Here's where we'll put the glossary.
(Special section for abbreviations?)
A state of affairs in which
the relation between the lexicogrammatical form of an expression
and its meaning or use is not fully explained by principles
of semantic composition (building on the meanings of the constituents
and the semantic import of the constructions by which they are
structured) or by pragmatic reasoning. Stated the other way around,
those aspects of the meaning of a linguistic expression which must
be learned by specific linguistic convention.
The extent to which the meaning of a linguistic expression is
explained or made intelligible, or perhaps simply made memorable,
by reference to the meanings of its parts.
The situation in which a productive formation is blocked (i.e.,
produces an ungrammatical expression) because there is a specific
irregular form which serves the same grammatical or semantic purpose.
English doesn't tolerate "mans" as the plural of "man" because it is
pre-empted by "men"; English doesn't tolerate "today morning" (in spite
of "yesterday morning" and "tomorrow morning") because of "this morning".
The combinability potential of a complement-taking word, or
predicate, expressed in terms of
whatever is necessary to say about the
morpho-syntactic form of the complements, or the grammatical
or semantic relations they hold to the predicating word.
The adjective "afraid" can be said to "take"
a subject which expresses an experiencer, and a complement which
expresses the content of the experience, this expressed either
with a finite clause ("I'm afraid he'll lose the election") or
a prepositional phrase headed by "of" ("I'm afraid of earthquakes").
The representation of the valence of this adjective is expressed as
a set whose members are feature structures specifying the values
of three attributes: grammatical function, "theta" role, and
morphosyntactic form. The former two are themselves values of
an attribute "rel", for "relation"; the last is a feature structure
whose attribute is "syn", for "syntax". The "syn" value might be
complex, as when the complement of a predicate is required to be
a that-clause with "subjunctive" mood.
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