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9 lines (8 sloc) 464 Bytes
continuous folytonos continuus cia1gl1y 2172 u A lack(separate), lack (sudden)
customer vevo3 emptor klient 2711 u N buy agt of
frighten ijeszt terreo straszyc1 2916 u V CAUSE fright
jink cselez evado wymjac1 3084 u V move, sudden
leader vezeto3 princeps wo1dz 3106 u N lead/2617 agt of
oh o1 o o 3170 u G ??vocative
player ja1te1kos ludens zawodnik 3201 u A play, participant, PART_OF game agt of play
wooden fa lignum drewniany 3215 u A material, wood/719