/2758 hand, tool, HAS handle, HAS head[heavy,rigid], strike INSTRUMENT
hand ke1z manus re1ka 1264 u N organ, PART_OF arm, human HAS arm, FOR/2782[MOVE object], wrist PART_OF, palm PART_OF, five(finger) PART_OF, thumb PART_OF "four(finger)", de „o2t(ujj)”
handkerchief zsebkendo3 sudarium chustka 2686 N
handle fogo1 manubrium ra1czka 834 N PART_OF =POSS, FOR/2782[=POSS IN/2758 hand]
hang lo1g pendeo wisiec1 1548 u U above CAUSE =PAT[fall/2694[lack]], =PAT HAS lack(support), =PAT[can/1246(swing)], <INSTRUMENT cord>
hang_down lo1g pendeo wisiec1 1549 U hang
happen to2rte1nik fio stac1_sie1 2418 u V change
happening eseme1ny eventum wydarzenie 693 N event
happiness boldogsa1g felicitas szcze1s1cie 327 N happy
happy boldog fortunatus szcze1s1liwy 326 A emotion, good
harbour kiko2to3 portus port 1337 N port, protect
hard keme1ny durus cie1z1ki 1291 u A lack(bend/975), rigid, lack(soft)
hardly alig vix ledwo 150 D 'ER lack(normal)
harm se1ru2le1s vulnus szkoda 2067 u N bad
haste sietse1g festinatio pos1piech 2102 N
hasten siet propero spieszyc1_sie1 2097 U rush
hastily sieto3sen festinanter pospiesznie 2101 D
hasty sieto3s praceps pospieszny 2100 A rapid
hat kalap petasus kapelusz 1218 N garment, COVER head HAS brim
hate gyu3lo2l odi nienawidziec1 949 V emotion, feel[=PAT[enemy]]
hatred gyu3lo2let invidia nienawis1c1 950 N hate
have bi1r habeo miec1 288 u V =DAT HAS =PAT
he o3 is on 1872 G male indexical
head fej caput gl1owa 756 u N organ, brain IN/2758, face ON, top
heal gyo1gyi1t sano uzdrawiac1 935 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[healthy]]
health ege1szse1g sanitas zdrowie 554 N healthy
healthy ege1szse1ges sanus zdrowy 555 A HAS body, body IN/2758 good(situation)
heap kupac acervus kupa 1464 N group, things
heap rak pono zwalac1 1991 V no xml
hear hall audio sl1yszec1 987 u U =AGT PERCEIVE =PAT[sound/993], INSTRUMENT ear
heart szi1v cor serce 2210 u N organ, CAUSE[blood[move]], love IN/2758
heat ho3 calor gora1co 1070 u N energy, warm
heated heves vehemens gora1cy 1036 A angry
heaven menny caelum niebo 1665 N place/1026, FOLLOW life, god IN/2758, before(die), good(people) ND % holiest
heavy nehe1z gravis ciez1ki 1772 u A weight(ER')
heed to2ro3de1s cura uwaga 2414 N attention
heel sarok calx obcas 2063 N
height magassa1g altitudo wysokos1c1 1583 N distance BETWEEN [base/146,top] ?
hello hello1 # # 3093 N ' SAY, AT/2744 meet, AT/2744 conversation[begin]
help segi1t adiuvo pomagac1 2072 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[succeed]], =AGT WITH =DAT
hen tyu1k gallina kura 2466 N female, chicken, PRODUCE egg ND
her o3t eam ja1 1885 G she
herb no2ve1ny # # 3054 N plant, small, ' USE, CAUSE[food HAS taste], medicine HUN -no2ve1ny?, fu3?
herbivore no2ve1nyevo3 # # 2730 N animal, EAT plant ND
here ide huc tu 1114 A AT/2744 ' , near indexical
hers o2ve1 sua jej 1869 G no xml
hide rejt occulto kryc1 2004 V =AGT CAUSE[animal SEE =PAT], see[can/1246[lack]]
high magas altus wysoki 1582 u A top ER average, HAS top
high-quality jo1_mino3se1gu3 # # 3236 A HAS high(quality) 2
hill domb collis wzgo1rze 482 N PART_OF land, high, mountain ER
him o3t eum go 1886 G he
hire be1rel conduco zatrudnic1 240 V employ
his o2ve1 suus jego 1870 G he HAS
historical to2rte1nelmi historicus historyczny 2415 A history
history to2rte1net historia historia 2416 N past, politics PART_OF, society/2285 PART_OF, economy PART_OF, develop/759, <nation HAS>
hit u2t pulso uderzac1 2504 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[object,move]], object AT/2744 =PAT, INSTRUMENT force
hold tart teneo trzymac1 2309 u V =PAT IN/2758 hand, =AGT HAS hand
hole lyuk foramen dziura 1557 u N empty(place/2326), IN/2758 solid
holiday u2nnep dies_festus s1wie1to 2496 N period, lack(work) AT/2744, lack(study) AT/2744, good, celebrate AT HUN szu2net
hollow u2reges cavus pusty 2500 A hole IN/2758
holy szent sanctus s1wie1ty 2190 A god, religion
home otthon domus dom 1924 u N place/1026, =POSS AT/2744
homeland haza patria ojczyzna 1018 N land, =POSS[born] IN/2758
honest becsu2letes rectus szczery 250 u A CONFORM moral
honesty becsu2let decus szczeros1c1 248 N honest
honey me1z # # 3342 N sweet, stick, substance, bee MAKE, food, love, soft, pleasant, lack(sincere), attractive, yellow, easy
honour becsu2let decus honor 249 N public KNOW [before(=POSS DO good)] HUN also tisztelet, megbecsu2le1s
honour megtisztel honoro uczcic1 1651 V
honourable tiszteletreme1lto1 honestus szanowny 2394 A many THINK[honourable[good]]
hook horog hamus hak 1084 N device, curl, metal, catch/828 suspend
hope reme1l spero miec1_nadzieje1 2006 u U desire, want, =AGT THINK =PAT[possible]
horizon la1thata1r horizon horyzont 1477 N border, earth AT/2744, sky AT/2744, human SEE
horizontal vi1zszintes # # 3144 A direction
horn ku2rt cornu ro1g 1457 u N instrument, MAKE sound/993, HAS material[hard] car horn
horn szarv cornu ro1g 2772 u N organ, hard, AT/2744 head, mammal HAS
horse lo1 equus kon1 1547 N animal, mammal, HAS[four (leg)], ride INSTRUMENT, pull RG
horseriding lovagla1s # # 3330 N ride, INSTRUMENT horse
hospital ko1rha1z valetudinarium szpital 1371 N institution, doctor IN/2758, sick IN/2758
host sereg caterva tl1um 2085 N army ND
host vende1gla1to1 hospes gospodarz 2605 N AT/2744 place/1026, HAS place/1026, <before(INVITE =POSS[guest])>
hostile ellense1ges inimicus wrogi 633 A angry, unfriendly[deliberate] % deliberately unfriendly
hot forro1 fervens gora1cy 862 u A temperature, high
hot-tasting csipo3s # # 3207 A HAS hot(taste) 7
hotel hotel deversorium hotel 1087 N building, lodgings, GIVE meal, guest[pay/812] IN/2758
hour o1ra hora godzina 1834 N time, unit, day HAS, HAS minute
house ha1z domus dom 963 u N building, home
how hogy quo_modo jak 1072 u D manner
howl ordi1t rudo wyc1 1909 V long, cry, =AGT HAS sorrow, =AGT[<dog>]
hum zu2mmo2g murmuro nucic1 2692 U
human ember homo czl1owiek 658 u N man/659
humble szere1ny modicus pokorny 2195 A modest
humour kedv affectio humor 1269 N CAUSE laugh HUN humor
hundred sza1z # # 3058 N number, ER ten
hunger e1hse1g esurio gl1o1d 499 N desire FOR/2782 food, bad(feel)
hungry e1hes esuriens gl1odny 498 A hunger
hunt vada1szik venor polowac1 2566 V =AGT WANT[=AGT CATCH/828 =PAT[animal]]
hurl haji1t iacio rzucac1 973 V throw, =AGT CAUSE[=PAT HAS great(speed)]
hurry siet propero spieszyc1_sie1 2098 U rush
hurt ba1nt laedo ranic1 200 u V CAUSE [ache(=PAT)], offend
husband fe1rj vir/maritus ma1z1 745 N male, HAS wife, =POSS[wife] relational noun
hut bo1de1 pergula chata 308 N building[small, simple], [<one>(room/2235)] IN/2758
ice je1g glacies lo1d 1178 u N water, cold, hard
icy jeges glacialis lodowaty 1180 A -y[ice]
idea eszme opinio idea 703 u N IN/2758 mind, think MAKE TODO
if ha si jez1eli 952 u G =REL CAUSE IN/2758 case, IN/2758 situation
ignore figyelmen_ki1vu2l_hagy # # 3021 V lack(attention) TO/2743 =PAT
ill beteg aeger chory 273 A lack(health), HAS body, body IN/2758 bad(situation)
illegal illega1lis # # 2789 A bad FOR/2782 law
im- nem im- nie- 1775 G lack
image ke1p imago obraz 1242 N HAS form, RESEMBLE object, ' SEE, represent
imaginary ke1pzelt fictus fikcyjny 1250 A lack(real), IN/2758 mind
imagination fanta1zia imaginatio wyobraz1nia 725 N MAKE mental(image), lack(see), <picture>, <idea> contradicting defaults
imagine ke1pzel cogito wyobraz1ac1_sobie 1249 V image IN/2758 mind, =AGT HAS mind
immediately azonnal # # 3009 A IN/2758 future, NEXT_TO present
impel u3z ago s1cigac1 2511 V
importance fontossa1g momentum waz1nos1c1 854 N important
important fontos gravis waz1ny 853 A cause, HAS value
impressive lenyu3go2zo3 # # 2808 A good
improve javi1t emendo doskonalic1 1177 U =PAT[better[after]]
in -ba in do 10 u G
in -ban in w 2758 u G =REL CONTAIN, AT/2744 =REL
in- nem in- nie- 1776 G lack
in_order_to hogy # # 2738 # FOR/2782 =REL deep
in_spite_of ellene1re # # 2748 G
inch hu2velyk digitus cal 1097 N unit, length
include belevesz comprehendo wl1a1czyc1 259 V =PAT IN/2758 =TO HUN ENG arg struct mismatch
including -val cum z 59 G =REL IN/2758
income jo2vedelem reditus docho1d 1196 N amount, money, =POSS GET, FOR/2782 work, regular
increase fokoz augeo zwie1krzac1 838 V after(=PAT ER')
indeed te1nyleg vere doprawdy 2324 D
indoor otthoni domesticus wewna1trz 1925 A IN/2758 building
indoors benn intra wewna1trz 264 D IN/2758 building
industrial ipari industrialis przemysl1owy 1147 A -al[industry]
industry ipar industria przemysl1 1146 u N produce
infect ferto3z contamino zaraz1ac1 793 V =AGT CAUSE disease
infectious ferto3zo3 contagiosus zaraz1liwy 794 A infect
influence befolya1s auctoritas wpl1yw 254 u V control
influential befolya1sos potens wpl1ywowy 255 A control
inform e1rtesi1t nuntio informowac1 529 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[know]]
informal informa1lis affabilis nieformalne 3476 u N
information hi1r nuntius informacja 1040 u N
information informa1cio1 nuntiatio informacja 1141 u N study GIVE, experience GIVE, ' KNOW TODO
injure megsebesi1t vulnero ranic1 1642 V harm
injury se1ru2le1s # # 3360 N damage, body HAS
ink tinta atramentum atrament 2387 u N liquid, HAS colour, represent, ON paper
inn fogado1 deversorium gospoda 833 N public(building), SELL meal, SELL drink, before(guest[travel]), after(guest[travel])
inner belso3 interior wewne1trzny 261 N IN/2758 '
inquire nyomoz quaero dowiadywac1_sie1 1821 V no xml
inquiry nyomoza1s inquisitio dochodzenie 1822 N
insect rovar insectum owad 2048 u N small(animal), HAS [pair[three],leg], HAS head, <HAS wing[pair[two]]> HAS thorax, HAS abdomen
inside -ban intra w 13 u G in/2758
instead helyett loco zamiast 1031 D lack(=REL), HAS purpose, =REL HAS purpose
institution inte1zme1ny # # 3372 N organize AT/2744, work AT/2744, HAS purpose, system, society/2285 HAS, HAS long(past), building, people IN/2758, CONFORM norm
instruct oktat instruo instruowac1 1898 V =AGT GIVE knowledge
instrument eszko2z instrumentum narze1dzie 701 u N object, work INSTRUMENT, ' USE, HAS purpose, AT/2744 hand
insult se1rteget # # 2982 V offend, INSTRUMENT say
insurance biztosi1ta1s cautio_periculi ubezpieczenie 306 N CAUSE[lack(risk)]
intelligence e1sz intellegentia inteligencja 537 N know INSTRUMENT, think INSTRUMENT
intelligent intelligens # # 2827 A HAS intelligence
intend sza1n misereor zamierzac1 2143 V =PAT[plan], want
intense nagyfoku1 # # 3369 A ER'
intention sza1nde1k consilium zamiar 2144 N
intercourse e1rintkeze1s commercium stosunek 523 N physical, activity, two(people), <after(child IN/2758 woman)>, CAUSE pleasure sex % Longman uses ko2zo2su2le1s
interest e1rdek commodum interes 515 u N =POSS WANT
interest e1rdeklo3de1s studium zainteresowanie 517 u N desire, =POSS WANT[=POSS KNOW]
interest kamat usura oprocentowanie 1220 u N charge/457, FOR/2782 borrow percentage
interesting e1rdekes aptus_ad_delectandos_homines interesuja1cy 516 A GET/1223 attention
international nemzetko2zi internationalis mie1dzynarodowy 1787 A AT/2744 more(nation)
internet internet # # 3080 N computer, system, AT/2744 world
internet-enabled internettel_ella1tott # # 3109 A internet AT/2744
interrupt megszaki1t interrumpo przeszkadzac1 1645 V =AGT CAUSE[pause IN/2758]
into -ba in do 11 u G in/10
introduce bevezet introduco wprowadzic1 282 V present, AT/2744 first(time)
introduction bevezete1s introductio wprowadzenie 283 N introduce
invent kitala1l invenio wynalez1c1 1360 V make, =PAT[plan, idea], =AGT[think]
invitation meghi1va1s invitatio zaproszenie 1629 N invite
invite meghi1v invito zapraszac1 1628 u V =AGT SAY[=AGT WANT[=PAT AT/2744 =TO]] einladen zu
involve # # # 2790 V =PAT PART_OF =AGT
inwards befele1 intro wewna1trz 252 G after(IN/2758 ')
ir- nem ir- nie- 1777 G
iron vas ferrum z1elazo 2589 N hard(metal)
island sziget insula wyspa 2212 N land, water AROUND
it az ille to 188 u N thing % indexical
item te1tel # # 3343 N one, IN/2758 list, IN/2758 group, IN/2758 set/2746 single
its aze1 suus jego 189 u G it HAS
jacket kaba1t # # 3035 N coat[short, light/1381]
jaw a1lkapocs maxilla szcze1ka 72 N bone, vertebrate HAS, AT/2744 mouth, tooth AT/2744, PART_OF face
jaws a1llkapocs maxilla szcze1ka 79 N <two>, jaw
jealous irigy invidus zazdrosny 1151 N feeling, bad, [other HAS good]CAUSE
jealousy fe1lte1kenyse1g invidia zazdros1c1 737 N jealous
jeans farmer braca dz2insy 3477 u N
jelly zsele1 quilon galareta 2687 u N
jewel e1kko3 gemma klejnot 501 N precious, stone, artefact
jewellery e1kszer ornamentum biz1uteria 502 N small, person WEAR, decorate, ring/402 IS_A necklace IS_A
jink cselez evado wymjac1 3084 u V move, sudden
job munka negotium zawo1d 1738 A regular (activity), person GET/1223 pay/237
join csatlakozik comitor dol1a1czyc1 392 u V after(together), after(=PAT MEMBER =TO), after(=PAT PART_OF =TO), before(separate) de:beitreten DAT
joint izu2let articulus staw 1169 N part, join AT/2744
joke vicc facetiae z1art 2623 N story, CAUSE laughter HAS punch_line
journey utaza1s iter podro1z1 2535 N travel
joy o2ro2m gaudium rados1c1 1856 N state/77, good RG
jubilant o2ro2mteli laetus radosny 1857 A HAS joy
judge bi1ro1 iudex se1dzia 289 N human, PART_OF court/3124, decide, MAKE official(opinion), opinion ABOUT value
judgment i1te1let iudicium osa1d 1110 N decision, judge
juice le1 sucus sok 1499 N fluid, IN/2758 fruit
jump ugrat concito N/A 2518 u V see 2519
jump ugrik concito skakac1 2519 u U move, lack(=AGT AT ground), sudden
just e1ppen modo wl1as1nie 514 u D
just e1ppen solummodo wl1as1nie 2943 u A AT/2744 past, near
justice igazsa1g iustitia sprawiedliwos1c1 1128 N principle, moral, right/1191
keen intenzi1v intentus che1tny 1145 A HAS desire
keep marad teneo trzymac1 1594 u U see transitive "keep"
keep megtart teneo trzymac1 1646 u V after(=PAT), before(=PAT) keep the tea hot: KEEP [tea[hot]]
key kulcs clavis klucz 1461 u N instrument, metal, key[turn] CAUSE =POSS[open/1814], key[turn] CAUSE =POSS[close]
kick ru1g calcitro kopac1 2049 V hit, INSTRUMENT foot
kill o2l interficio zabijac1 1846 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[die]]
kilo kilo1 chilogramma kilo 1339 N kilogram
kilogram kilo1 chilogramma kilogram 1340 N measure, mass
kilometre kilo1me1ter chilometrum kilometr 1341 N distance
kind kedves benignus mil1y 1274 u A like/3382, help, <speak> friendly
kindle gerjeszt inflammo zapalic1 897 V after(fire)
king kira1ly rex kro1l 1350 u N monarch, man/744, LEAD/2617[country], PART_OF [royal(family)]
kingdom kira1lysa1g regnum kro1lewstwo 1354 N country, monarch LEAD/2617
kingly kira1lyi regius kro1lewski 1351 A king % no Longman
kiss cso1k osculum pocal1unek 414 N EXPRESS [emotion, =PAT[good] FOR/2782 =AGT], lip TOUCH =PAT, =AGT HAS lip
kitchen konyha culina kuchnia 1426 N room/2235, [MAKE food] IN/2758
knee te1rd genu kolano 2328 N joint, AT/2744 lower(leg), PART_OF leg
kneel te1rdel genuflecto kle1kac1 2329 V rest ON knee
knife ke1s culter no1z1 1256 N cut, instrument, HAS blade, HAS handle
knight lovag # # # N man/744, HAS high(rank), fight, ON horse Longman real DV
knitting ko2te1s lanam robienie_na_drutach 3480 u N
knock kiu2t # # 2724 V hit, CAUSE[=PAT[stand[lack]]] HUN lever
knock kopog pulso pukac1 1428 U =AGT HIT door, MAKE sound/993, =AGT WANT enter see 2724
knot csomo1 nodus we1zel1 430 u N AT/2744 rope, fasten TODO
know tud scio wiedziec1 2455 u V =AGT HAS information, information ABOUT =PAT
knowledge tuda1s scientia wiedza 2456 N information
known ismert notus znany 3481 u N
labor szu2le1s partus poro1d 2262 N
labour munka labor praca 1739 N work
lack hia1ny inopia brak 1048 U
ladder le1tra scalae drabina 1510 u N equipment, climb INSTRUMENT, high
lady ho2lgy domina dama 1069 N woman
lake to1 lacus jezioro 2403 N place/1026, water
lamb ba1ra1ny agnus jagnie1 204 N young, sheep
lament sirat deploro z1al1owac1 2106 V =AGT EXPRESS grief
lamp la1mpa lampas lampa 1470 N device, PRODUCE light/739
land fo2ld ager ziemia 816 u N solid, ground, area/2366 =AGT POS = N
language nyelv lingua je1zyk 1807 u N system, sign IN/2758 system, communicate INSTRUMENT
lap o2l gremium podol1ek 1845 N front, AT/2744 waist, AT/2744 knee, person[sit] HAS
large nagy grandis duz1y 1745 A big
last utolso1 ultimus ostatni 2540 A PART_OF sequence, lack(' FOLLOW)
late ke1so3 tardus spo1z1niony 1257 u A time ER
lately u1jabban nuper ostatnio 2470 D
later ke1so3bb # # 2803 # AT/2744 late
latter uto1bbi posterior ostatni 2539 A
laugh nevet rideo s1miac1_sie1 1789 u U =AGT EXPRESS delight, other CAUSE, =AGT MAKE sound/993 <lack(articulate), spontaneous
laughter nevete1s risus s1miech 1790 N laugh
law jog ius prawo 1200 u N rule, system, society/2285 HAS, official, norm, ABOUT person[=TO[can/1246]] to2rve1ny, right
law-making to2rve1nyhozo1 # # 3223 A MAKE law 3
lawful jogos iustus sprawiedliwy 1201 A CONFORM law
lawyer u2gyve1d advocatus prawnik 2492 N
lay laikus laicus s1wiecki 1484 A person, practice[lack,official] lack(profession), ND
layer re1teg # # # N material, BETWEEN two(thing) Longman real DV
lazy lusta ignavus leniwy 1556 A lack(work), lack(effort)
lead o1lom plumbum ol1o1w 1832 u N soft(metal)
lead vezet duco prowadzic1 2617 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[change]] naive_theo: x LEAD/2617 y, y LEAD/2617 z implies x LEAD/2617 z
leader vezeto3 princeps wo1dz 3106 u N lead/2617 agt of
leaf faleve1l folium lis1c1 723 N organ, green, flat, AT/2744 stem, PART_OF plant
lean do3l acclinor opierac1 475 V lack(vertical) Longman Leaning Tower of Pisa
lean sova1ny macer szczupl1y 2123 A
leap ugrik salto skakac1 2520 U
learn tanul disco uczyc1_sie1 2304 u V after(=AGT HAS knowledge)
learning tanula1s eruditio nauka 3482 u N
least legkisebb minimus najmniejszy 1516 A all ER
leather bo3r tergus sko1ra 317 N material, artefact, FROM/2742 skin
leave hagy sino pozwalac1 970 u V at[lack, after] elhagyja a szoba1t: after(lack(=AGT AT =PAT)), de otthagyja a tollat: after(lack(=PAT AT =AGT))
leaves elhagy folii lis1cie 3483 u N
left bal laevus lewy 222 N side
leg la1b pes noga 1467 u N limb, animal HAS, move INSTRUMENT, support, low
legal jogi # # 2806 A -al[law]
legitimize legitimiza1l legitimo uznac1 3484 u N
lend ko2lcso2nad commodo poz1yczac1 1374 V =AGT HAS =PAT, =AGT CAUSE[=DAT AT/2744 =PAT]
length hossz longitudo dl1ugos1c1 1085 u N size, distance BETWEEN two(end)
lens lencse lenticula soczewica 3344 u N shape, PART_OF camera, light/739 THROUGH, FOR/2782 clear(image), <glass>[curl], <plastic>, image HAS different(size), <look INSTRUMENT>
less kevesebb minor mniej 1311 u A few
lesson lecke ediscenda lekcja 1512 N know[after], person KNOW lesson
let be1rbead loco wynaja1c1 239 u V give, =AGT CAUSE[=DAT USE =PAT], =DAT[pay/812], =DAT CAUSE[=AGT HAS money]
let hagy patior pozwalac1 971 u V allow
letter betu3 littera litera 278 u N written(symbol)
letter leve1l litterae list 1539 u N written(message)
level si1k planus ro1wny 2088 u A see 2784
level szint tabulatum poziom 2781 u N position, AT/2744 scale
liberal bo3se1ges copiosus hojny 321 A see 2762
liberal libera1lis # # 2760 A THINK tradition[lack(important)], CHANGE system naive_theo: tolerant
library ko2nyvta1r bibliotheca biblioteka 1385 N place/1026, book IN/2758
lick nyal lingo lizac1 1804 V touch, INSTRUMENT tongue RG
lid fede1l operculum pokrywka 751 N ' MOVE, cover, hollow HAS
lie fekszik iaceo kl1amac1 762 u V rest, flat, horizontal
lie hazudik mentior kl1amac1 1019 u V =AGT SAY false
life e1let vita z1ycie 505 u N live
lift emel tollo podnies1c1 660 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT AT/2744 position], vertical(position ER other(position)), before(=PAT AT/2744 other(position))
light fe1ny lux s1wiatl1o 739 u N material, wave, CAUSE[animal SEE thing], beam/2722
light gyu1jt accendo zapalac1 944 u V =PAT[burn[after]]
light ko2nnyu3 levis lekki 1381 u A lack(heavy) antonym
light-coloured vila1gos_szi2nu3 # # 3209 A HAS light/739(colour) 6
lightning villa1m fulgur bl1yskawica 2631 u N weather, light/739, natural, electric, ON sky, flash
lightweight ko2nnyu3su1lyu1 levis waga_lekka 3487 u N
like kedvel amo lubic1 3382 u V =PAT[good], good FOR/2782 =AGT
like mint sicut jak 1701 u D similar
likely valo1szi1nu3 probabilis prawdopodobny 2582 u A speak[confident] modal. primitive?
limb a1g ramus konar 67 N PART_OF body, leg IS_A, arm IS_A
limb ve1gtag # # 3345 N branch, arm IS_A, leg IS_A
lime lime tilia limonka 2773 u N fruit
lime me1szko3 calx wapien1 1609 u N mineral
limit hata1rol termino ograniczac1 1012 V =AGT[amount, extreme], =PAT[pass[lack], out[lack]]
limp petyhu2dt flaccidus bezwl1adny 1957 A
line sor versus rza1d 2118 u N shape, long, HAS position, HAS direction, <straight/563> mark, next to each other
linen va1szon linteamen pos1ciel 3490 u N
linoleum linoleum # # 3174 N material, COVER floor, strong
lion oroszla1n leo lew 1911 u N large(mammal), RESEMBLE cat, EAT flesh, brave, strong HAS mane
lip ajak labrum warga 127 N AT/2744 mouth, HAS red(skin)
liquid folye1kony fluidus pl1ynny 846 u A substance, flow, HAS shape[change]
list lista tabulae lista 1544 u N series, item MEMBER, written
listen fu2lel ausculto sl1uchac1 871 u U =AGT CAUSE [=AGT HEAR =TO]
literature irodalom litterae literatura 1153 N every(text) IN/2758
litre liter litra litr 1546 N unit, space/2327, liquid
little kis parvus mal1y 1355 u A small
live e1l vivo z1yc1 504 u U exist, breathe, grow, reproduce, eat, action, adapt
lively eleven vividus z1wawy 612 A HAS [much(energy)], active
liver ma1j hepar wa1droba 2819 u N organ, red, brown, animal HAS
living kereset victus z2yja1cy 3492 u N
lizard gyi1k stellio jaszczurka 3493 u N
load terhel onero l1adowac1 2356 V =AGT CAUSE [=PAT[lot/3394] IN/2758 =TO[container]] =PAT =TO -- =INS =PAT variation
loaf cipo1 panicellus bochen 376 N bread, whole
local helyi localis lokalny 1032 A AT/2744 place/1026
lock za1r claustrum zamek 2667 N CAUSE =PAT[lack(open/1814)]
lodge lak villa willa 1485 N house, small, IN/2758 country
lodgings ha1z domus dom 964 N place/1026, live AT/2744
log naplo1 diarium dziennik 1757 N no xml
log ro2nk codex kl1oda 2028 N no xml
loll henye1l desideo lenic1_sie1 1034 U lazy, relax
lonely maga1nyos solus samotny 1580 A sad, [=AGT HAS lack(companion)] CAUSE
long hosszu1 longus dl1ugi 1086 u A size[horizontal,big], HAS axis lack(short)
long-haired hosszu1_haju1 # # 3289 A HAS long(hair/3359) 1
long-handled hosszu1_nyelu3 # # 3222 A HAS long(handle) 3
look ne1z specto patrzec1 1766 u V =AGT WANT[=AGT SEE =PAT]
loose bo3 laxus luz1ny 313 A move, big, lack(tight)
lord u1r dominus pan 2477 N HAS power, <god> ND
lose elveszi1t amitto gubic1 656 u V has[lack, after]
loss vesztese1g iactura strata 2611 N lose
lost elveszett amissus zgubiony 655 A lack(person KNOW place/1026), =AGT AT/2744 place/1026
lot juss sors los 1205 u N
lot sok plerus duz2o 3394 u A quantity, ER'
lot telek fundus dzial1ka 2342 u N
loud hangos clarud gl1os1ny 995 A sound/993, intense
louse tetu3 # # 2823 N non-LDV, added from swadesh
love szeret amo kochac1 2200 u V emotion, good, =PAT[person], care/82
low alacsony demissus niski 139 u A height('ER)
low-quality rosszu3_minu3se1gu3 # # 3288 A HAS low(quality) 1
lower also1 inferior nizszy 162 u A vertical('ER)
loyal hu3 fidus lojalny 1100 A always(respect)
loyalty hu3se1g fides lojalnos1c1 1102 N loyal
luck szerencse fortuna szcze1s1cie 2197 u N good, chance/2770 CAUSE
lump pu1p gibber gruda 1978 N small, solid, lack(flat) HUN dudor
lung tu2do3 pulmo pl1uco 2441 N organ, PART_OF body, breathe INSTRUMENT, <two>
lungs tu2do3 pulmo pl1uco 2442 N lung
lustful buja libidinosus napalony 353 A [sexual(desire)] IN/2758, HAS lack(control)
machine ge1p machina maszyna 894 u N object, work
machinery ge1pezet machinamentum maszyneria 895 N machine, group
mad o3ru2lt vesanus szalony 1880 A HAS mind[strange]
magazine folyo1irat commentarius magazyn 849 u N artefact, HAS more(page), more(article) IN/2758, more(story) IN/2758, more(picture) IN/2758
magic ma1gia ars_magica magia 1559 N CONTROL natural(force), INSTRUMENT supernatural
magician bu3ve1sz praestigiator magik 349 N USE magic, profession ND
mail posta posta poczta 1972 N letter/1539[move] IN/2758 system, package[move] IN/2758 system
main fo3 primus gl1o1wny 818 A ER all, rank, lead/2617
make csina1l facio robic1 409 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[exist]] RA
make_firm szila1rdi1t firmo umacniac1 2217 V
make_offering a1ldoz immolo pos1wie1cic1 71 V give, FOR/2782 please, =DAT[<god>]
make_strong ero3si1t corroboro wzmocnic1 689 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[strong]]
male bak mas samiec 219 u N see 1039
male hi1m mas samiec 1039 u N sex
mallet kalapa1cs malleus ml1oteczek 3495 u N
malt mala1ta maltum sl1o1d 3496 u N
mammal emlo3s # # 2729 N animal, HAS fur, HAS milk ND
man ember homo czl1owiek 659 u N mammal, HAS two(leg), HAS two(hand), think, can/1246(speak), can/1246(work), HAS society/2285 opposed to animal, divine person, or machine
man fe1rfi vir me1z1czyzna 744 u N person, male
manage sikeru2l procuro radzic1_sobie 2980 u V =AGT LEAD/2617 system, succeed/2718 kezel, sikeru2l
mane so2re1ny # # # N hair/3359, ON back/473 Longman real DV
manner mo1d modus sposo1b 1706 N property, do HAS
manner modor mos maniera 1715 N manner/1706
manners illem pudor maniery 1132 N polite RA
many sok multus wiele 2113 A quantity, ER'
map te1rke1p # # 3037 N image, ABOUT area/2366
map te1rke1p tabula_geographica mapa 2330 N
march menetel progredior maszerowac1 1663 U walk, steady, group, regular, =AGT MEMBER <military>
march vonul procedo maszerowac1 2663 U
mark jel nota znak 1182 u N visible(sign)
market piac forum rynek 1958 N public, buy AT/2744, sell AT/2744
marriage ha1zassa1g nuptiae wesele 1487 N legal(union), husband PART_OF, wife PART_OF
married ha1zas maritus z2onaty 3498 u N
marry ha1zasodik coniungo pobierac1_sie1 965 V after(=AGT IN/2758 marriage)
mask a1larc persona maska 3499 u N
mass mise # # 2726 N [group, people] AT/2744, prayer, priest LEAD/2617 ND
mass to2meg massa masa 2410 N
master gazda dominus pan 891 N CONTROL =POSS, HAS =POSS
master mester magister mistrz 1680 N HAS skill, HAS practice
master u1r dominus pan 2478 N see 891
mat la1bto2rlo3 tapete wycieraczka 1468 N flat, coarse, cloth, CAUSE shoe[clean], ON floor
match gyufa igniarium zapal1ka 951 u N stick, wood, [person MAKE fire] INSTRUMENT
match illik decet pasowac1 1134 u V similar, good(together)
match me1rko3ze1s interludium mecz 2719 u N event, sport, two(<group>) PART_OF
material anyag materialis material1 2798 u N object
material testi corporeus materialny 2371 u A
mathematics matematika mathematica matematyka 3066 u N science, ABOUT calculate, ABOUT number, ABOUT shape
matter anyag materia materia 171 N see 2758
matter sza1mi1t # # 2756 N important
matter u2gy res sprawa 2488 N
may lehet potest mo1c1 1523 u G allow CAUSE, permission
me e1n me mnie 510 G i
meal e1tkeze1s cena posil1ek 543 u N event FOR/2782 food
meal koszt cibus posil1ek 1440 u N meal/543
mean a1tlag plurimus_minimusque s1redni 106 u N average
mean gonosz malus zl1y 910 u A lack(gentle)
mean jelent sibi_vult znaczyc1 1186 u V represent, =AGT[sign]
meaning e1rtelem significatio znaczenie 528 N information IN/2758 =POSS
means eszko2z facultas sposo1b 702 N goal INSTRUMENT
measure me1rte1k mensura miara 1608 u N CAUSE[person KNOW quantity]
meat hu1s caro mie1so 1094 u N flesh, food, [animal,<mammal>] HAS flesh
medical orvosi medicines mediczny 2805 u A FOR health
medicine orvossa1g medicamentum lekarstwo 1915 N substance, cure/934, <liquid>, < ' SWALLOW>
medium ko2zepes # # 2717 A size 2011.04.19
meet tala1lkozik convenio spotykac1 2296 u V =AGT AT/2744 =PAT MAKE direct(contact), =AGT [=AGT] IN/2758 [contact], =PAT IN/2758 [contact] % ND
meeting tala1lkoza1s occursus spotkania 2295 u N
megabyte megabyte # # 3172 N @megabyte
melt olvad liquesco topic1_sie1 1907 V =PAT[material], heat CAUSE, material[solid[before]], material[after(liquid)]
member tag membrum/socius czl1onek 2293 N person, =POSS[group], person IN/2758 group
memory emle1kezet memoria pamie1c1 666 N information, human HAS, ABOUT past
mend foltoz resarcio cerowac1 843 V repair
mental szellemi spiritualis mentalny 3039 u A IN/2758 mind
mention emli1t memoro wspomniec1 669 V say incidental?
mercy kegyelem clementia mil1osierdzie 1281 N compassionate, HAS power
merry vida1m hilarus wesol1y 2625 A HAS joy
message u2zen nuntio wiadomos1c1 2508 V information, <written>, send
messenger futa1r nuntius posl1aniec 883 N person, CAUSE[message AT address]
metal fe1m metallum metal 738 u N material, solid, shine, conduct
method mo1dszer ratio metoda 1708 N ' INSTRUMENT, HAS stage/837, PART_OF knowledge
metre me1ter metrum metr 1610 N unit, length
metric me1ter- metricus metryczny 1611 A xml only metrical, see 2777
metrical metrikus # # 2774 A measure
mexican-american mexiko1i-amerikai # # 3287 A MEMBER [@United_States,nation], FROM/2742 @Mexico
microscope mikroszko1p microscopium mikroskop 1690 N [human SEE small] INSTRUMENT, HAS lens, image IN/2758, big(image ER object)
mid- ko2ze1p- medius s1rodkowy 1411 G middle
middle ko2ze1p media_pars s1rodek 1410 u N part, place/1026, lack(limit), lack(end), lack(side), lack(edge), lack(top), lack(bottom)
might hatalom vis moc 1015 u N influence
mile me1rfo2ld mille_passus mila 1606 N unit, length
military hadi militaris wojskowy 968 u A army
milk tej lac mleko 2337 u N white(liquid), FROM/2742 <cow>, fat/3337 IN/2758 protein IN/2758, lactose IN/2758
milky-white tejfehe1r # # 3286 A white 1
mill malom molae ml1yn 1592 N outdoor, machine, physical (energy) IN/2758, <building>, <MAKE flour>
mill mar rodo N/A 1593 V in xml, but actually definiendum
mill o3ro2l molo mlec1 1878 V no xml
mill tolong concurro N/A 2429 V
mind tudat conscientia umysl1 2457 u N human HAS, IN/2758 brain, human HAS brain, think INSTRUMENT, perceive INSTRUMENT, emotion INSTRUMENT, will INSTRUMENT, memory INSTRUMENT, imagination INSTRUMENT
mine ba1nya metalla kopalnia 202 N IN/2758 earth, mineral FROM/2742
mineral a1sva1ny metallum mineral1 97 u N substance, solid, natural, IN/2758 earth
minister miniszter # # 3402 N politician, MEMBER government, represent
minister pap sacerdos pastor 1938 N priest, christian, help person, HAS[religious(duty)] % office instead of duty? % ND
minute perc minutum minuta 1956 N time, unit, HAS second/1570, hour HAS
mirror tu2ko2r speculum lustro 2443 N surface, image IN/2758, object HAS image
mis- fe1lre- oblique/non_recte z1le 736 G fail % bad, lack
miserable siralmas miserabilis z1al1osny 2105 A lack(happy)
miserly fukar avarus ska1py 879 N quantity, small, bad no use
miss kisasszony dominula panna 1358 N miss/1357
miss ne1lku2lo2z # # 2720 V =AGT HAS bad(feeling), =AGT HAS lack(=PAT)
mist ko2d nebula mgl1a 1372 N steam IN/2758 air, outside, weather
mistake hiba error bl1a1d 1051 N person CAUSE bad
mix kever misceo mieszac1 1309 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT IN/2758 =TO[<liquid>]], =PAT[material, before(separate)]
mixture elegy mixtio mieszanka 607 N compound
mock a1l- adulterinus/falsus fal1szywy 69 G RESEMBLE =AGT, lack(=AGT), false
mock gu1nyol # # 2965 V =AGT CAUSE[people[laugh] THINK =PAT[stupid]]
model minta exemplum przykl1ad 1703 N object, represent
model modell exemplum przykl1ad 1713 A see 1703
modern mai hodiernus nowoczesny 1587 u A see 1714
modern modern novus nowoczesny 1714 u A AT/2744 time[near]
modest szere1ny modestus skromny 2196 A THINK ability[lack(important)], HAS ability
moment pillanat momentum chwila 1961 N time, point
momentary hirtelen subitus nagl1y 1060 A AT/2744 moment HUN pillanatnyi
monarch uralkodo1 # # 3370 N king IS_A, queen IS_A, LEAD/2617 country
monastery monostor # # # N institution, more(monk) HAS, apartment Longman real DV
money pe1nz pecunia pienia1dze 1952 u N artefact, FOR/2782 exchange, HAS value, official
monk szerzetes monachus mnich 3505 u N profession, PART_OF religion, live IN/2758 group
monkey majom simia mal1pa 1590 N animal, hairy, HAS[leg[two]], HAS[hand[two]], HAS tail, active, climb, play clever? strupid?, friendly? % naive_theo: monkey IMITATE
month ho1nap mensis miesia1c 1068 N unit, time, twelve, PART_OF year
moon hold luna ksie1z1yc 1074 N planet, ON sky, AT/2744 night, move, move AROUND earth
moral erko2lcs mos moralnos1c1 681 N See 682 and 2306
moral tanulsa1g documentum moral1 2306 N lesson, PART_OF story
morals erko2lcs mos moralnos1c1 682 N rule, ABOUT <intercourse>, right/1191 PART_OF, wrong PART_OF
more to2bb plus wie1cej 2404 u A quantity, ER'
morning reggel mane ranek 2002 N early, PART_OF day, sunrise AT/2744
mosque mecset aedes_sacra_Turcorum meczet 1612 N @Islam HAS, temple/2349 no xml
mosquito szu1nyog culex komar 2255 u N insect, CAUSE[blood FROM/2742 vessel], CAUSE [bad(feeling) AT skin], animal HAS skin
most legto2bb plurimus najwie1cej 1518 A -est
mother anya mater matka 170 N parent, female
motion mozga1s motus ruch 1729 N move
motor motor motor silnik 1728 N CAUSE move
mountain hegy mons go1ra 1024 u N object, ON earth, natural, high, HAS <steep/1673>(side), high(ER hill)
mountain-climbing hegyma1sza1s # # 3285 A climb, AT/2744 mountain
mouse ege1r mus mysz 551 N rodent, HAS long(tail)
mouth sza1j os usta 2137 u N organ, ON face, food IN/2758, speak INSTRUMENT, can/1246(open/1814)
move mozog moveor ruszac1_sie1 1731 u U before(=AGT AT/2744 place/1026), after(=AGT AT/2744 other(place/1026))
move_crookedly sa1nti1t claudico kulec1 2055 U
movement mozgalom motus ruch 3506 u N
much sok multus wiele 2114 u A many
mud sa1r lutum bl1oto 2056 N wet, earth, soft, sticky, water IN/2758
multiply szaporodik propagor mnoz1yc1_sie1 2157 U
multiply szoroz multiplico mnoz1yc1 2253 U calculate, add[other] FOLLOW add
murder gyilkol caedo mordowac1 933 V =AGT CAUSE =PAT[live[lack]], deliberate, illegal
murmur morog murmuro szeptac1 1723 V animal MAKE sound/993[low, long] no xml
muscle izom musculus mie1sien1 1168 N tissue, move
music zene musica muzyka 2676 u N art, entertainment, sound/993, HAS rhythm HAS melody % HAS harmony
musical musical musicus muzykal 3507 u N
musician zene1sz # # 3016 N profession, FOR/2782 music
musician zene1sz musicus muzyk 2677 N
must kell debet musiec1 1286 G lack(option) hungarian and english cases differ
mutilate megronga1l laedo kaleczyc1 1641 V no xml
my -m meus mo1j 32 G i HAS =REL
mystery rejte1ly aenigma tajemnica 2005 N lack(' UNDERSTAND)
nail ko2ro2m # # 3065 N PART_OF finger, AT/2744 end, finger HAS end, hard, smooth
nail szeg clavus gwo1z1dz1 2176 N HUN szo2g
naive nai1v simplex naiwny 1753 A no xml
name ne1v nomen imie1 1765 u N word, MEAN/1186 thing, thing[<one>] HAS
narrow szu3k angustus wa1ski 2269 u A lack(wide)
nasty undok foedus wredny 2524 A lack(kind), lack(pleasant) kind/1274
nation nemzet natio/gens naro1d 1786 N large(group), people, <HAS country>
native honi domesticus tubylczy 1079 A birth AT/2744
natural terme1szetes naturalis naturalny 2972 u A lack(artificial), lack(person CAUSE)
nature terme1szet natura natura 2362 N character, important ER, quality
naval flotta- navalis marynarski 814 A navy
navy flotta classis marynarka 813 N nation HAS, more(ship) PART_OF, military, force, AT/2744 sea
near ko2zeli propinquus bliski 1414 A AT/2744 distance, ER distance
neat rendes dispositus schludny 2009 A HAS structure, beautiful RA: careful(arrangement)
necessary szu2kse1ges necessarius potrzebny 2260 A lack(=REL) CAUSE lack(=TO)
neck nyak cervices szyja 1803 N PART_OF body, CAUSE[head AT/2744]
need szu2kse1g necessitas potrzeba 2259 u N bad FOR/2782 =AGT, lack(=TO) AT =AGT, =AGT WANT lack(=TO)
needle tu3 acus igl1a 2448 u N artefact, long, thin/2598, steel, pierce, HAS hole, <sew INSTRUMENT>
needle-like tu3-szeru3 # # 3284 A long, thin/2598, pierce hedgehog % 1
negative negati1v negativus negatywny 3004 u A lack
neglect elhanyagol praetereo odrzucac1 1660 V lack(care/82)
neighbour szomsze1d vicinus sa1siad 2249 N
neither se nec ani 2065 G
neither sem # # 3003 G not
nerve ideg nervus nerw 1116 N IN/2758 body, feel INSTRUMENT
nervous ideges trepidus zdenerwowany 2721 u A anxious, sensitive
nervous idegi nervosus nerwowy 1119 u A see also 2721
nest fe1szek nidus gniazdo 747 N home, bird HAS, bird MAKE, <ON tree>, egg IN/2758, young IN/2758
net ha1lo1 rete siec1 955 N structure, cord, knot PART_OF, catch/828
network ha1lo1zat rete siec1 956 u N net, <broadcast>
neuter semleges castro kastrowac1 3511 u N
never soha nunquam nigdy 2112 D AT/2744 time[lack]
new u1j novus nowy 2469 u A exist AT/2744 past[short], lack(old)
news hi1r novum wiadomos1c1 1041 N information, ABOUT recent(event), IN/2758 <newspaper>
newspaper u1jsa1g diurna gazeta 2473 u N artefact, public, HAS more(page), AT/2744 every(day), news IN/2758, article IN/2758 advertisement IN/2758 % <editorial IN/2758>
next ko2vetkezo3 posterus naste1pny 1406 D at/2744, FOLLOW '
nice kedves dulcis mil1y 1275 A CAUSE joy
nice-smelling kedves_illatu1 # # 3283 A HAS nice(smell) 1
night e1j nox noc 500 N period, FOLLOW sunset, sunrise FOLLOW, dark, lack(sun), <sleep AT/2744>
nine kilenc # # 2998 A number, FOLLOW eight
no nem non nie 1778 u G lack
no_one senki nemo nikt 2081 N lack(person)
nobility nemesse1g nobilitas szlachta 3512 u N
noble nemes nobilis szlachetny 1782 A man/659, birth CAUSE, IN/2758 social(class), IN/2758 history
nobleman nemes homo_nobilis szlachcic 1783 N noble, man/659 no xml
nobody senki nemo nikt 2082 N lack(person) quantifier
noise zaj fremitus hal1as 2671 u N sound/993, <bad> loud, frighten
noisy zajos # # 2828 A CAUSE noise
non- nem- non- nie- 1781 G lack(=REL)
non-Christian nem-kereszte1ny # # 3235 A lack(christian) christian or non-christian % 2
non-european nem_euro1pai # # 3282 A lack(@Europe) 1
non-physical nem_fizikai # # 3281 A lack(physical) 1
none semmi nihil z1aden 2079 A lack(thing)
nonsense ke1ptelense1g # # 3053 N idea, lack(true), lack(meaning)
nor sem neque ani 2078 G not
norm norma # # 3361 N good FOR/2782 society/2285
normal rendes naturalis normalny 2799 u A RESEMBLE other
north e1szak septemtriones po1l1noc 538 N direction, ON earth, top, map HAS top
northern e1szaki septemtrionalis po1l1nocny 539 A north
nose orr nasus nos 1912 u N organ, PART_OF face, vertebrate HAS face, front, AT/2744 centre, smell, air[move] IN/2758 nostril PART_OF
not nem non nie 1779 u G unsolved
not_heed szo1fogadatlan non_parens nieposl1uszny 2225 A lack(heed) no xml
note feljegyze1s annotatio notatka 774 N short, written Longman hangjegy
nothing semmi nihil nic 2080 u N lack(thing)
notice e1szrevesz animadverto zauwaz1ac1 540 V know, see
noun fo3ne1v vocabulum rzeczownik 824 u N word, MEAN/1186 [<person>,<place/1026>,<thing>]
nourish ta1pla1l alo karmic1 2281 V
now most nunc teraz 1726 u A AT/2744 this(time)
nowhere sehol # # 3064 G AT/2744 lack
nowhere sehol nusquam nigdzie 2075 D
number sza1m numerus numer 2138 u N quantity
nun no3ve1r ancilla zakonnica 3514 u N
nurse dada nutrix niania 443 N <woman>, FOR/2782 person[<sick>,<child>]
nurse szoptat nutrico karmic1 2251 V
nut magv nucleus ja1dro 1585 N fruit, HAS lack(juice), <brown>, IN/2758 shell, grow ON tree
nylon nylon materia_plastica_nailonensis nylon 1816 N material, artefact
o'clock o1rakor hora godzina 1836 D AT/2744 hour
oar evez remus wiosl1o 3515 u N
oats zab # # # N cereal Longman real DV
obey szo1tfogad oboedio byc1_posl1usznym 2229 V =AGT DO order/1942, =PAT MAKE order/1942
object ce1l finis cel 364 u N
object ta1rgy corpus przedmiot 2705 u N thing, <HAS colour>, HAS shape, HAS weight, <HAS surface>, HAS position, lack(life) HAS orientation
observe betart conservo przestrzegac1 272 V no Longman use
obstruct akada1lyoz impedio blokowac1 130 V =AGT CAUSE[lack(pass)]
obtain kap adipiscor zal1atwic1 1224 V get/1223
occasion alkalom occasio okazja 157 u N time, =TO AT/2744
ocean o1cea1n oceanus ocean 1829 N salt IN/2758, water, COVER earth
octopus polip polypus os1miornica 3517 u N
odd ku2lo2no2s mirus dziwny 1453 A common[lack], strange
odd pa1ratlan impar nieparzysty 1930 A number
of -bo1l ex -any 16 u G material[=REL]
of -ro1l de o 41 u G before(ON =REL), after(far)
of -to1l a/ab od 58 u G before(AT/2744 =FROM), after(far)
off el dis- wy- 592 u D lack AT/2744
offence ve1tek delictum wykroczenie 2601 N
offend ba1nt offendo obrazic1 201 V =AGT CAUSE[harm AT/2744 =PAT]
offensive se1rto2 odiosus obraz1liwy 2723 u A lack(polite)
offensive ta1mada1s impetus ofensywa 2276 u N offend see also 2723
offer aja1nl commendo zaofiarowac1 125 u V communicate, =AGT CAUSE[=DAT[decide]], decide ABOUT =PAT
office iroda cancellaria biuro 1152 u N place/1026, professional(activity) IN/2758
officer tiszt praefectus oficer 2388 N
official hivalatalos publicus oficjalny 1065 u A AT/2744 authority
official tisztviselo3 officialis urze1dnik 2398 u N
offspring uto1d # # 3346 N child
often gyakran saepe cze1sto 921 D many IN/2758 time, little(distance) BETWEEN
oh o1 o o 3170 u G ??vocative
oil olaj oleum olej 1900 N slip, can/1246[burn], liquid, <engine CONSUME>
old o2reg senex stary 1854 u A long(time) FROM/1838 birth, old HAS birth
old-fashioned re1gimo1di # # 3008 A HAS style[old]
on -n super na 33 u G at, TOUCH =REL, vertical(ER =REL)
once egykor olim dawno 580 D IN/2758 past
once egyszer # # 2766 # AT/2744 one(time)
one egy unus jeden 559 u N number, lack(more), lack(divide CAUSE)
onion vo2ro2shagyma cepa cebula 2659 N
only csak solus/modo tylko 381 u D lack(other)
onto -ra # # 2793 G after(on)
open nyi1lt apertus otwarty 1814 u A move[can/1246], move THROUGH, lack(shut/2668)
open nyit aperio otwierac1 1815 u V =PAT[open/1814[after]]
operate mu3ko2dik # # 2978 V work, <system>
operation mu3velet operatio operacja 1736 N operate, process, PART_OF work, <CAUSE health>
opinion ne1zet opinio zdanie 1768 u N =POSS THINK, =POSS[confident], =POSS HAS lack(proof)
opponent ellenfe1l adversarius przeciwnik 631 N person, oppose, <compete>, <AT/2744 battle> contradicting defaults
opportunity leheto3se1g # # 2959 N can/1246
oppose ellenez adversor sprzeciwic1_sie1 630 V lack(agree)
oppose ellenz adversor sprzeciwic1_sie1 635 V =AGT see 630
opposite szemben contra przeciwny 2184 u D different
opposition ellente1t oppositio przeciwien1stwo 634 N oppose, =PAT[<plan>]
oppress elnyom opprimo uciskac1 639 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[people] HAS lack(right/3122)] neighter right/1191 nor right/1199
option leheto3se1g # # 3362 N can/1246(choose), person CHOOSE, possible
or vagy vel albo 2568 u G
orange narancs aurantium pomaran1cza 1758 N IN/2758 warm(land), round(fruit), RESEMBLE yellow, RESEMBLE red
orange-brown narancs-barna # # 3211 A orange, brown 5
orange-coloured narancs_szi2nu3 # # 3279 A HAS orange(colour) 1
orange-red narancspiros # # 3278 A red, orange 1
orange-yellow narancssa1rga # # 3234 A orange, yellow 2
order parancs iussum rozkaz 1942 u N communicate, authority GIVE, [other(person)] DO
order sorrend ordo porza1dek 2739 u N relation, =POSS[more(item)], first PART_OF
ordinary he1tko2znapi quotidianus zwyczajny 1023 A common
organ szerv membrum narza1d 2203 u N object, PART_OF body, HAS purpose
organization szervezet societas organizacja 2204 u N group, person MEMBER, HAS purpose, structure
organize szervez compono organizowac1 2949 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT HAS structure]
origin eredet origo pocza1tek 678 N point, =POSS[exist[after]] relational
original eredeti # # 3347 A first, other FOLLOW, new, ' RESEMBLE, <famous MAKE> lack(RESEMBLE '), lack(FOLLOW ') % RESEMBLE is asymmetric, figure and ground
ornament di1sz ornamentum ornament 459 N object, adorn
other ma1s alius inny 1567 u N primitive ?
otherwise ma1ske1pp aliter w_przeciwnym_razie 1568 D lack CAUSE logic. ?
ought kell debet powinien 1287 G best(option)
our -nk noster nasz 36 G we HAS
ours mie1nk noster nasz 1687 G we HAS
out ki foras wy- 1316 u D lack(in/2758), lack(limit)
outdoor ku2lso3 externus na_zewna1trz 1455 A lack(IN/2758 building)
outdoors kinn foris na_zewna1trz 1347 D outdoor, can/1246(animal SEE sky)
outer ku2lso3 exterior zewne1trzny 1456 A out
outside kinn foris na_zewna1trz 1348 D out
over a1t trans przez 99 u A move, vertical(ER =REL)
overcome legyo3z evinco pokonac1 1521 V defeat
overflow tu1lfolyik exundo przelewac1 2438 V
overpower legyo3z opprimo pokonac1 1522 V defeat, =AGT IN/2758 conflict, strong(=AGT ER =PAT)
owe tartozik debeo byc1_winnym 2317 U must[after(=AGT CAUSE[<money> AT/2744 =DAT])]
owing_to ko2szo2nheto3en propter dzie1ki 1391 A =DAT CAUSE
own saja1t proprius wl1asny 2059 u A self HAS
ox o2ko2r bos wo1l1 1844 N male, cattle
oxygen oxige1n oxygenum tlen 1926 N gas, IN/2758 air, HAS lack(colour)
oyster osztriga ostrea ostryga 3521 u N
pack csomagol colligo pakowac1 429 V wrap
package csomag arca paczka 3002 u N artefact, together, after(AT other(place/1026))
packet csomag fascis paczka 427 N object, unit, ' COVER
page lap pagina strona 1491 u N artefact, surface, paper HAS, write ON, IN/2758 <book>
pain ki1n cruciatus bo1l 1318 N bad, sensation, injury CAUSE
paint fest pingo malowac1 795 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[liquid] COVER surface, =PAT[picture] ON surface], liquid HAS colour, decorate, INSTRUMENT brush German streichen/bemalen vs malen
painter festo3 pictor malarz 796 N person, paint
painting festme1ny pictura obraz 3523 u N
pair pa1r bini para 1929 N two, similar
palace palota palatium pal1ac 1935 N official, home, person HAS, person HAS high(rank)
pale fako1 gilvus blady 719 A white, skin
pale-coloured halva1ny_szi2nu3 # # 3233 A HAS pale(colour) 2
pan tepsi frixorium patelnia 2353 N container, metal, cook/825 INSTRUMENT, HAS handle, <round> HUN serpenyo3
pant liheg anhelo dyszec1 1543 U breath, quick RG
paper papi1r charta papier 1940 u N material, FROM/2742 wood, flexible, sheet, HAS two(side)
parallel pa1rhuzamos parallelus ro1wnolegl1y 1931 A constant(distance) BETWEEN, lack(meet)
parcel csomag fascis paczka 428 N packet
parent szu2lo3 parens rodzic 2266 u N MAKE child
park park horti park 1943 N area/2366, land, public, lack(building), rest IN/2758, beautiful, natural, grass IN/2758, tree PART_OF, IN/2758 <town>, walk IN/2758, play IN/2758, lack(building) AT
parliament parlament senatus sejm 1944 N state/76 HAS, FOR/2782 nation, MAKE law, HAS power
part re1sz pars cze1s1c1 1997 u N part_of
partake_of bevesz capio wzia1c1 281 V no Longman
participle participium participium imiesl1o1w 1948 u N the past tense and past participle of
particle darabka # # 3373 N small, piece, separate
particular egyes singularis pewien 568 u A
partner ta1rs socius partner 2284 N WITH/60 =POSS, IN/2758 <marriage>, =POSS IN/2758 <marriage>
party buli orgia zabawa 354 u N event, people AT/2744, FOR/2782 pleasure, eat AT/2744, drink AT/2744, dance AT/2744
pass a1tenged transmitto przepus1cic1 102 u V =AGT LET/971[=DAT HAS =PAT]
passage u1t iter przejs1cie 2480 N
passenger utas viator/vector pasaz1er 2534 N travel, IN/2758 vehicle, lack(drive)
past mu1lt praeterita przeszl1os1c1 1732 u N period, PART_OF time, present FOLLOW
paste pe1p puls pasta 1953 N no xml
pastry su2teme1ny panificium wypiek 2132 u N
path o2sve1ny semita s1ciez1ka 1867 N way, <narrow>, <lack(build)>
patient beteg aeger pacjent 275 N GET medical(care/82)
pattern minta exemplum wzo1r 1704 u N structure, ' RESEMBLE, repeat part?
pause szu2net intermissio przerwa 2267 N lack(action), temporary
pay be1r pretium pensja 237 u N money, =POSS[work[before]], after(=POSS HAS)
pay fizet persolvo pl1acic1 812 u V =AGT CAUSE[=DAT HAS money], buy, =AGT PART_OF exchange
peace be1ke pax poko1j 233 N lack(war)
peak csu1cs # # 3139 N pointed, top
peculiar ku2lo2no2s peculiaris szczego1lny 1454 A common[lack]
peel he1j putamen obierki 1020 N COVER fruit
pen o1l stabulum chlew 1830 N see 2428
pen toll penna pio1ro 2428 N instrument, <write>, ink IN/2758, CAUSE[ink ON surface]
pence fille1r nummulus pens 804 N penny, more
pencil ceruza plumbum ol1o1wek 369 N instrument, write INSTRUMENT, draw/2707 INSTRUMENT, long, round, rod IN/2758 naive_theo: graphite
penny fille1r nummulus pens 805 u N cent
people ne1p populus ludzie 1762 u N human(group)
pepper bors piper pieprz 334 N powder, CAUSE[food HAS hot(taste)]
per -ke1nt per jako 31 G
perceive e1rze1kel percipio dostrzegac1 531 V know, INSTRUMENT sense
perfect to2ke1letes perfectus idealny 2406 A lack(mistake) IN, best
perform elo3ad ago grac1 642 u V action, ' SEE, public, play =AGT HAS role
perhaps ta1n forsitan moz1e 2277 D
period ido3tartam tempestas okres 1123 u N time, =POSS IN/2758 time, =POSS FROM/1838 ' , =POSS TO/2743 '
perish megsemmisu2l deleor gina1c1 1643 U violent, destroy
permanent a1llando1 # # 3015 A lack(change)
permission engede1ly concessio pozwolenie 672 N allow
permit tu3r sino pozwalac1 2453 V allow
person szeme1ly persona osoba 2185 N man/659
personal szeme1lyes proprius osobisty 2186 A
persuade meggyo3z persuadeo przekonywac1 1625 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[do], =PAT HAS opinion[change]], INSTRUMENT <reason>
pestle mozsa1rto2ro3 pilum moz1dzierz 3524 u N
pet bece1z permulceo spieszczac1 243 V no Longman
pet ha1zia1llat domesticum_animal zwierza1tko_domowe 966 N animal, companion, person HAS companion
pet kedvenc delicia ulubiony 1272 A favourite
petrol benzin benzina benzyna 265 N liquid, engine INSTRUMENT, can/1246(explode)
petroleum petroleum benzinum paliwo 3525 u N
phone telefon # # 3063 N telephone
photograph ke1p photographia zdje1cie 1243 u N image, camera MAKE
photography fe1nyke1peze1s ars_imagines_lucis_ope_pingendi fotografia 741 N PRODUCE image, image AT/2744 <film>, INSTRUMENT camera
phrase mondat sententia fraza 1721 u N sign, AT/2744 text, HAS word
physical fizikai corporalis fizyczny 2809 u A body HAS
piano zongora # # 3030 N artefact, FOR/2782 music, large, HAS keys
piano zongora clavichordium fortepian 2682 N
pick felvesz tollo podnosic1 785 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT AT/2744 =AGT], after(use) select, before(=PAT IN/2758 group), =PAT[best OF group]
picture ke1p pictura obraz 1244 u N image
piece darab pars kawal1ek 449 u N thing, small, IN/2758 =POSS[large]
pierce szu1r figo przekl1uwac1 2256 V =AGT CAUSE[hole IN/2758 =PAT], INSTRUMENT sharp
pig malac porcus s1winia 1591 u N mammal, HAS short(leg), HAS short(hair/3359), dig, <AT/2744 farm>, young hog
pile halom acervus gromada 988 N many IN/2758, object ON object(thing), high, collect MAKE
pillar oszlop columna filar 1917 N vertical, support
pilot pilo1ta # # 3025 N CONTROL aircraft
pilot vezet moderor pilotowac1 2618 V
pin tu3 acus pinezka 2449 u N device, fasten, HAS material[<metal>] biztosi1to1-, rajzszo2g % RA
pink ro1zsaszi1n roseus ro1z1owy 2024 A colour
pink-brown ro1zsaszi2n-barna # # 3277 A pink, brown 1
pink-orange ro1zsaszi2n-narancs # # 3275 A pink, orange 1
pinkish-orange ro1zsaszi2nes-narancs # # 3232 A orange, pink 2
pinkish-red ro1zsaszi2nespiros # # 3276 A red, pink 1
pipe cso3 fistula rura 418 u N artefact, space/2327 IN/2758, cylinder, fluid[move] IN/2758
pity ka1r miseret_me_alicuius szkoda 1208 N sorrow, [person[other,suffer]] CAUSE sympathy OR sorrow
pizza pizza # # 3197 N food, flat, round, bread PART_OF, bake MAKE, <tomato ON>, <cheese ON>, <vegetable ON>, <meat ON>
place hely locus miejsce 1026 u N point, ' AT/2744
place te1r forum plac 2326 u N thing IN/2758, empty, [three(dimension)] IN/2758
plain egyszeru3 # # 3052 A simple
plain si1k planus ro1wny 2089 A
plan terv propositum plan 2369 u N after(structure)
plane repu2lo3 aeroplanum samolot 2807 u N vehicle, fly, HAS two(wing), <HAS engine>
plane si1k planum pl1aszczyzna 2090 u N flat see repu2lo3
planet e1gitest # # # N object, IN space/2509
plant no2ve1ny planta ros1lina 2792 u N live, lack(move), HAS many(leaf), HAS root, AT/2744 earth
plant u2ltet sero sadzic1 2495 u V
plastic alaki1thato1 formabilis/qui_formari_potest elastyczny 144 A material, HAS shape, shape[can/1246(change)], <artificial> mu2anyag
plastics mu3anyag plastica plastik 1733 N see 144
plate ta1nye1r catinus talerz 2279 u N artefact, flat, <round>, <food ON>
play ja1tszik ludo bawic1_sie1 1175 u V game game/1173
player ja1te1kos ludens zawodnik 3201 u A play, participant, PART_OF game agt of play
pleasant kellemes iucundus przyjemny 1288 u A nice
pleasant-smelling kellemes_illatu1 # # 3208 A HAS pleasant(smell) 6
please tetszik place/1026 zadowalac1 2378 V =AGT CAUSE[=DAT HAS joy] RG
pleased ele1gedett contentus zadowolony 601 A HAS pleasure
pleasure ke1j voluptas przyjemnos1c1 1236 u N nice
plenty bo3se1g copia obfitos1c1 320 N amount, ER', good
plenty sok multus wiele 2115 A many
plough eke aratrum pl1ug 589 N artefact, FOR/2782 agriculture, HAS sharp(blade), MOVE soil
plunge beleveti_maga1t se_praecipito wskoczyc1 260 U after(=AGT UNDER surface), <water> HAS surface
plural to2bbes pluralis mnogi 2405 u A more, PART_OF language
pocket zseb sinus kieszen1 2685 N bag, PART_OF garment, <money> IN/2758, <key> IN/2758
poem vers versus wiersz 2607 u N art, text, <metrical>, poet WRITE
poet ko2lto3 poeta poeta 1378 N WRITE poetry
poetry ko2lte1szet poesis poezja 1377 N poem, whole
point pont punctum punkt 1969 u N degree
pointed hegyes acutus szpiczasty 1025 A sharp
poison me1reg venenum trucizna 1604 N substance, CAUSE injury
pole bot pertica pal 336 N artefact, long, upright, cylinder
police rendo3rse1g disciplinae_publicae_praefectura policja 2014 N government HAS, control, FOR/2782 law, CAUSE[lack(crime)] investigate, CAUSE[order] with order in a new sense
policeman rendo3r custos_publicus policjant 2013 N profession, person, MEMBER police
polish fe1nyez polio polerowac1 740 u V =AGT CAUSE surface[smooth, shine] , =PAT HAS surface RA
polite udvarias comis uprzejmy 2516 A CONFORM society/2285
political politikai civilis polityczny 1965 u A politics
politician politikus vir_rerum_civilium_peritus polityk 1966 N person, MEMBER politics
politics politika consilium polityka 1964 u N science, LEAD/2617 nation science of governing?, ABOUT?
pool medence piscina basen 1614 N water IN/2758, <swim> IN/2758, <play> IN/2758
poor szege1ny pauper biedny 2177 A HAS lack(money)
pope pa1pa # # 3034 N priest, LEAD/2617 @Catholic_Church
popular ne1p- popularis popularny 1763 A many LIKE/3382
popularity ne1pszeru3se1g favor_popularis popularnos1c1 1764 N popular
population lakossa1g incolae populacja 1489 N people, live, IN/2758 area/2366
port kiko2to3 portus port 1338 u N place/1026, AT/2744 water, ship IN/2758, load AT/2744
position hely locus miejsce 1027 u N place/1026
positive poziti1v positivus pozytywny 3529 u N
possess birtokol possideo posiadac1 297 V =AGT HAS =PAT if the parser permits, HAS will be enough
possessions birtok possessio mienie 295 N property, valuable
possibility leheto3se1g potestas moz1liwos1c1 1524 N possible
possible lehetse1ges possibilis moz1liwy 1525 u A 'LET/971, can/1246
post a1lla1s locus/munus stanowisko 75 u N See 2742 and 2743
post po1zna asser sl1up 2740 u N artefact, solid, upright, AT/2744 ground, <wood> SUPPORT '
post posta cursorium poczta 2741 u N mail
postage_stamp be1lyeg tessera znaczek 235 N stamp
pot faze1k olla garnek 730 N contain, IN/2758 kitchen, <round>, <deep>, <HAS handle>, <HAS lid>, cook/825 INSTRUMENT
potato krumpli solanum kartofel 1443 N vegetable, ' COOK/825
pouch zacsko1 crumina sakiewka 3530 u N
poultry baromfi # # 2733 N AT/2744 farm, bird ND
pound font libra funt 852 u N <weight>, measure 16(ounce) IN/2758
pound o1l stabulum chlew 1831 u N see 852
pour o2nt fundo nalewac1 1852 V after(=PAT[liquid] AT wide)
pour_out kio2nt effundo wylewac1 1349 V pour
powder por pulvis puder 1971 u N substance, more(particle)
power ero3 vis moc 684 u N CAUSE physical(change)
power hajt propello nape1dzac1 979 u V no verbal use
powerful ero3s potens mocny 3531 u N
practical u2gyes sollers praktyczny 2489 A
practice gyakorlat exercitatio c1wiczenie 2947 u N real, lack, frequent antonym: theory TODO
practice u3z exerceo praktykowac1 2512 u V
practise u3z exerceo praktykowac1 2513 V
praise dicse1r laudo chwalic1 464 V say, admire ND
prate fecseg garrio gadac1 749 U chatter
pray ima1dkozik precor modlic1_sie1 1140 V communicate WITH/60 [supernatural,person,<god>] ND
prayer ima praecatio modlitwa 1138 N communicate TO/2743 god
precious becses pretiosus cenny 245 A HAS high(value)
prefer jobban_szeret # # 3029 V [=AGT LIKE/3382 =PAT] ER [=AGT LIKE/3382 =OBL], =AGT CHOOSE =PAT =OBL is maleficient
preparation ke1szi1tme1ny praeparatum przygotowanie 1261 N prepare HUN elo3ke1szu2let
prepare ke1szi1t apparo przygotowywac1 1260 V =AGT[ready[after]]
presence jelenle1t praesentia obecnos1c1 1185 N =POSS AT/2744 place/1026
present bemutat introduco przedstawic1 263 u V =AGT CAUSE[=DAT SEE =PAT]
preserve mego3riz conservo konserwowac1 1637 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[<lack(injure)>,lack(change)]]
president elno2k praeses prezydent 637 N LEAD/2617 republic
press nyom premo naciskac1 1818 u V touch, =AGT CAUSE[=PAT AT/2744 surface]
press_on unszol impello zmuszac1 2527 V
press_out sajtol premo wyciskac1 2061 V
pressure nyoma1s pressio cis1nienie 3132 u N gas[press]
pretend tettet simulo udawac1 2381 u V do[false] RESEMBLE =PAT
pretty csinos bellus l1adny 410 A attractive RA
prevail domina1l dominor dominowac1 483 V =AGT ER' , succeed/2718, strong
prevent megelo3z praevenio zapobiegac1 1623 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[lack]]
previous elo3zo3 # # 2984 A ' FOLLOW
price a1r pretium cena 86 u N amount, ' PAY/812, AT/2744 exchange
prick fasz penis huj 729 N no Longman use
prick tu2ske spina drzazga 2445 N no Longman use
prickle bo2k pungo kl1uc1 310 V after(excitement), after(sensation) % no Longman
prickly tu2ske1s spinosus kolczasty 2446 A
pride go3g superbia duma 899 N honour[self] self is a keyword
priest pap sacerdos ksia1dz 1939 N profession, PART_OF religion, MAKE ceremony, <christian>, bless preach
prime_minister miniszterelno2k # # 3078 N minister/3402, LEAD/2617 government
prince herceg dux/princeps ksia1z1e 1035 N male, PART_OF royal(family), son, monarch HAS son „son” is a relational noun, „monarch” is the related entity
principle elv ratio zasada 652 u N basic(rule)
print nyomat imprimo drukowac1 1819 u V CAUSE[ [text,ink] ON surface], INSTRUMENT machine a transparent sheet that you write or print something on
prison bo2rto2n carcer wie1zienie 312 N building, must[people IN/2758], people[lack(free)]
prisoner rab captivus wie1zien1 1984 N person, IN/2758 prison, lack(free)
private maga1n privatus priwatny 1578 u A lack(public), [one(person)] USE [restricted(group)] USE need to be inferred % anto
prize di1j praemium nagroda 458 N win GET/1223, symbol, FOR/2782 honour
probability valo1szi1nu3se1g probabilitas prawdopodobien1stwo 2584 N degree ABOUT confident, =POSS[event,probable] naive_theo:probable ER => happen
probable valo1szi1nu3 probabilis prawdopodobny 2583 A likely
problem proble1ma problem problem 2785 u N situation, difficult, after(solve)
proceed ered abeo wywodzic1_sie1 677 V no Longman, see 1405
proceed ko2vetkezik consequor wywodzic1_sie1 1405 V before(interrupt) no xml
process folyamat processus proces 2791 u N series, action, change, <HAS result>
procession menet agmen procesja 1662 N line, people IN/2758, move[slow], ceremony ko2rmenet
proclaim kihirdet pronuntio ogl1aszac1 1335 V declare
produce a1ru merx towary 93 u N see 2363
produce termel procreo produkowac1 2363 u V make HUN le1trehoz
product szorzat summa_quae_ex_multiplicatione_effecta_est iloczyn 2254 u N see 2359
product terme1k fructus produkt 2359 u N artefact, before(IN/2758 factory), after(' SELL)
production terme1k fructus produkt 2360 N
profession szakma artificium zawo1d 2154 N educate FOR/2782 job
professional hivata1sos # # 2985 A HAS profession, =AGT[profession] non intersective adjective or whatever
profit haszon lucrum zysk 1009 N money, =FROM MAKE
programme mu3sor programma program 2948 u N plan, action, IN/2758 television
progress halad progredior poste1powac1 2993 u N ER past
project projekt # # 3036 N plan, work, AT/2744 long(time)
promise i1ge1r polliceor obiecywac1 1106 V =AGT SAY[after(=AGT DO)]
pronounce mond dico wymawiac1 1718 V speak
pronunciation kiejte1s pronuntiatio wymowa 1329 N manner, person MAKE word
proof bizonyi1te1k indicium dowo1d 298 N prove
proper helyes iustus poprawny 1030 A perfect, AT/2744 situation RA
property birtok possessio wl1asnos1c1 296 N
property tulajdon possessio wl1asnos1c1 2463 N =POSS HAS, HAS high(value), <building>
proposal javaslat # # 3047 N plan, suggest, formal
protect ve1d tueor chronic1 2593 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[safe], lack(harm)]
protection oltalom praesidium ochrona 1906 u N protect
protective ve1do3 defendens ochronny 2595 A
protest tiltakozik adclamo protesowac1 3007 u V =AGT SHOW[=AGT THINK[=OBL[wrong]]], public =OBL maleficient
proton proton # # # N particle, PART_OF atom Longman real DV
proud bu2szke superbus dumny 345 A THINK[self[good]], =AGT RESPECT =AGT
prove igazol demonstro udowadniac1 1127 V after(other(people) KNOW =PAT[true]), INSTRUMENT real
provide ad praebeo zapewnic1 114 V supply
provision gondoskodik curo utrzymywac1 909 V supply
provisions ella1tma1ny sumptus_suppediti zapasy 627 N supply, <food>
public ko2z- publicus publiczny 1407 u A lack(private), every(people) HAS
pull hu1z vello ciagna1c1 1096 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT AT/2744 =AGT]
pump szivattyu1 antlia pompa 2223 N machine, MOVE fluid <COMPRESS fluid>
punish fenyi1t castigo karac1 791 V =AGT HAS authority, before(=PAT DO bad), =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[suffer]]
pupil dia1k discipulus/discipula uczen1 461 N young(student)
puppet ba1b pupa kukl1a 194 N artefact, model, small(figure/140), mock/69, person MOVE, person AT/2744 above
pure tiszta purus czysty 2391 A HAS one (material) RA
purify megtiszti1t lustro oczyszczac1 1652 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[pure],lack(harm) AT =PAT]
purify tiszti1t purgo oczyszczac1 2397 V
purple bi1bor purpura purpura 287 N colour, RESEMBLE red RESEMBLE violet
purple-blue lila-ke1k # # 3274 A purple, blue 1
purple-brown lila-barna # # 3273 A purple, brown 1
purple-red lila-piros # # 3231 A purple, red 2
purpose ce1l propositum cel 365 u N ' WANT
pursue u3z sequor gonic1 2514 V follow, =AGT WANT[catch/828]
push tol promoveo pchac1 2424 u V move, =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[away]]
put tesz pono kl1as1c1 2374 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT AT/2744 =TO], =AGT MOVE =PAT, =PAT[object] setzt etwas irgendwohin
quake reng tremo trza1s1c1 2016 A shake
quality mino3se1g qualitas jakos1c1 1699 u N good, =POSS[good], characteristic, inherent
quantity mennyise1g quantitas ilos1c1 1667 N much, <large>
quantity tartam spatium ilos1c1 2315 N
quarrel vita disputatio kl1o1tnia 2648 N angry, argue
quarter negyed quarta_pars c1wierc1 1770 N part, [four(part)] IN/2758 [whole], before(divide)
queen kira1lyno3 regina kro1lowa 1353 u N woman, monarch
question ke1rde1s quaestio pytanie 1252 u N communicate, ASK <reply>
quick gyors celer szybki 941 A NEED [short (time)] [DO something] IN/2758 [short (time)]
quicken serkent hortor oz1ywiac1 2086 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[quick]]
quiet halk submissus cichy 986 u A lack(noise)
quite nagyon admodum cal1kiem 1752 D ER'
quiver tegez pharetra kol1czan 2332 N case, arrow IN/2758 no Longman use
quote ide1z profero cytowac1 1115 V =AGT USE[expression/1332], before(other USE expression/1332) ZsA
rabbit nyu1l lepus kro1lik 1824 N HAS long(ear), HAS short(tail), mammal
race faj species rasa 716 u N human(type), parent CAUSE, human HAS physical(characteristic), human HAS characteristic(hair/3359), human HAS skin, skin HAS characteristic(colour)
radio ra1dio1 radiophonum radio 1982 u N device, wave IN/2758 air, communicate, device MAKE sound/993, programme IN/2758, broadcast
rail si1n # # 3335 N way, long, metal, parallel
railway vasu1t ferrivia kolej 2591 N way, rail PART_OF, train ON
rain eso3 pluvia deszcz 698 N water, FROM/2742 atmosphere, fall/2694, many(drop), weather
raise emel elevo unies1c1 661 V lift
raise nevel educo wychowywac1 1788 V
range teru2let spatium zasie1g 2367 u N many, BETWEEN ' , different
rank rang dignitas ranga 1992 u N position, IN/2758 organization, official, IN/2758 <army>, IN/2758 <police>, IN/2758 <navy> IN/2758 society
rapid gyors celer szybki 942 A quick
rare ritka rarus rzadki 2020 A lack(frequent)
rat patka1ny mus_rattus szczur 1949 N rodent, HAS long(tail)
rate ha1nyados quotiens iloraz 959 N quantity Longman take-up = rate at/2744 which people accept something that is offered to them
rather so3t immo raczej 2111 D ER =REL
rave rajong ardeo_amore uwielbiac1 1989 U fan/1266
raw nyers crudus surowy 1811 A after(make FROM/2742), natural
re- u1jra re- re- 2472 G =REL AT/2744 past, other(=REL) AT/2744 present
re-released u1jra_megjelent # # 3269 A release AT/2744 past, release[other[before]] 1
reach ele1r attingo osie1gna1c1 604 u V after(=AGT AT/2744) lack(distance)
reach_to odanyu1l tendo sie1gac1 1890 V no xml
react reaga1l reageo reagowac1 2992 u V before(other)
read olvas lego czytac1 1908 u V =AGT CAUSE[meaning IN/2758 mind], =PAT[written] HAS meaning, =AGT HAS mind inspired by Randall (44)
ready ke1sz absolutus gotowy 1258 u A =TO[can/1246, immediately]
real igazi verus prawdziwy 1126 u A exist
realize e1szre_vesz intelligo zauwaz2yc1 2956 u V after(know)
really te1nyleg vere naprawde1 3541 u N
reason ok ratio powo1d 1892 u N CAUSE =POSS relational noun
receipt blokk ratio rachunek 307 N written, AT/2744 pay/812
receive kap nanciscor dostawac1 1225 u V get/1223
recent minapi nuper ostatni 1692 A present FOLLOW, NEXT_TO present
recently minap nuper ostatnio 1691 D AT/2744 past, near
recognition felismere1s cognitio rozpoznanie 772 N recognize
recognize felismer cognosco rozpoznac1 771 u V =AGT KNOW[=PAT[=PAT]] identity
record ro2gzi1t describo nagrywac1 2027 u V =PAT[information, permanent[after]]
rectangular ne1gyszo2gletu3 # # 3133 A HAS side[four, parallel], HAS four(corner)
red vo2ro2s ruber czerwony 2658 u N colour, warm, fire HAS colour, blood HAS colour, RESEMBLE anger ND
red-brown vo2ro2sesbarna # # 3111 A red, brown
reddish-brown vo2ro2sesbarna # # 3204 A brown, red 8
reddish-orange vo2ro2sesnarancssa1rga # # 3271 A orange, red 1
reddish-yellow vo2ro2sessa1rga # # 3230 A yellow, red 2
reduce cso2kkent minuo redukowac1 416 U =AGT CAUSE['ER =PAT]
reduction cso2kkente1s deminutio redukcja 417 N reduce
reed na1d calamus trzcina 3542 u N
refusal visszautasi1ta1s reiectio odmowa 2644 N
refuse szeme1t quisquiliae odpady 2187 N lack(accept), say[=PAT[bad]] HUN elutasi1t
regard tart_vminek arbitor uwaz1ac1_za 2312 V =AGT THINK[=PAT[=DAT]]
regard tekint specto uwaz1ac1 2340 V regard/2312
regular szaba1lyos ordinatus zwykl1y 2147 u A CONFORM rule
regular-shaped szaba1lyos_alaku1 # # 3270 A HAS regular(shape) 1
regularly rendszeresen # regularnie 3543 u N
rejoice u2nnepel otior obchodzic1 2498 U feeling, joy
relate kapcsolatos # # 2796 V =AGT AT/2744 relation
related rokon propinquus spokrewniony 2036 A join HUN: o2sszefu2ggo3
relation viszony ratio zwia1zek 2646 N one AT/2744, other AT/2744
relationship viszony affinitas zwia1zek 3544 u N
relative rokon propinquus/propinqua krewny 2037 N person, family HAS
relative viszonyi1tva comparatus w_poro1wnaniu 2647 D
relatives rokon propinquus/propinqua krewny 2038 N see 2037
relax lazi1t relaxo relaksowac1_sie1 1496 V after(loose)
relaxed laza laxus zrelaksowany 1495 u A =PAT[loose]
release elenged dimitto wypus1cic1 610 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[free]], before(keep)
religion valla1s religio religia 2580 u N system, faith HAS ND
religious valla1sos religiosus religijny 2581 A HAS religion, HAS faith ND
remain marad maneo zostawac1 1595 U lack(change)
remains maradva1ny reliquum szcza1tki 1598 N see remain
remark megjegyez commemoro zaznaczac1 1631 U =AGT SAY[=AGT THINK =PAT] comment, casually
remember emle1kezik memini pamie1tac1 667 V =PAT IN/2758 mind, =AGT HAS mind
remind emle1keztet admoneo przypomniec1 668 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT REMEMBER =TO] Chafe (1970)
remove elta1voli1t aufero usuna1c1 650 u V =AGT CAUSE[lack(=PAT) AT =FROM]
rent be1rel conduco wynaja1c1 241 V exchange, =FROM HAS =PAT, =FROM LET/971[=PAT AT/2744 =AGT], =AGT CAUSE[=FROM HAS money]
repair megjavi1t emendo naprawiac1 1630 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[perfect]], before(damage)
repeat isme1tel repeto powtarzac1 1157 V before(do), do
repel elha1ri1t repello odstraszac1 619 V =AGT CAUSE[lack(=PAT) AT] % no Longman
replace csere1l # # 3006 V before(thing AT/2744 place/1026), thing[other[after] AT/2744 place/1026]
reply va1lasz responsum odpowiedz1 2545 N answer, react
report hi1r nuntius raport 1042 u N information, ABOUT recent(event), detail IN/2758 HUN jelente1s
represent mutat monstro pokazywac1 1741 u V sign HAS meaning, =AGT[sign], =PAT[meaning]
representative jellemzo3 proprius reprezentatywny 1188 N HAS authority, group HAS HUN ke1pviselo3
reproduce szaporodik # # 3138 U =AGT MEMBER race, =AGT MAKE live, live AT/2744 race
republic ko2zta1rsasa1g res_publica_libera republika 1418 N political, system, country, HAS lack(monarch), HAS president, elect PART_OF, elect MAKE representative, representative HAS power
request ke1r rogo z1a1dac1 1251 u V =AGT EXPRESS[=AGT WANT[=AGT HAS =PAT]]
rescue kiment eripio ratowac1 1342 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[free], =PAT IN lack(danger)]
resemble hasonli1t # # 3397 V =AGT HAS property, =PAT HAS property ähneln DAT
resign felmond renuntio zrezygnowac1 779 V =AGT CAUSE[=AGT HAS lack(job)], official
resort folyamodik recurro odwol1ywac1_sie1 845 V apply
resource ero3forra1s # # 3348 N work INSTRUMENT
respect tisztel observo szanowac1 2392 u V feeling, quality CAUSE, =PAT HAS quality
respectful tiszteletteljes observantissimus godny 2395 A respect
responsibility felelo3sse1g pietas odpowiedzialnos1c1 3545 u N
responsible felelo3s cui_ratio_reddenda_est odpowiedzialny 766 u A HAS control, HAS authority, HAS blame
rest pihen quiesco odpoczywac1 1959 u U relax, lack(work), FOR [=AGT HAS energy], =AGT[tired[before]]
restaurant e1tterem cenatio restauracja 544 N public(place/1026), eat IN/2758
restrict korla1toz # # 3024 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[lack(complete)]], control
result eredme1ny eventus wynik 679 u N action CAUSE, favourable
return visszaad reddo zwracac1 2641 V =AGT CAUSE back/2639
return visszate1r revertor wracac1 2643 U back/2639
reverence tisztelet honor szacunek 2393 N great (respect) ND
revile gyala1z maledico oczerniac1 922 V abusive, communicate % (spec. against god) is it default? % ND
reward jutalom praemium nagroda 1207 N give, before(=PAT DO useful) jutalmaz V
rhythm ritmus # # 3349 N regular, repeat, pattern, AT/2744 time
rice rizs oryza ryz1 2021 N plant, food, IN/2758 asia
rich gazdag opulentus bogaty 892 u A HAS lot/3394(money), <human> or valuable possession %too long % RA
rid megszabadul me_libero pozbywac1_sie1 1644 V =AGT CAUSE [lack(=PAT AT/2744 =AGT[free])], =PAT[bad] EN get_rid_of
ride lovagol equito jez1dzic1_konno 1555 u U travel, =AGT ON <horse>, INSTRUMENT <horse>
right jo1 bonus wl1as1ciwy 1191 u N CONFORM justice, lack(wrong)
right jobb dextra prawy 1199 u N side, lack(left) anto
right jog jus prawo 3122 u N law
rigid merev # # 3131 A HAS shape[lack(change)]
ring cseng tinnit dzwonic1 2735 u U bell MAKE sound/993, FOR/2782 attention, <bell PART_OF telephone>
ring gyu3ru3 anulus piers1cionek 402 u N artefact, metal, circle, AT/2744 finger
ring-shaped gyu3ru3_alaku1 # # 3268 A HAS ring/402(shape) 1
rinse o2bli1t colluo pl1ukac1 1842 V wash, INSTRUMENT water after(lack(<detergent>) AT =PAT)
ripe e1rett maturus dojrzal1y 520 A time[before, enough], good, < ' EAT> develop
rise emelkedik ascendo wznosic1_sie1 665 u U after(=PAT AT/2744 high(position)), =PAT[stand[after]]
rise_against felkel exsurgo powstac1 776 V no Longman use
risk kocka1zat periculum ryzyko 1420 u N can/1246(harm)
river folyo1 fluvius rzeka 848 N natural, stream, HAS water, IN/2758 valley
river-fish folyami_hal # # 3267 A fish, live IN/2758 river 1
road u1t via droga 2481 u N way, HAS hard (surface), vehicle ON
roar bo3g rudo/rugio ryczec1 314 U =AGT MAKE sound/993[loud, <deep>, <long>], angry
roast su2t asso piec 2131 V cook/825
rob rabol rapio kras1c1 1985 V =AGT CAUSE[thing AT/2744 =AGT], other(person) HAS thing, illegal, violent
rock szikla rupes skal1a 2214 u N stone, IN/2758 nature
rod bot scipio pal1ka 337 N artefact, long, straight/563
rodent ra1gcsa1lo1 # # 3350 N small(mammal), HAS tooth[long, sharp, front, grow], rat IS_A, rabbit IS_A
roll forog volvo obracac1_sie1 859 u V move[repeat], =AGT HAS axis, turn
romantic romantikus romanticus romantyczny 2962 u A feeling[<love>] AT/2744, lack(real)
roof teto3 tectum dach 2376 u N top, PART_OF house
room hely locus miejsce 1028 u N
room szoba conclave poko1j 2235 u N place/1026, HAS more(wall), PART_OF building, HAS floor HAS ceiling
root gyo2ke1r radix korzen1 936 N UNDER ground, PART_OF plant, support, AT/2744 base/146
root to3 radix korzen1 2420 N
rope ko2te1l restis lina 1396 N artefact, long, flexible
rose ro1zsa rosa ro1z1a 2023 N flower, HAS[pleasant (smell)], <red>, HAS stems RA
rough durva asper szorstki 492 u A surface, large(particle) IN/2758, lack(smooth)
roughly-made ta1kolt # # 3266 A before(' MAKE), HAS bad(structure) 1
round kerek rotundus okra1gl1y 1295 u A circular/1294
row sor ordo rza1d 2119 N many, one NEXT_TO other, one FOLLOW other
royal kira1lyi regius kro1lewski 1352 A monarch HAS
rub do2rzso2l tero trzec1 474 u V press, =PAT[surface], move[firm/2215,repeat] friction
rubber gumi gummis guma 914 u N material, flexible, CAUSE[lack(mark) AT =FROM[surface]]
rude durva asper nieuprzejmy 2946 u A lack(kind), lack(respect)
rude durva asper nieuprzejmy 493 u A <speak>, lack(polite), offend, annoy lack(manner)
ruin rom ruinae ruina 2039 N destroy
ruins rom ruinae ruina 2040 N hunspell is ruin
rule uralkodik regno rza1dzic1 2530 u U govern HUN szaba1ly
ruler uralkodo1 imperator wl1adca 2531 N
run fut curro biegac1 882 u U move, fast/940, INSTRUMENT foot
run_out elfogy deficio skon1czyc1_sie1 617 V =AGT HAS =REL[supply, lack]
rush siet propero spieszyc1_sie1 2099 U quick, =AGT WANT '
rustle susog susurro szeles1cic1 2136 U
s-shaped S_alaku1 # # 3258 A HAS shape[bend/1112[two]] 1
sad szomoru1 miserabilis smutny 2248 A emotion, lack(happy) anto
safe biztos tutus bezpieczny 303 A lack(danger), protect, harm[lack, after]
sail hajo1zik # # 2991 V travel, ON water
sail vitorla velum z1agiel 2650 N see 3015
salad sala1ta acetarium sal1atka 3550 u N
salary fizete1s # # 3062 N pay/237, organization CAUSE[=POSS HAS], =POSS[work] AT/2744 organization, AT/2744 every(month)
sale elada1s venditio sprzedaz1 596 N GIVE <product>, GET/1223 money
salt so1 sal so1l 2108 N white, CAUSE[ food HAS taste], mineral, powder
same azonos idem taki_sam/ten_sam 192 u A lack(different)
same ugyanaz idem taki_sam 2521 u A
sand homok arena piasek 1078 u N substance, grain, rock
sandwich szendvics # # 3046 N food, cheese BETWEEN [two(slice), bread], meat BETWEEN bread, vegetable BETWEEN bread
satisfaction ele1gte1tel satisfactio satysfakcja 602 N satisfy
satisfactory megfelelo3 idoneus zadowalaja1cy 1624 A satisfy
satisfied ele1gedett contentus usatysfakcjonowany 3551 u N
satisfy kiele1gi1t satio zaspokajac1 1331 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT HAS good], =PAT NEED good
sauce szo1sz # # 3001 N liquid, PART_OF food, HAS taste, thick/2134, before(person COOK/825)
save ment conservo ratowac1 1668 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT AT harm(lack)]
say mond dico mo1wic1 1719 u V communicate, INSTRUMENT sound/993, =DAT HEAR sound/993
saying monda1s proverbium powiedzenie 3552 u N
scale ska1la modulus skala 2107 N range, level AT/2744, measure INSTRUMENT, regular
scales pikkely squama l1uski 1960 N no xml
scarce gye1r rarus z1adki 926 A lack(sufficient), few
scarcely alig aegre ledwo 151 D hardly
scatter hint spargo rozpraszac1 1056 V =PAT[separate[after]]
scene la1tva1ny spectaculum scena 1480 A ' SEE, place/1026, event AT/2744, situation
scenery ta1j loca/loca_amoena sceneria 2272 N
school iskola schola szkol1a 1156 u N institution, student IN/2758, educate IN/2758 professor IN/2758
schoolchild iskola1s # # 3329 N child, MEMBER school
science tudoma1ny scientia nauka 2461 u N knowledge, <INSTRUMENT[examine, test, prove]>
scientific tudoma1nyos scientiarum naukowy 2462 A science
scientist tudo1s litteratus_homo naukowiec 2460 N profession, MEMBER science
scissors ollo1 forfex noz1yczki 1905 N cut, artefact, HAS two(blade), can/1246(open/1814), can/1246(close/3381)
scold szid obiurgo ganic1 2211 V chide
score pontsza1m numerus wynik 3028 u N number, point, play HAS, AT/2744 game play/1175
scratch kapar rado drapac1 1226 V =AGT MAKE mark, mark ON surface, INSTRUMENT sharp
scratch vakar rado drapac1 2573 V no Longman use
screen ke1perny2 album ekran 2977 u N artefact, <PART_OF electric(machine)>, picture ON
screw csavar cochlea s1rubokre1t 393 N device, fasten, CAUSE together, roll, cylinder, rod incise
sea tenger mare morze 2350 u N ocean
search keres quaero szukac1 1297 V effort, SEE place/1026, =AGT WANT[=AGT KNOW place/1026], =PAT AT/2744 place/1026
season e1vad tempus sezon 546 u N period[<four>], PART_OF year, spring/2318 IS_A, summer IS_A, fall/1883 IS_A, winter IS_A, HAS weather
season e1vszak tempus_anni pora_roku 548 u N period, time, PART_OF year, activity IN/2758
seat u2le1s sedes siedzenie 2494 u N sit IN/2758
second ma1sodik alter drugi 1569 u A -th/5, FOLLOW first
second ma1sodperc secundum sekunda 1570 u N unit, time
secrecy titkossa1g secretum tajemniczos1c1 2400 N secret
secret titok arcanum tajemnica 2401 u N few KNOW
secretary titka1r scriba sekretarz 2399 N
see la1t video widziec1 1476 u U perceive, INSTRUMENT eye
seed mag semen nasienie 1577 u N organ, PART_OF plant, PRODUCE other(pant)
seek keres quaero poszukiwac1 1298 V search
seek_aid segi1tse1get_ke1r imploro prosic1_o_pomoc 2073 V
seem tu3nik pareo wydawac1_sie1 2451 V ' SEE, =DAT THINK [=AGT IS_A =PAT]
seize elfog comprehendo zdobyc1 614 V catch/828
self o2nmaga ipse sam 1851 N =PAT[=AGT] cases refer to arguments of the verb
sell elad vendo sprzedac1 595 u V =AGT CAUSE[=DAT HAS =PAT], =DAT CAUSE[=AGT HAS <money>]
semi csuklo1s_teherauto1 semi po1l1 3555 u N
send ku2ld mitto wysyl1ac1 1447 u V give[lack(direct)]
sensation e1rzet affectus uczucie 534 N sense INSTRUMENT, <touch>
sense tudat sensus rozum 2458 u N animal HAS, hear IS_A, see IS_A, smell IS_A, touch IS_A, taste IS_A HUN e1rze1k % content: bodily position, temperature, pain, balance
senseless esztelen absurdus bezsensowny 704 A lack(understand)
sensible okos prudens rozsa1dny 1895 u A HAS sense, HAS good(mind), know, understand
sensitive e1rzo3 misericors wraz1liwy 535 A =TO CAUSE[=AGT FEEL <bad>]
sentence mondat sententia zdanie 1722 N AT/2744 text, HAS phrase
separate ku2lo2n secretus osobny 1450 u A =AGT CAUSE [lack(=PAT AT =FROM), different], MAKE distance
sequence sorozat # # 3137 N many PART_OF, thing FOLLOW other, HAS order/2739
series sorozat series seria 2951 u N structure, HAS item, item FOLLOW other(item)
serious komoly gravis powaz1ny 1422 u A deep(feeling), bad, lack(joke), lack(pretend)
servant szolga servus sl1uga 2241 N serve
serve szolga1l servio sl1uz1yc1 2243 u V work, FOR =PAT, <CAUSE[food AT/2744 =PAT]>
service szolga1lat officium sl1uz1ba 2244 u N =AGT[person, work], work FOR/2782 person[other] HUN szolga1ltata1s, nomen actionis TODO
set kitu3z constituo ustalac1 1364 u V see 2375
set kollekcio1 classis kolekcja 2746 u N group, HAS many(item), together, unit, item HAS common(characteristic)
set tesz pono kl1as1c1 2375 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT AT/2744 position[<stable>,<proper>]]
settle eldo2nt decerno ustalac1 597 V =PAT[sure[after]]
seven he1t # # 2996 A number, FOLLOW six
several sok multus kilka 2116 A many
severe szigoru1 gravis surowy 2213 u A CAUSE suffer komoly
sew varr # # 3000 V INSTRUMENT needle, INSTRUMENT thread, =AGT CAUSE[cloth[fix]] make or repair or fasten
sew varr suo szyc1 2588 V
sex nem sexus pl1ec1 1780 N male IS_A, female IS_A
sexual nemi sexualis seksualny 1784 A sex derivation
shade a1rnyalat umbra odcien1 90 N colour HAS, slight(different), slight(dark)
shadow a1rny umbra cien1 89 N dark (shape), object CAUSE RG
shake reng tremo trza1s1c1 2017 U move, direction[change], lack(stable), lack(deliberate)
shall fog N/A N/A 830 V =REL IN/2758 future
shame sze1gyen turpitudo wstyd 2161 N bad, before(lack(=PAT CONFORM norm))
shape alak figura ksztal1t 142 u N form geometrical
share osztozik divido dzielic1 1922 U person HAS thing, other(person) HAS thing
share re1sz portio udzial1 1998 N PART_OF property, company/2549 HAS property, ' HAS HUN re1szve1ny
sharp eles acutus ostry 611 u A HAS [<edge>,<point>], CAUSE[lack(sound/512)]
sharpen e1lez acuo ostrzyc1 506 V =AGT CAUSE sharp
she o3 ea ona 1873 G female indexical
shear nyes reseco strzyc 1812 V no xml %
sheep juh ovis owca 1204 N mammal, <AT/2744 farm>, HAS wool IN/2758 breed
sheet lap charta kartka 1492 N rectangular, flat
shelf polc loculus po1l1ka 1962 N vertical, surface, hold, store, <rectangular>, rigid
shell kagylo1 concha muszla 1216 u N cover[hard, outer], <animal> IN/2758
shelter o1v tueor chronic1 1840 V cover, <protect>
shield pajzs scutum tarcza 1933 N artefact, rigid, protect, <armour>
shilling silling N/A szyling 2103 N
shine fe1nylik splendeo s1wiecic1 742 V light/739 FROM/2742 RA
ship hajo1 navis statek 977 u N vehicle, ON water
shirt ing camisia koszula 1142 u N garment, AT/2744 trunk/2759, HAS collar, HAS two(sleeve)
shit szar stercus go1wno 2159 N
shock sokk collisio szok 2117 u N surprise, bad, sudden
shoe cipo3 calceus but 377 u N garment, COVER foot, human HAS foot HAS sole, HAS heel
shoot lo3 emitto strzelac1 1551 u V =AGT CAUSE[bullet AT/2744 =OBL], cause INSTRUMENT gun
shop bolt taberna sklep 329 u N institution, sale IN/2758
shore part litus brzeg 1947 N land, NEXT_TO water
short ro2vid brevis kro1tki 2029 u A size[horizontal,small], lack(long)
short-haired ro2vid_haju1 # # 3221 A HAS short(hair/3359) 3
shot lo2ve1s coniectus strzal1 1550 N shoot
should kellene debet powinien 1289 u G right/1191(option)
shoulder va1ll humerus ramie1 2548 u N organ, PART_OF body, neck AT/2744, [upper(arm)] AT/2744
shout kiaba1l clamito krzyczec1 1325 U say[loud]
show mutat monstro pokazywac1 1742 u V =AGT CAUSE[=DAT LOOK =PAT], communicate
show_through a1tla1tszik transluceo przes1witywac1 103 U no Longman
shrink o2sszemegy in_angustum_cogor kurczyc1_sie1 1865 V =PAT[small[after]], natural CAUSE
shut beza1r occludo zamkna1c1 286 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[shut/2668]]
shut za1rt clausus zamykac1 2668 A lack(open/1814)
shy fe1le1nk # # 3045 A nervous, IN/2757 situation[bad FOR/2782], [person AT/2744 =AGT, <lack(=AGT KNOW person)>]CAUSE
sick beteg aeger chory 274 A ill, <after(vomit)>
side oldal latus strona 1903 u N part, <two>, NEXT_TO centre, oppose, object HAS
sideways oldalt ex_obliquo z_boku 1904 D direction, side AT/2744 AT/2744 side?
sift rosta1l cribro przesiewac1 2047 V no xml
sight la1tva1ny species widok 1481 N see HUN la1ta1s, clear nomen actionis
sign jel signum znak 1183 u N ' PERCEIVE, information, show, HAS meaning
signal jel signum signal 1184 N communicate, people SEE
signature ala1i1ra1s subscriptio podpis 138 N name, person HAS, person MAKE, ON document, FOR identity
silence csend silentium cisza 400 N lack(noise), lack(sound/993)
silent csendes tacitus cichy 401 A silence
silk selyem bombyx jedwab 2077 N cloth, thin/2598, smooth, soft
silkworm selyemhernyo1 bombyx jedwabnik 3558 u N
silly buta stultus gl1upi 358 u A stupid
silver ezu2st argentum srebro 708 u N metal, valuable, shine, grey, white % naive_theo jewellery, tableware…
silver-coloured ezu2stszi1nu3 # # 3112 A HAS silver(colour)
silver-grey ezu2st-szu2rke # # 3265 A silver, grey 1
silver-white eyu2stfeh1r # # 3113 A silver, white
silvery-white ezu2stfehe1r # # 3264 A HAS colour[silver], white 1
similar hasonlo1 # # 2794 A HAS property, =TO HAS property
simple egyszeru3 simplex prosty 584 u A HAS few(part), normal, HAS lack(ornament) lack(sophisticated)
since mert enim jako_z1e 1677 G because
since o1ta abhinc od 1839 G FROM/1838 =REL, TO now
sincere o3szinte sincerus szczery 1884 A real, lack(pretend)
sing e1nekel cano s1piewac1 511 u V make, =AGT[animal], =PAT[song], make INSTRUMENT throat, animal HAS throat
single egyedu2li solus jedyny 562 u N one, lack(other) other[exist[lack]]?
singular egyes singularis jedyny 569 A one
sink nyelo3 depressio tona1c1 1806 N pipe AT/2744, furniture, IN/2758 <kitchen>, water IN/2758, wash INSTRUMENT HUN lefolyo1
sink su2llyed # # 2747 V move, =PAT[down[after]] after(deep)?
sip korty haustus l1yk 1436 N drink, little, IN/2758 mouth, ' SWALLOW
sir u1r dominus pan 2475 G man/744, HAS honour
sister hu1g soror siostra 1091 N see 1798
sister no3ve1r soror siostra 1798 N HAS parent, =POSS HAS parent, female
sit u2l sedeo siedziec1 2493 u U =AGT AT/2744 surface[<seat>], HAS buttocks, buttocks AT/2744 surface, =AGT HAS trunk/2759[upright]
situated elhelyezkedo3 collocatus umiejscowiony 622 A AT/2744 =AT
situation helyzet status sytuacja 2784 u N around
six hat # # 2990 A number, FOLLOW five
six-sided hatoldalu1 # # 3263 A HAS six(side) 1
size me1ret magnitudo rozmiar 1605 u N dimension
skilful u2gyes dexter zdolny 2490 A HAS skill
skill ke1szse1g facultas umieje1tnos1c1 1262 u N property, =POSS[=TO[can/1246]], =POSS HAS practice
skin bo3r cutis sko1ra 318 u N organ, PART_OF body, cover
skirt szoknya tunica spo1dnica 2240 N garment, hang, AT/2744 waist, <woman> WEAR
sky e1g caelum niebo 496 N vertical(ER ground), atmosphere, animal SEE, cloud ON, sun ON, star ON HAS shape[dome], high
slacken lazul relaxor rozluz1nic1_sie1 1497 V no xml
slanted ferde obliquus krzywy 792 A slope
slave rabszolga servus niewolnik 1986 N person, other(person) HAS
slay o2l occido mordowac1 1847 V kill
sleep alszik dormio spac1 163 u U rest, =PAT[lack(conscious)]
sleep-like alva1s-szeru3 # # 3262 A lack(conscious) 1
sleeve kar # # 3076 N PART_OF garment, COVER arm
slice szelet # # 3336 N thin/2598, flat, piece, food, cut MAKE
slide csu1szik labor s1lizgac1_sie1 434 u N move, ON surface, HAS constant(contact)
slight cseke1ly parvus niewielki 396 A 'ER
slip csu1szik labor pos1lizgna1c1_sie1 435 U move, =AGT AT/2744 surface quiet
slippery si1kos lubricus s1lizgi 2091 u A
slop to1csa limus breja 3560 u N
slope lejt declivis_est opadac1 1529 u U =AGT HAS direction, HAS end[high], =AGT HAS end[other,low] lack(perpendicular), lack(horizontal), diagonal
sloppy hanyag neglegens niestaranny 998 A lack(neat)
slow lassu1 tardus powolny 1494 u A speed('ER)
slow-moving lassu1 # # 3261 A slow, move 1
small kis parvus mal1y 1356 u A size('ER)
smear folt macula plama 841 N substance, ON surface, <stick>, <grease>, <dirt> no Longman use
smell szag odor zapach 2151 N feel INSTRUMENT nose, =PAT IN/2758 air
smile mosoly renidentia us1miechac1_sie1 1725 u N sign, ON face, EXPRESS pleasure, kind HAS face, happy HAS face
smoke fu2st fumus dym 876 u N substance, IN/2758 air, burn CAUSE, after(lack(' SEE))
smooth sima levis gl1adki 2092 u A surface, lack(rough), slide ON easy + ly
smother fojt suffoco dusic1 835 V CAUSE =PAT[drown]
smother izzik candeo z1arzyc1_sie1 1170 U no Longman
snake ki1gyo1 serpens wa1z1 1317 N animal, HAS lack(leg), <HAS poison>, RESEMBLE rope
snake-haired ki2gyo1_haju1 # # 3260 A HAS snake(hair/3359) 1
snarl hurok vinculum pe1tla 1105 N no Longman use
sneeze tu2sszent sternuo kichac1 2447 U
snort horkol sterto chrapac1 1083 V =AGT MAKE noise, INSTRUMENT breath HUN horkant
snow ho1 nix s1nieg 1066 N ice, fall/2694, soft, white
snow-covered ho1fo2dte # # 3114 A snow COVER
snuff szippant haurio wa1chac1 2221 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT IN/2758 nose, =PAT IN/2758 lung, noise]
so u1gy ita tak 2467 u D degree CAUSE? empty def?
so-called u1gynevezett qui_dicitur tak_zwany 2468 A
soap szappan sapo mydl1o 2158 N substance, wash
social ta1rsas socialis towarzyski 2287 A animal, MEMBER ' IN/2758 community
society ta1rsadalom societas towarzystwo 2285 u N group, <people> MEMBER, HAS rule
society ta1rsasa1g societas towarzystwo 2288 u N
society ta1rsulat societas towarzystwo 2289 u N
sock zokni soccus skarpeta 2681 N garment, ON foot, IN/2758 shoe
soft puha mollis mie1kki 1979 u A lack(hard) anto
software szoftver # # 2995 N information, IN/2758 computer
soil talaj solum ziemia 2298 N top(level), earth, =REL IN/2758
soldier katona miles z1ol1nierz 1235 N person, serve, MEMBER army
solemn komoly severus ponury 1423 A serious
solid szila1rd solidus solidny 2216 u A HAS shape[lack(change)], firm/2215
solve fejt solvo rozwia1zac1 760 V before(problem), =AGT CAUSE[lack(problem)]
some egyes nonnullus kilka 570 u A empty definition
somebody valaki aliquis ktos1 2577 N person
somehow valahogy aliqua jakos1 2575 D way?
someone valaki aliquis ktos1 2578 u N person
something valami aliquid cos1 2579 N thing
sometimes ne1ha nonnumquam czasamy 1760 D AT/2744 rare(time), lack(always)
somewhere valahol alicubi gdzies1 2576 D place/1026
son fia filius syn 798 N relative, male, offspring, =POSS[parent] relational
song dal cantus pies1n1 446 u N music, HAS text
soon hamar cito niedl1ugo 989 A IN/2758 future, near
sore e1rze1keny irritabilis podraz1nione 532 A CAUSE pain
sorrow bu1 dolor smutek 341 N CAUSE suffer, emotion
sorry bu1s tristis smutny 342 u A FEEL pity
sort rendez ordino porza1dkowac1 2012 V
sort_of fajta # # 3075 A quality
soul le1lek anima/animus dusza 1502 N animal HAS, thought, action, emotion, HAS lack(material), person, <lack(die)>
sound e1p salvus cal1y 512 u A whole, firm/2215 ND
sound hang sonus odgl1os 993 u N wave, human HEAR, IN/2758 air
sound szo1l sono brzmiec1 2226 u U =AGT MAKE sound/993
soup leves ius zupa 1541 N food, liquid RG
sour erjedt fermentatus kwas1ny 680 u A taste, RESEMBLE acid, <bad>
sour-tasting savanyu1_i2zu3 # # 3259 A sour 1
south de1l meridies pol1udnie 451 u N direction, ON earth, bottom, earth HAS bottom
south-eastern de1lkeleti # # 3115 A AT/2744 southeast
southeast de1lkelet # # 3074 N BETWEEN[south,east]
southern de1li meridianus pol1udniowy 452 A south
sow vet sero siac1 2613 V
space te1r spatium przestrzen1 2327 u N place/2326
space u3r vacuum przestrzen1 2509 u N sun IN/2758, star IN/2758, atmosphere UNDER galaxy IN/2758
spacecraft u3rhajo1 # # 3044 N vehicle, travel IN/2758 space/2509
spade a1so1 pala l1opata 96 N dig INSTRUMENT, HAS [<wood>(handle)], HAS blade
speak besze1l loquor mo1wic1 270 u V talk
speak_barbarously gagyog balbutio bel1kotac1 886 V to remove
spear la1ndzsa hasta dzida 1472 N weapon, HAS handle, sharp, pointed
special egyedi peculiaris specjalny 561 u A lack(common)
special ku2lo2nleges praecipuus specjalny 1452 u A see 561
specific ku2lo2nleges # # 3014 A common[lack]
speech besze1d sermo/oratio przemo1wienie 268 N talk
speed sebesse1g celeritas pre1dkos1c1 2070 u N quick HAS
spell betu3z litteras_in_syllabas_colligo przeliterowac1 279 V see 2729
spell vara1zslat # # 2727 N magic [INVOKE magic] INSTRUMENT [<spoken(word)>]
spend ko2lt expendo wydawac1 1376 V use, =AGT HAS =PAT[after, less]
spew oka1d vomo wymiotowac1 1893 V no xml
spice fu3szer # # 3026 N material, IN/2758 food, CAUSE[food HAS taste], <powder>, <seed>, <plant>
spin fon neo prza1s1c1 851 V twist, before(fibre), =AGT MAKE thread, after(together)
spine gerinc spina kre1gosl1up 3561 u N
spirit kedv affectio nastro1j 1270 u N emotion
spirit szellem animus duch 2181 u N soul
spite rosszakarat malevolentia zl1os1liwos1c1 2046 N see 2750
splendid pompa1s splendidus wspanial1y 1967 A good RA: beautiful, impressive
split hasi1t findo dzielic1 1007 V break, =AGT CAUSE separate
spoil elront corrumpo zepsuc1 648 u N CAUSE[=PAT[spoil/1640]]
spoil megromlik corrumpor zepsuc1_sie1 1640 u U after(damage AT/2744 =PAT[<food>])
spoon kana1l cochlear l1yz1ka 1222 u N cutlery, [EAT soup] INSTRUMENT, HAS bowl, HAS handle
sport sport gymnastica sport 2124 u N physical(activity), =AGT HAS rule, compete
spot folt macula plama 842 N small(mark), ON surface, different
spread teri1t sterno szerzyc1 2357 u V
spread terjed distendo rozprzestrzeniac1_sie1 2358 u U after(=PAT AT/2744 wide)
spring ered exorior wywodzic1_sie1 676 U no Longman, see 2318
spring rugo1 # # 2779 N device, HAS length[change,return/2643]
spring tavasz ver wiosna 2318 N first(season/548), warm, plant[live], love IN/2758, summer FOLLOW, FOLLOW winter ND
sprinkle hint spargo posypac1 1057 V scatter, =PAT[particle[after]]
square ne1gyzet quadratum kwadrat 1759 N IN/2758 plane/2090, figure/140, HAS side[four, equal]
stab # perforo # 3562 N
stabbing szu1ra1s perforatio pchnie1cie_noz2em 3563 u N
stable stabil # # 3130 A lack(move)
stage fok gradus stopien1 837 N time, state/77, ' FOLLOW, FOLLOW ' , PART_OF [develop/758, process]
stage szinpad scaena scena 2220 N high, floor, actor[play] ON
stagger billeg titubo chwiac1_sie1 293 U <move>, <walk>, totter
stair le1pcso3fok gradus stopien1 1507 N AT/2744 stairs, step
stairs le1pcso3 gradus schody 1506 N many(step), FOR [animal ON other(storey)]
stammer dadog balbutio ja1kac1_sie1 444 U speak, pause, repeat, problem
stamp be1lyeg signum znaczek 236 N official, mark, pay/812 INSTRUMENT, <ON mail>
stand a1ll sto stac1 74 u U =AGT[upright], =AGT ON two(foot)
standard minta exemplum przykl1ad 1705 u N [compare INSTRUMENT] CAUSE accept, society/2285 HAS, <moral> HUN: norma, szabva1ny, me1rvado1
standard szabva1nyos prototypus standartowy 2150 u A see 1705
star csillag stella gwiazda 408 u N planet, shine, dot, AT/2744 sky, AT/2744 night
stark komor tristis powaz1ny 1424 A HAS lack(colour), lack(beautiful), lack(decorate)
start kezdet initium pocza1tek 1313 u N after(=POSS)
startled megdo2bbent consternatus zdziwiony 1621 A no xml
state a1llam res_publica pan1stwo 76 u N land, political(unit), HAS government decide ABOUT self
state a1llapot condicio stan 77 u N situation
statement kijelente1s expositio stwierdzenie 2802 u N ' SAY, formal
station a1lloma1s mansio stacja 80 u N stop AT/2744 RG
stay marad maneo zostawac1 1596 u U remain, before(=AGT AT/2744 =AT), after(=AGT AT/2744 =AT)
steady biztos firmus pewny 304 u A lack(change)
steal lop furor kras1c1 1553 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT AT/2744 =AGT], HAS lack(=PAT), HAS lack(right/3122), =AGT HAS lack(permission)
steam go3z vapor para 900 N fluid, IN/2758 air, water
steam-ship go3zhajo1 # # 3257 N ship, HAS engine, engine INSTRUMENT steam 1
steel ace1l chalybs stal 112 u N metal, hard, strong
steep a1ztat macero zamoczyc1 108 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[wet]]
steep meredek praeruptus stromy 1673 A change[vertical]
stem to3 stirps l1odyga 2421 N PART_OF plant, long, leaf FROM/2742, flower FROM/2742, fruit FROM/2742 HUN sza1r
step le1p gradior kroczyc1 1505 U unit, foot ON floor, PART_OF move
step le1pe1s gradus krok 1508 N see 1505
sterile # # # 2732 V reproduce[can/1246[lack]], ND
stick bot baculum kij 338 u N object, long, <wood>, <' USE>
sticky ragado1s glutinosus kleja1cy 1987 A stick
stiff merev rigidus sztywny 1674 u A lack(bend/975) difficult(' BEND)
still me1g # # 2777 D continue, <after(lack)>
still nyugodt quietus cichy 1828 A see 2780
sting szu1r pungo z1a1dlic1 2257 u V pierce, <insect>
stink bu3z foetor smro1d 350 N smell[strong, bad]
stir kever agito mieszac1 1310 V [circular/1389(motion)] IN/2758 [=PAT[<liquid>]], mix
stir_up felizgat commoveo pobudzic1 773 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[move]]
stirred_up felkavart commotus pobudzony 775 A no Longman use
stitch o2lt suo zaszywac1 1848 V unit, thread IN/2758 needle[move], sew
stock re1szve1ny # # # N document, prove, ABOUT[=POSS HAS part] Longman real DV
stocking harisnya tibiale pon1czocha 1004 N garment, COVER foot, tight
stomach gyomor venter z1ol1a1dek 939 u N organ, animal HAS, tube, food TO/2743
stone ko3 lapis kamien1 1419 u N material, hard, solid
stop mega1ll consisto zatrzymac1_sie1 1615 u V =PAT[move[lack, after]]
store bolt taberna sklep 330 N shop
storey emelet tabulatum pie1tro 662 N level, IN/2758 building
storm vihar tempestas burza 2627 N weather, wind, <rain>, <snow>, <hail/1179>, <thunder>, <lightning>
story to2rte1net historia historia 2417 u N event MEMBER, <fiction>
straight direkt directus bezpos1redni 468 u A sincere
straight egyenes directus prosty 563 u A HAS constant(direction) lack(curving)
straighten helyrehoz corrigo poprawiac1 1033 V see -en
strain megterhel onero nacia1gac1 1648 V
strain szu3r percolo przecedzac1 2270 V
strain teher onus kl1opot 2336 N
strange furcsa mirus dziwny 881 u A lack(familiar)
stranger idegen peregrinus cudzoziemiec 1118 N person, lack(knowledge) ABOUT
stream a1r flumen strumien1 87 N [water[flow]] IN/2758
street u1t vicus ulica 2482 N public, road, IN/2758 town, many(house) AT/2744, HAS two(side)
strength ero3 vis sil1a 685 N strong
stretch nyu1jt porrigo rozcia1gac1 1823 N CAUSE[=PAT[long,extend]]
strew hint spargo posypac1 1058 V scatter
strict szigoru1 # # 2960 A control % style?
stride le1pked incedo kroczyc1 1509 V walk, long(step), quick
strike u2t percutio uderzac1 2503 U hit
string hu1r chroda struna 1092 u N cord, fasten
string-like zsino1rszeru3 # # 3256 A string 1
strive to2rekszik nitor da1z1yc1 2412 V
stroke simogat mulceo gl1azkac1 2104 V touch, =AGT EXPRESS love
stroke u2te1s # # 2749 N strike csapa1s
strong ero3s validus silny 688 u A HAS force[great]
strong-smelling ero3s_illatu1 # # 3116 A strong(smell)
strong-tasting ero3s_i1zu3 # # 3117 A strong(taste)
structure szerkezet structura struktura 2944 u N HAS more(part), whole connected
struggle harc dimicatio walka 1003 N try, difficult, HAS goal, AT/2744 long(time)
student dia1k discipulus/discipula student 462 N study, IN/2758 <school>
study tanulma1ny studium nauka 2305 u N work, WANT know =PAT[branch], =PAT PART_OF discipline
stupid buta stultus gl1upi 359 A lack(intelligent) HAS low (intelligence) % ND % lack of good sense
stupidity butasa1g stultitia gl1upota 360 N stupid
style mo1d mos_modusque styl 1707 u N see 2125
style sti1lus genus styl 2125 u N property, expression/1332 HAS, art HAS
subject alany subiectum podmiot 145 u N see 2752
subject ta1rgy materia przedmiot 2750 u N =POSS[<learn>] ABOUT
submerge lenyom deprimo zanurzac1 1535 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT IN/2758 water, =PAT UNDER surface], water HAS surface
substance anyag materia materia 172 N HAS mass, IN/2758 space/2327, physical
subtract kivon deduco odejmowac1 1366 V =AGT CAUSE[lack(=PAT) IN =FROM[few]]
succeed ko2vet succedo odnies1c1_sukces 1401 V before(WANT thing), =AGT CAUSE thing =AGT mismatch
succeed sikerrel_ja1r # # 2718 V aim[real[after]], =AGT HAS aim
success siker # # 2969 N real, good, before(desire), lack(failure)
such ilyen talis taki 1136 u A indexical
such_as u1gymint # # 2966 # =REL IS_A
suck szopik sugo ssac1 2250 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[fluid] IN/2758 mouth], =AGT HAS mouth, mouth AROUND thing, pull vacuum
suck_in beszi1v sugo wessac1 271 V suck
sudden hirtelen subitus nagl1y 1061 A lack(warn), before(lack(' KNOW))
suffer szenved patior cierpiec1 2192 U =AGT FEEL pain
sugar cukor saccharum cukier 440 N sweet, IN/2758 food, IN/2758 drink naive_theo stick
suggest aja1nl propono sugerowac1 126 u V offer, =AGT SAY[=PAT[good]]
suit o2lto2zet amiculum stro1j 2751 u N garment, set/2746, match/1134
suit per causa sprawa 1955 u N see 2753
suitable alkalmas commodus odpowiedni 154 A good
sum o2sszeg summa suma 1861 N quantity
summer nya1r aestas lato 1802 u N season/548, FOLLOW spring/2318, autumn FOLLOW, warm, fruit AT/2744, much(life) AT/2744, long(day) AT/2744 ND +
sun nap sol sl1on1ce 1755 u N planet, GIVE light/739, GIVE heat, bright, yellow, AT/2744 sky, AT/2744 day RG, SRC removed
sunrise napkelte # # 3136 N after(sun AT/2744 sky)
sunset napnyugta # # 3135 N after(lack(sun) AT sky)
supernatural term1szetfo2lo2tti # # 3129 A lack(object)
supper vacsora cena kolacja 2564 N
supply ella1t suppedito zaopatrzyc1 626 V give, regular, CAUSE[=PAT HAS thing], =AGT NEED thing
support tart asservo utrzymywac1 2310 u V =AGT CAUSE =PAT[stable], =AGT[below]
suppose felte1telez sumo wydawac1_sie1_komus1 783 V =AGT THINK[=PAT[true]], =AGT[explain]
sure biztos certus pewny 305 u A lack(doubt)
surface felszin superficies powierzchnia 781 u N outer(part), separate, object HAS
surprise meglepete1s novitas niespodzianka 1635 u N feeling, <gift>, lack(' EXPECT)
surprising meglepo3 mirus zaskakuja1cy 3568 u N
surround ko2rbevesz circumdo otaczac1 1387 V =AGT[circle], =PAT IN/2758 circle
swallow nyel voro pol1ykac1 1805 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[move]], after(=PAT IN/2758 stomach), =PAT IN/2758 mouth, =PAT IN/2758 throat, =AGT HAS stomach, =AGT HAS mouth, =AGT HAS throat
swear esku2szik iuro przysie1gac1 696 u U =AGT SAY truth, =DAT[authority,<god>]
swear ka1romkodik exsecror przeklinac1 1210 u U =AGT SAY word, lack(word CONFORM ') <obscene>,<blasphemous>,taboo,insult
sweep seper verro zamiatac1 2083 V
sweet e1des dulcis sl1odki 495 u A taste, good, pleasant, sugar HAS taste, honey HAS taste saccharin HAS taste
sweet-smelling illatos # # 3203 A HAS sweet(smell) 8
sweet-tasting e1des_i2zu3 # # 3255 A HAS sweet(taste) 1
swell dagad tumesco puchna1c1 445 V =AGT HAS size[increase], <pressure> CAUSE, <pressure> IN/2758
swift gyors celer szybki 943 A quick
swim u1sza1s natatio pl1ywanie 2479 u N move, IN/2758 water, INSTRUMENT arm[<two>], INSTRUMENT leg[<two>]
swing leng oscillo bujac1_sie1 1533 U move, =AGT HAS direction[change], hang
switch kapcsol # # 3061 V =AGT CHANGE activity electric(machine)
sword kard gladius miecz 1233 N weapon, HAS blade[<long>,pointed], HAS edge
symbol jel # # 2976 N mean/1186, represent
sympathetic egyu2tt_e1rzo3 # # 3060 A FEEL [other HAS problem], approve, support
sympathy egyu2tte1rze1s misericordia wspo1l1czucie 587 N pity
system mo1dszer ratio system 1709 u N see 2015
system rendszer ratio system 2015 u N group, complex, relation BETWEEN part
t-shaped T_alaku1 # # 3229 A HAS shape[horizontal AT/2744 top, vertical(stem)] 2
table asztal mensa sto1l1 180 u N furniture, HAS leg[<more>], HAS surface[flat,horizontal]
tail farok cauda ogon 728 N PART_OF body, long, hang, AT/2744 bottom
take elvesz adimo wzia1c1 653 u U take/654
take elvesz adimo wzia1c1 654 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT AT/2744 =AGT, =FROM HAS lack(=PAT)]
take_hold fog arripio l1apac1 831 V catch/828
talk besze1l loquor rozmawiac 269 u U communicate, INSTRUMENT sentence
tall magas procerus wysoki 1581 u A height(ER') ZsA
tape szalag taenia wsta1z2ka 3051 u N artefact, information ON, narrow, plastic
taste i1z sapor smak 1113 N <food> HAS, person FEEL, INSTRUMENT tongue RA
tax ado1 tributum podatek 116 N money, government GET/1223, person GIVE, business GIVE
taxi taxi taximetrum takso1wka 2319 N car, service, person[drive,professional] PART_OF, pay/812 AT/2744
tea tea thea herbata 2331 N drink, leaf[dry[before]], hot(water)
teach tani1t doceo uczyc1 2302 V =AGT CAUSE[=DAT KNOW =PAT] Chafe (1970)
team csapat manus druz1yna 386 N group
tear te1p scindo rozrywac1 2325 u V pull, after(=PAT HAS more(piece)), INSTRUMENT force
tears ko2nny lacrima l1zy 1379 N liquid, FROM/2742 eye, many(drop), salt IN/2758, ON cheek, <emotion> CAUSE
technical mu3szaki # # 3041 A knowledge, machines
technology technolo1gia # # 3033 N machine MEMBER, equipment, method, INSTRUMENT knowledge
telegram ta1virat telegramma telegram 2292 N
telegraph ta1vi1ro1 telegraphium telegraf 2291 N
telephone telefon telephonium telefon 2341 N instrument, voice[move] INSTRUMENT, sound/993[move] INSTRUMENT
television televi1zio1 televisio telewizor 2343 u N electric(equipment), box, HAS screen, programme ON screen, man/659 SEE programme
tell mond dico powiedziec1 1720 u V communicate, INSTRUMENT speech
temper du2h furor gniew 489 N state/77, emotion hangulat
temperature ho3me1rse1klet temperies temperatura 1071 N physical, property, hot
temple hala1nte1k tempora skron1 982 N flat, side, PART_OF head see 2349
temple templom templum s1wia1tynia 2349 N building, FOR/2782 religion
temporary ideiglenes # # 3020 A short AT/2744 future
ten ti1z # # 2999 A number, FOLLOW nine
ten-pound tizfontos # # 3118 A ten(pound)
tend tart_vmihez tendo zmierzac1 2311 V
tendency tendendcia # # 2987 N likely[=TO]
tender gyenge1d mollis delikatny 929 A love
tennis tenisz lusus_pilae_reticulo_fusae tenis 2351 u N game, INSTRUMENT ball, person[two, <play>] IN/2758, ON rectangular(court/2515), net AT/2744 court/2515
tense feszu2lt suspensus spie1ty 797 u A
tense igeido3 tempus czas 3140 u N verb HAS time?
tent sa1tor tabernaculum namiot 2058 N home, temporary, can/1246(=POSS MOVE), HAS wall[lack(rigid),<cloth>, tense], rope PART_OF
terrible iszonyu1 atrox okropny 1163 A severe
terrified re1mu2lt perterritus przeraz1ony 1993 A HAS great (fear) ND
terror terror vis terror 2365 N intense(fear) % no Longman
test pro1ba probatio pro1ba 1975 u N action, after(sure) a test to see if an unborn baby has a disease
tetrahedron tetrae1der # # 2702 N object, HAS three(side), HAS flat(bottom), HAS peak
text szo2veg # # 3127 N information IN/2758, sentence PART_OF
than mint quam niz1 1702 u G 'ER
thank megko2szo2n gratias_ago dzie1kowac1 1633 u V =DAT CAUSE =AGT[pleased], =AGT EXPRESS[=AGT[grateful]], polite
that az ille tamten 186 u A thing % indexical
the a NA N/A 62 u G
the az NA N/A 187 u G the/62
theatre szi1nha1z theatrum teatr 2209 u N institution, perform IN/2758, play IN/2758, stage/2220 IN/2758
their -uk sui/suae ich 38 u G they HAS
theirs o2ve1k sui/suae ich 1871 G they HAS
them o3ket eos/eas ich 1875 u G they
then majd mox wtedy 1588 D time, follow conjunctive
there oda illuc tam 1888 u G AT/2744 that(place/1026) , indexical
there ott ibi tam 1923 u A indexical
therefore teha1t quare wie1c 2334 D that CAUSE
these ezek hi/hae/haec te 707 N this, more
they o3k ii/eae oni 1874 u G more(person) <he> IN/2758 % OR [she IN] OR [it IN]? % indexical
thick su3ru3 densus ge1sty 2134 u A lack(thin/1038)
thick vastag crassus gruby 2752 u A distance[great] BETWEEN surface, HAS more(surface), lack(thin/2598)
thicken su3ri1t denseo zage1szczac1 2133 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[thick/2134]]
thief tolvaj fur zl1odziej 2430 N steal
thin hi1g liquidus rzadki 1038 u A [great(distance)] BETWEEN [particle], particle IN/2758, lack(thick/2134)
thin ve1kony tenuis chudy 2598 u A lack(thick/2752)
thing dolog res rzecz 481 u N exist should be primitive?
think gondol cogito mys1lec1 907 u U =PAT IN/2758 mind, =AGT HAS mind
third harmad tertia_pars trzecia 1005 N part, [three(part)] IN/2758 [whole], before(divide)
third harmadik tertius trzeci 1006 A -th/5, FOLLOW second/1569 fourth FOLLOW
thirst szomj sitis pragnienie 2246 N NEED drink
thirsty szomjas sitiens spragniony 2247 A FEEL[thirst]
this ez hic/haec/hoc ten/to/ta 706 u N now, near, before(speak ABOUT) indexical
this ilyen hic ten 1137 u A indexical
thorough alapos subtilis dokl1adny 149 A [every(detail)] IN/2758
those azok illi tamci 190 N more % indexical
though noha tametsi/quamquam mimo_z1e 1799 D but
thought gondolat cogitatum mys1l 908 u N IN/2758 mind enumerate=
thousand ezer # # 3059 N number, ER hundred
thread ce1rna filum_lineum nic1 366 u N fine(cord), <sew INSTRUMENT>, <IN/2758 cloth>
threat fenyegete1s minae groz1ba 790 N threaten
threaten fenyeget minitor grozic1 789 V =AGT EXPRESS[after(=AGT CAUSE harm)]
three ha1rom # # 2970 A number, FOLLOW two
three-sided ha1rom-oldalu1 # # 3220 A HAS three(side) 3
three-word ha1rom_szo1bo1l_a1llo1 # # 3119 A three(word)
thrive prospera1l vigeo kwitna1c1 1977 U no xml
throat torok fauces gardl1o 2432 N PART_OF body, pipe, IN/2758 neck, FROM/2742 mouth, TO/2743 tube, front
through a1t per przez 100 u G after(AT/2744 other(side)), before(AT/2744 side), =REL HAS side, IN/2758 =REL, =REL HAS other(side)
throw dob conjectus rzucac1 477 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[move]], move IN/2758 air, INSTRUMENT hand, =AGT HAS hand
throw ga1ncs N/A N/A 884 u N see 477
thrust tol protrudo pchac1 2425 V no xml
thud do2rren fragorem_edit l1omotac1 473 U dull(sound/993), <[ heavy(object) HIT solid(surface)] CAUSE>
thumb hu2velykujj pollex kciuk 1098 N PART_OF hand, human HAS hand, short, thick/2752 hungarian semantics: ujj
thunder do2ro2g tono/tonat grzmiec1 472 V lightning MAKE sound/993
thus i1gy sic tak 1107 D ' CAUSE
ticket jegy tessera bilet 1181 u N <paper>, <card>, before(pay/812), FOR/2782 right/3122
tidy rendes diligens schludny 2010 u A good(arrangement), neat RA
tie ko2t ligo wia1zac1 1394 u V =AGT CAUSE[move[lack]], INSTRUMENT rope
tiger tigris tigris tygrys 2386 N hairy, animal, HAS[four(leg)], aggressive, HAS line[yellow, more], HAS line[other, black, more], big RA
tight szoros artus ciasny 2252 u A lack(move), fit, close/1413 lack(loose) % RA
tightly-covered szorosan_befedett # # 3254 A tight(' COVER) 1
till mi1g dum do 1684 D =REL FOLLOW
time ido3 tempus czas 1120 u N event IN/2758, HAS direction, past PART_OF, present PART_OF, future PART_OF
times ido3 tempora czasy 3574 u N
timetable menetrend horarium rozkl1ad 1664 N no xml
timetable o1rarend horarium plan 1837 N list, time IN/2758, event AT/2744 time, <arrive> AT/2744 time, <leave> AT/2744 time
tin cin stannum cyna 375 N metal, soft, HAS colour[silver,white], cover
tin konzervdoboz # # 2763 N metal, contain, food IN/2758
tire fa1rad laboro zme1czyc1_sie1 712 U work, =PAT[exhausted[after]]
tire fa1raszt lasso me1czyc1 714 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[exhausted]]
tire untat defatigo me1czyc1 2528 V bore/2697
tissue szo2vet # # 3395 N material, live
title ci1m appellatio tytul1 371 N name, <book> HAS
to -ba in do 12 u G
to -hoz ad do 2743 u G after(AT/2744 =REL)
tobacco doha1ny tabacum tyton1 479 N plant, leaf, burn, FOR/2782 pleasure
today ma hodie dzisiej 1558 D this (day) day, now % ND
toe la1bujj digitus_pedis palec 1469 N five, PART_OF foot
together egyu2tt una razem 586 u D MEMBER group, lack(separate)
toilet WC sella toaleta 2963 u N artefact, material[useful[lack]] TO, material FROM person, bowl, sit ON
tomato paradicsom # # 3401 N vegetable, red, round, soft
tomorrow holnap cras jutro 1075 D day, before(today) FOLLOW? % ND
tongue nyelv lingua je1zyk 1808 N PART_OF body, AT/2744 mouth, taste INSTRUMENT, speak INSTRUMENT RG
tonight ma_este hodie_vespera dzis1_wieczorem 1574 N sunset FOLLOW, sunset AT/2744 today
too is etiam tez1 1155 u D also
tool szersza1m instrumentum narze1dzie 2202 u N object, work INSTRUMENT
tooth fog dens za1b 827 u N organ, animal HAS, hard, IN/2758 jaw, bite/1001 INSTRUMENT, chew INSTRUMENT, attack INSTRUMENT, defend INSTRUMENT
top teto3 culmen dach 2377 u N part, AT/2744 position, vertical(position ER part[other])
torment ki1n cruciatus cierpienie 1319 N pain
total ege1sz totus cal1y 552 A whole
total teljes totus cal1kowity 2346 A whole
total ve1go2sszeg # # 2764 N sum
totter inog vacillo chwiac1_sie1 1143 U shake
touch e1rint attingo dotkna1c1 522 u V <hand> AT/2744 =PAT[surface], <=AGT HAS hand>, contact, FEEL surface
tour tu1ra iter wycieczka 2439 N journey, FOR/2782 pleasure, person AT/2744 place/1026
tourist turista viator turysta 2465 N
towards fele1 ad do 764 u G after(AT/2744 =REL)
tower torony turris wiez1a 2433 N building[tall, narrow]
town va1ros oppidum miasteczko 2560 u N artefact, many(people) IN/2758, many(house) IN/2758
toy ja1te1k lusus zabawka 1174 N object, child[play], play INSTRUMENT
track ko2vet sequor s1ledzic1 1402 u V follow, =PAT[mark]
track nyom vestigium s1lad 1817 u N way, move[quick] AT/2744 HUN pa1lya
trade kereskedik negotior handlowac1 1299 u V buy, sell
trade szakma artificium zawo1d 2155 u N
tradition hagyoma1ny # # 2953 N old, society/2285 HAS
traffic forgalom commercium ruch 857 N people[move] PART_OF, vehicle PART_OF, ON street
train vonat tramen pocia1g 2661 u N vehicle, car FOLLOW car, ON rail, more(car) locomotive[<pull>] PART_OF
training edze1s exercitatio trening 3577 u N
translate fordi1t reddo tl1umaczyc1 855 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT AT/2744 other(language)]
transparent a1tla1tszo1 perlucidus przezroczysty 104 A see THROUGH
transport sza1lli1ta1s # # 3057 N move
trap csapda laqueus pul1apka 388 N device, CATCH/828 animal, sudden, enemy MAKE, lack(' SEE)
travel utazik iter_facio podro1z1owac1 2537 u U after(=AGT AT/2744 place/1026[other,<city>])
treat kezel tracto traktowac1 1314 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[<person>] IN/2758 [situation]]
treatment kezele1s tractatio traktowanie 1315 u N treat
tree fa arbor drzewo 709 N plant, HAS material[wood], HAS trunk/2759, HAS crown
tremble remeg tremo trza1s1c1_sie1 2007 U shake
trend # # # 2737 N increasingly used way
tribe to2rzs gens plemie1 2419 N group, people, society/2285, AT/2744 area/2366
trick becsap decipio nabrac1 244 u U =AGT CAUSE[=PAT THINK false]
trick csel dolus trik 398 u N trick/244
trip u1t iter wycieczka 2483 N visit, TO/2743 place/1026, journey
tropic tropikus teporis tropikalny 2436 A
tropical tro1pusi # # 2952 A AT/2744 place/1026[hot]
trouble baj malum kl1opot 217 u N bad external
trouble zavar angustiae kl1opot 2672 u N trouble/217
troublesome bajos molestus kl1opotliwy 218 A trouble ND
trousers nadra1g bracae spodnie 1743 N garment, COVER leg, HAS leg[two,other]
truck teherauto1 # # 3013 N large(vehicle), ON road, carry
true igaz verus prawdziwy 1125 u A CONFORM[fact]
trunk bo3ro2nd riscus kufer 319 N box, garment IN/2758 no xml
trunk orma1ny manus tra1ba 1910 N nose, elephant HAS, long no xml
trunk to2rzs # # 2759 N main(part), long, stable
trust bi1zik confido ufac1 290 u V =AGT THINK[=PAT[good], <good AT/2744 future>] HUN -bAn is quirky, German: vertrauen ACC
trustworthy megbi1zhato1 certus godny_zaufania 1618 A should[' TRUST]
truth igazsa1g verum prawda 1129 N true
try pro1ba1l tempto pro1bowac1 1976 u V =AGT WANT =AGT[=PAT]
tube cso3 fistula rura 419 N pipe
tube-shaped cso3_alaku1 # # 3120 A HAS tube(shape)
tune dallam modulatio piosenka 447 N sequence, sound/993
turn fordul vertor przekre1cac1 856 u V turn/860
turn forog versor przekre1cac1 860 u V move, =PAT[object, HAS axis, change(direction)]
twelve tizenketto3 # # 3070 A number, FOLLOW eleven
twice ke1tszer bis dwa_razy 1263 D AT/2744 two(occasion)
twine gally termes gal1a1zka 888 N no Longman
twist teker torqueo przekre1cac1 2338 V <thread>, turn, =PAT[straight/563[lack, after], before(long)] =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[spiral]]
two ke1t # # 2967 A number, one IN/2758, other IN/2758, FOLLOW one
two-wheeled ke1tkereku3 # # 3219 A HAS two(wheel) 3
two-year ke1te1ves # # 3253 A AT/2744 time, time HAS length[year[two]] 1
type fajta species typ 717 u N group, HAS common(characteristic)
typical tipikus # # 2945 A RESEMBLE many
tyre auto1gumi circulus_gummeus opona 185 N ON wheel, <rubber>, <ring/402>, vehicle HAS wheel
u-shape u_alaku1 # # 3250 A shape(bend/1112) 1
ugly csu1nya turpis brzydki 433 A CAUSE[eye HAS lack(pleasure)]
un- -tlan # # 2829 A lack(=REL)
un- -tlan in- nie- 57 G lack 649 un+pleasant
uncle nagyba1csi patruus/avunculus wujek 1749 N man/744, relative, old(relative ER =POSS) related to parent, =POSS HAS parent
uncomfortable ke1nyelmetlen asper niewygodny 3578 u N
under ala1 sub pod 136 u D AT position, vertical(=REL ER position)
underground fo2d_alatt # # 3043 A UNDER ground
underneath ala1 sub pod 137 D under
understand e1rt intellego rozumiec1 525 u V meaning IN/2758 mind, =PAT HAS meaning, =AGT HAS mind
underwear fehe1rnem3 # # 2975 N garment, AT/2744 body, UNDER other(garment)
undo visszacsina1l rescindo cofac1 2642 V
unhappy boldogtalan miser nieszcze1s1liwy 3579 u N
uniform egyenruha # # 2765 N garment, mark, person WEAR, person MEMBER organization
uniform egyezo3 congruens jednakowy 576 A same
union unio1 coniunctio unia 2525 N together, public
unit egyse1g omne jednostka 3038 u N amount, measure
unite egyesu2l coniungo jednoczyc1 571 U before(separate), after(together)
unity egyse1g unitas jednos1c1 583 N one, FROM/2742 many
universe univerzum universitas kosmos 2526 N place/2326, thing[all] IN/2758
university egyetem universitas uniwersytet 573 u N institution, educate, GIVE degree
unkind undok iniquus niemil1y 3581 u N
unless hacsak_nem # # # G =PAT CAUSE lack(unless) Longman real DV
unpleasant kellemetlen ingratus niemil1y 3582 u N
unsteady bizonytalan instabilis niepewny 300 A lack(control) un+steady
until ami1g quoad/dum az1_do 166 D after(=REL) % ?
up fel sursum do_go1ry 763 u A after(AT position), vertical(position ER')
up-and-down fo2l-le # # 3252 A vertical 1
upon rajta super na 1990 D ON '
upper felso3 superior wyz1szy 780 N AT/2744 position, vertical(position ER)
upper-class u1ri # # 3251 A rich 1
upright fu2ggo3leges # # 2986 A vertical
upset izgalom commotio poruszenie 1166 u N disturb
upside-down fejjel_lefele1 eversus do_go1ry_nogami 757 D side[upper] AT/2744 down, HAS side longman spelling: upside_down
upstairs emeleti superior na_pie1trze 663 A ON upper(storey)
urge va1gy appetitus potrzeba 2543 N
urgent su2rgo3s instans pilny 2129 A must[immediately(' DO)] DO
urinate vizel mingo sikac1 2651 U
urine vizelet urina mocz 3583 u N
us minket nos nas 1698 u G we
use haszna1l utor uz1ywac1 1008 u V =FOR[purpose] INSTRUMENT =PAT, =AGT[=FOR]
useful hasznos # # 3134 A FOR/2782 '
usual szoka1sos usitatus zwyczajny 2239 A common
v-shaped v_alaku1 # # 3206 A HAS two(side), wide AT/2744 top, narrow AT/2744 bottom 7
valley vo2lgy vallis dolina 2657 N long, low, land, BETWEEN <mountain>, BETWEEN <hill>
valuable e1rte1kes # # 2950 A HAS value[high]
value e1rte1k pretium wartos1c1 526 u N amount, < ' PAY/812>
variety va1ltozat varietas wybo1r 2552 N various
various va1ltozatos varius ro1z1ny 2553 A many[different]
vary o1vatos cautus ostroz1ny 1841 A no xml
vegetable no2ve1ny herba warzywo 1791 u N plant, ' EAT HUN zo2lds1g
vegetable no2ve1nyi herbarum warzywny 1792 u A see 1791
vehicle ja1rmu3 vehiculum pojazd 1172 u N device, MOVE [<people>,<object>]
verb ige verbum_temporale czasownik 1130 N word
vertebrate gerinces # # 3374 N animal, HAS bone, fish IS_A, mammal IS_A, bird IS_A
vertical fu2ggo3leges verticalis pionowy 869 N position, up, line lack(horizontal)
very nagyon valde bardzo 1751 u A ER'
vessel ede1ny vas naczynie 549 N cutlery, CONTAIN <liquid>
vessel hajo1 navis statek 978 N
vexed vita1s controversus kontowersyjny 2649 A
vice- sege1d- auxiliarius wice- 2071 G
victory gyo3zelem victoria zwycie1stwo 938 N win
video video1 taenia video 2994 u N film
view la1tva1ny aspectus widok 1482 N sight
view ne1z inspecto ogla1dac1 1767 V =AGT[think] SEE =PAT[part,<beautiful>]
village falu vicus wies1 724 N area/2366, many(house) IN/2758, IN/2758 country
vine szo3lo3 # # # N plant, <grape> Longman real DV
violent ero3szakos violentus gwal1towny 690 A INSTRUMENT physical(force)
visible la1thato1 # # 3128 A can/1246(animal SEE)
visit la1togata1s adventus odwiedziny 1478 N social, at/2744, =AGT[person], =PAT[<person>] clear nomen actionis
voice hang vox gl1os 994 u N sound/993, vertebrate PRODUCE
volcano vulka1n vulcanus wulkan 3584 u N
vomit ha1ny vomo wymiotowac1 958 V material THROUGH mouth, before(material IN/2758 stomach), =AGT HAS mouth, =AGT HAS stomach, <lack(=AGT WANT vomit)>
vote szavaz sententiam_fero gl1osowac1 2160 u U =AGT EXPRESS[=AGT WANT [<candidate>,<option>]], official, choose
vowel maga1nhangzo1 vocalis samogl1oska 1579 N sound/993, PART_OF speech
voyage utaza1s iter podro1z1 2536 N
voyage utazik peregrinor podro1z1owac1 2538 U
wages be1r merces zarobki 238 N pay/237, FOR/2782 period
waist csi1po3 coxa pas 406 N PART_OF trunk/2759, human HAS trunk/2759, narrow, AT/2744 middle, body HAS middle, human HAS body UNDER rib_cage, AT/2744 pelvis
wait va1r maneo waz1yc1 2558 u V expect, remain, ready, =AGT AT/2744 long(time)
wake kelt suscito budzic1 1290 V =PAT[awake[after]]
walk ja1r eo spacerowac1 1171 u U move, AT/2744 surface, many(step), INSTRUMENT foot
wall fal murus s1ciana 721 u N object, upright, enclose, divide, protect, building HAS, long, high
wander barangol vagor bl1a1kac1_sie1 229 U walk, lack(purpose)
want akar volo chciec1 131 u V primitive
war ha1boru1 bellum wojna 953 u N conflict[violent, long], BETWEEN <more(nation)>, gun AT/2744
warm fu3t calefacio grzac1 878 u V after(warm/1655)
warm meleg calidus ciepl1y 1655 u A temperature(ER')
warn figyelmeztet adverto oztrzegac1 803 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT KNOW danger]
wash mos lavo myc1 1724 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[clean]], INSTRUMENT liquid, INSTRUMENT <soap>, INSTRUMENT rub
waste szeme1t quisquiliae odpady 2188 u N substance, lack(' USE)
waste_away sorvad tabesco marnowac1_sie1 2122 V
watch o1ra horologium zegarek 1835 u N clock, AT/2744 person, <ON wrist>
watchman o3r custos straz1nik 1877 N no xml
water vi1z aqua woda 2622 u N liquid, HAS lack(colour), HAS lack(taste), HAS lack(smell), life NEED
wave hulla1m unda fala 1104 u N IN/2758 sequence, move, ON surface, liquid[move[vertical]] HAS surface
wave int manu_signum_do machac1 1144 u V see 2900
waver habozik cunctor wahac1_sie1 967 V decide FOLLOW long(time), lack(sure)
wax no3 cresco rosna1c1 1797 V substance
way u1t via droga 2484 u N artefact, move AT/2744, HAS direction
we mi nos my 1682 G more(person), i IN/2758 % indexical
weak gyenge infirmus sl1aby 927 u A power('ER), lack(strong)
weaken gyengi1t infirmo osl1abiac1 930 V =PAT[weak[after]]
wealth vagyon opes bogactwo 2569 N
weapon fegyver arma bron1 754 u N instrument, fight INSTRUMENT
wear hord gesto nosic1 1081 u V [=PAT[garment]] ON [=AGT[human]]
weary fa1radt defessus zme1czony 713 A human, exhausted
weary untat defatigo me1czyc1 2529 V tire/2528
weather ido3ja1ra1s tempestas pogoda 1121 N state/77, atmosphere HAS, AT/2744 time, AT/2744 place/1026, temperature, water IN/2758 air, wind, air HAS pressure
weave szo3 texo tkac1 2233 u V =AGT MAKE <cloth>, thread UNDER thread[other]
website weboldal # # 3081 N PART_OF internet, information ON
wedding esku2vo3 nuptiae wesele 697 N ceremony, after(marriage)
week he1t hebdomas tydzien1 1021 N period, time, seven(day) IN/2758
weep si1r lacrimo pl1akac1 2096 U =AGT HAS tear, emotion CAUSE
weigh me1r pondero waz1yc1 1603 V =AGT CAUSE[KNOW weight], <INSTRUMENT scale>, <INSTRUMENT balance/1607>
weight su1ly pondus waga 2127 u N physical(quantity), heavy
welcome fogad accipio witac1 832 u V =AGT LIKE/3382[=PAT AT =AGT]
well jo1 bene dobrze 1190 u A good RA
well ku1t puteus studnia 1446 u N hole, deep, IN/2758 earth, fluid[<water>] IN/2758
well- jo1l- bene dobrze 1193 G good
well-known ko2zismert # # 3005 A many KNOW
west nyugat occidens zacho1d 1825 N direction, ON earth, left, map HAS left(side)
western nyugati occidentalis zachodni 1826 A west
wet nedves humidus mokry 1769 u A liquid COVER
whale ba1lna cetus wieloryb 3585 u N
what mi quid co 1683 u G thing question
whatever ba1rmi quodcumque cokolwiek 210 A anything
wheat bu1za triticum pszenica 344 N plant, HAS grain, flour FROM/2742
wheel kere1k rota kol1o 1293 u N artefact, PART_OF <vehicle>, circular/1294, turn <HAS spoke>, HAS hub, HAS axle
when mikor quando kiedy 1689 u D AT/2744 what(time)
whenever amikor cum kiedykolwiek 168 D =REL CAUSE
where hol ubi gdzie 1073 u D AT/2744 what
wherever ba1rhol ubicumque gdziekolwiek 206 D place/1026
whet fen acuo moczyc1 786 V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[sharp,knife]]
whether vajon an jez1eli 2571 u D after(decide)
which melyik quis kto1ry 1661 u A conj
whichever ba1rmelyik quodcumque kto1rykolwiek 209 N thing
while ami1g dum podczas 167 D AT/2744 time
while mi1g dum podczas 1685 D AT/2744 time, =REL AT/2744 time
whip ostor flagellum bat 1916 N instrument, flexible, CONTROL animal, punish INSTRUMENT
whirl o2rve1nylik vertices_agit wirowac1 1858 U turn =AGT % no xml
whisper su1g susurro szeptac1 2126 V speak, quiet
whistle si1p fistula gwizdek 2093 N air[move] MAKE sound/993
white fehe1r albus bial1y 755 u N colour, light/739, snow HAS colour, empty, clear
who aki qui/quis kto/kto1ry 134 u G person % indexical
whole ege1sz totus cal1y 553 A all MEMBER quantifier
why mie1rt cur/quare dlaczego 1688 G what CAUSE
wicked gonosz improbus wredny 911 A evil no xml
wide sze1les latus szeroki 2166 A distance[great, horizontal] BETWEEN side, HAS more(side)
width sze1lesse1g latitudo szerokos1c1 2168 N wide
wife felese1g uxor z1ona 767 N IN/2758 marriage, female
wild vad ferus dziki 2565 A lack(society LEAD/2617)
will akar volo chciec1 132 u V want
willing ke1sz paratus che1tny 1259 A ready, wish
win gyo3z vinco wygrywac1 937 u U best, succeed/2718, before(compete), before(effort), GET/1223 <prize> =AGT DEFEAT enemy
wind sze1l ventus wiatr 2164 u N air[move[horizontal]]
window ablak fenestra okno 110 u N artefact, IN/2758 <wall>, light/739 THROUGH, air THROUGH, HAS frame, HAS glass, open/1814, close/3381
wine bor vinum wino 332 N drink, before(fruit), before(<grape>), alcohol IN/2758
wing sza1rny ala skrzydl1o 2146 u N object, fly INSTRUMENT, PART_OF '
wing-shaped sza1rny_alaku1 # # 3249 A HAS wing(shape) 1
wink kacsint nicto mrugac1 1215 V eye[one, close], =AGT HAS eye, eye[open/1814[after]], deliberate, signal
winter te1l hiems zima 2322 u N season/548, FOLLOW autumn, spring/2318 FOLLOW, cold, snow IN/2758, death IN/2758 ND
wipe to2ro2l abstergeo wycierac1 2413 V rub, INSTRUMENT <cloth>, =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[clean,dry]]
wire dro1t filum_metallicum drut 485 u N metal, long, thin/2598, <frame>, <electricity IN/2758>
wise bo2lcs sapiens ma1dry 311 A sensible, KNOW right/1191
wish akar volo chciec1 133 u V gentle(=AGT WANT =PAT)
wish ki1va1n opto z1yczyc1 1322 u V 133
with -val # z 60 u G together
with -val cum z 3380 u N INSTRUMENT =REL Latin == cum
within belu2l intra wewna1trz 262 A IN/2758 =REL
without ki1vu2l extra bez 1323 u D out
without ne1lku2l sine bez 1761 u D lack
witness tanu1 testis s1wiadek 2303 N
woman no3 mulier kobieta 1795 u N female, person
wonder csoda miraculum/prodigium cud 422 N event, surprise, supernatural, action CAUSE fear
wondrous csoda1s mirabilis cudowny 425 A wonder
wood fa lignum drewno 710 u N material, hard, FROM/2742 tree
wooden fa lignum drewniany 3215 u A material, wood/719
woods erdo3 # # # N forest Longman real DV
wool gyapju1 lana wel1na 924 u N material, soft, sheep HAS naive_theo cloth FROM/2742
word szo1 verbum sl1owo 2224 u N sign, speech
work munka opera praca 1740 u N useful RA
working dolgoza1s laborans pracowanie 3587 u N
works mu3vek laborat pracuje 3588 u N
world vila1g mundus s1wiat 2628 u N earth, all(country) IN/2758
worm fe1reg vermis robak 743 N animal, HAS lack(bone), HAS lack(leg), soft, long
worry gond cura zmartwienie 905 N anxiety
worse rosszabb peior gorszy 2045 A bad(ER'), good(bad[other] ER)
worship ima1d veneror wielbic1 1139 V respect, love, =PAT[<god>], pray, <IN/2758 building>, admire, sing, THINK[=PAT[high]]
worst legrosszabb pessimus najgorszy 1517 A bad, -est morphology
worth e1rte1k dignitas wartos1c1 527 N value
worthy_of e1rdemes dignus wart 519 A CAUSE good
would -na NA -by 34 u G IN/2758 situation
wound seb vulnus rana 2068 u N bad, ON body, <violent> CAUSE
wound sebesi1t vulnero ranic1 2069 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT HAS wound/2068]
wrap becsomagol involvo owina1c1 246 V =AGT CAUSE[=AGT COVER =PAT]
wrap_up becsomagol colligo owina1c1 247 V see 246
wreck roncs reliquiae wrak 2042 N before(device), object, <ship[sink/2747]>
wrench csavarkulcs instrumentum_cochleis_extorquendis klucz 394 N no Longman
wrist csuklo1 articulus nadgarstek 438 N joint, PART_OF body, AT/2744 hand, AT/2744 end, arm HAS end
write i1r scribo pisac1 1109 u V =AGT CAUSE[ [<letter/278>,<more(word)>] ON surface[<paper>]], INSTRUMENT [<pen>,<pencil>] in accord with Randall
writing i1ra1s scriptura pisanie 3590 u N
written i1rott # # 3126 A letter/278 ON surface[<paper>]
wrong rossz sinister zl1y 2044 u A lack(right/1191)
y-shaped Y_alaku1 # # 3228 A HAS two(branch) 2
yang yang NA yang 3591 u N
yard yard N/A jard 2666 V
year e1v annus rok 545 N period, time, month PART_OF
yellow sa1rga flavus z1o1l1ty 2057 u N colour coward HAS colour
yellow-brown # # # 3121 A yellow, brown
yellow-coloured sa1rga_szi2nu3 # # 3248 A yellow 1
yellow-green sa1rga-zo2ld # # 3218 A yellow, green 3
yellow-white sa1rga-fehe1r # # 3210 A yellow, white 5
yellowish sa1rga1s # # 3367 A yellow white ?
yellowish-brown sa1rga1s-barna # # 3214 A brown, yellow 4
yellowish-white sa1rga1sfehe1r # # 3247 A white, yellow 1
yes igen # # 3012 G
yes igen ita_est/sic_est tak 1131 D ?
yesterday tegnap heri wczoraj 2333 N day, after(today) ND
yet ma1r etiam jeszcze 1562 D already
yet me1g etiam jeszcze 1600 D <after>
yield enged cedo usta1pic1 671 V see 2771
yield terem # # 2769 V make, <natural>, =PAT[<grow>]
yin # NA # 3592 N
you te tu ty 2320 u G person general subject. indexical
young fiatal iuvenis ml1ody 799 N early, IN/2758 life
your tie1d tuus two1j 2384 u G you HAS
yours tied tuus two1j 2385 G you HAS
yourself magad # # 2797 G you, self
youth ifjusa1g iuventus ml1odos1c1 1124 N young(person), group
zero nulla zero zero 1801 N number, lack(one)