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#Mapping of Stanford dependency relations to 4lang edges.
#The line "rel TAB i,j" means the dependency relation rel(x,y) should convert
#to an arrow of color i pointing from x to y and an arrow of color j pointing
#from y to x. "-" means no arrow, "?" means undecided or ambiguous.
#Further TAB separated fields may specify binary relations that should hold
#between x and y, the order can be reversed with "!". E.g. HAS will trigger
#x HAS y, !HAS will trigger Y HAS X
acomp 0,-
advcl ?,-
advmod 0,-
agent 1,-
amod 0,-
appos 0,0
aux -,-
auxpass -,-
cc -,-
#each coordinated element appears in its own relations
conj -,-
conj_and -,-
conj_as -,-
conj_but -,-
conj_if -,-
conj_in -,-
conj_less -,-
conj_negcc -,-
conj_nor -,-
conj_of -,-
conj_or -,-
#each coordinated element appears in its own relations
conj_so -,-
conj_whether -,-
cop -,-
#but will be necessary to disambiguate nsubj and csubj
csubj 1,0
#1,0 for copular sentences, 1,- otherwise (just like with nsubj)
csubjpass 2,-
dep 0,-
det ?,?
#Articles will probably trigger some direct action and not have their own nodes
#in the graph
discourse -,-
dobj 2,-
expl -,-
#We shouldn't have to do anything extra here if our theory is perfect, right?
iobj ?,?
#I guess we deny that these really exist.
mwe -,-
#We should handle each of these uniquely
neg 0,-
#Mostly X -0-> "not". "no", "never", and "n't" are posptrocessed into "not"
nn -,-
# "there is no intelligent noun compund analysis. This is likely to be fixed
# once the Penn Treebank represents the branching structure of NPs"
# Until then, this should trigger our own noun compound analysis
# Until we have that, do nothing
npadvmod 0,-
nsubj 1,0
# 1,0 for copular sentences, 1,- otherwise (just like with csubj)
nsubjpass 2,-
num 0,-
number ?,?
#Wouldn't load this on the machine framework
parataxis ?,?
#need to see more examples first, might be handled at the sentence tokenization
#partmod ?,?
#(obsoleted by vmod)
pcomp 2,-
pobj 2,-
poss -,- !HAS
#x HAS y
possessive -,-
preconj -,-
predet -,-
#These two can trigger something once we have quantification...
prep -,-
prep_about -,-
prep_after -,- AFTER
prep_around -,-
prep_as -,-
prep_between -,-
prep_by -,-
prep_during -,-
#This'll be horribly wrong in some cases, e.g. "bread stays soft for several days"
prep_for -,- FOR
prep_from -,- from
prep_in -,- IN
prep_into -,-
prep_like -,-
prep_next_to -,-
#wrong in many cases: in charge of, one of two, group of people (?)
prep_of -,- !HAS
prep_on -,-
#we don't really have this, but I didn't know what to do. Perhaps "not" and IN combined somehow, but we don't have the syntax for it, plus we don't know how negation works
#This is just a few of the prep(c)s, the rest are listed at the end of the file
prep_according_to -,-
prep_at -,-
prep_compared_with -,-
prep_containing -,-
prep_out_of -,- NOTIN
prep_outside_of -,-
prep_over -,-
prep_starting -,-
prep_such_as -,-
prep_than -,-
prep_to -,-
prep_towards -,-
prep_with -,- INSTRUMENT
prep_within -,-
prepc_about -,-
prepc_as -,-
prepc_as_for -,-
prepc_by -,-
prepc_for -,-
prepc_from -,-
prepc_next_to -,-
prepc_of -,-
prepc_out -,-
prepc_regardless_of -,- regardless
prepc_in -,- IN
prepc_since -,-
prepc_smooth -,-
prepc_whether -,-
prepc_with -,-
prepc_without -,- LACK
prt 0,-
punct -,-
#purpcl -,-
#(obsoleted by advcl)
#Maybe y CAUSE x, or do we have something standard for GOAL?
quantmod -,-
#No quantification yet...
rcmod -,-
# cannot be handled uniformly, we handle these in dependency_processor
ref -,-
root -,-
#tells us what the predicate is
tmod -,- AT
#x AT y
vmod ?,?
#This should be two relations based on the role of the first element
# "Truffles picked during the spring are tasty"
# partmod(truffles, picked) -,2
# "Bill tried to shoot demonstrating his incompetence
# partmod(shoot, demonstrating) 0,1
xcomp 2,-
xsubj 1,-
prep_above -,-
prep_across -,-
prep_against -,-
prep_ahead_of -,-
prep_along -,-
prep_among -,-
prep_apart_from -,-
prep_as_for -,-
prep_away_from -,-
prep_based_on -,-
prep_because -,-
prep_because_of -,-
prep_before -,-
prep_behind -,-
prep_below -,-
prep_beneath -,-
prep_beside -,-
prep_beyond -,-
prep_but -,-
prep_by_means_of -,-
prep_close_to -,-
prep_deserving -,-
prep_down -,-
prep_except -,-
prep_except_for -,-
prep_expressing -,-
prep_far_from -,-
prep_followed_by -,-
prep_following -,-
prep_half-baked -,-
prep_if -,-
prep_in_addition_to -,-
prep_in_front_of -,-
prep_in_spite_of -,-
prep_including -,-
prep_inside -,-
prep_instead_of -,-
prep_involving -,-
prep_near -,-
prep_near_to -,-
prep_nearest -,-
prep_off -,-
prep_on_top_of -,-
prep_onto -,-
prep_opposite -,-
prep_out -,-
prep_outside -,-
prep_past -,-
prep_per -,-
prep_pro -,-
prep_showing -,-
prep_since -,-
prep_someone -,-
prep_that -,-
prep_through -,-
prep_together_with -,-
prep_under -,-
prep_until -,-
prep_up -,-
prep_upon -,-
prep_using -,-
prep_veiled -,-
prep_while -,-
prep_without -,-
prep_worth -,-
prepc_according_to -,-
prepc_after -,-
prepc_against -,-
prepc_along -,-
prepc_around -,-
prepc_as_of -,-
prepc_at -,-
prepc_away_from -,-
prepc_based_on -,-
prepc_because_of -,-
prepc_before -,-
prepc_but -,-
prepc_compared_to -,-
prepc_compared_with -,-
prepc_during -,-
prepc_except_for -,-
prepc_far_from -,-
prepc_in_addition_to -,-
prepc_in_spite_of -,-
prepc_including -,-
prepc_inside -,-
prepc_instead_of -,-
prepc_into -,-
prepc_like -,-
prepc_on -,-
prepc_onto -,-
prepc_out_of -,-
prepc_outside -,-
prepc_over -,-
prepc_such_as -,-
prepc_than -,-
prepc_through -,-
prepc_to -,-
prepc_together_with -,-
prepc_towards -,-
prepc_until -,-
prepc_up -,-
prepc_while -,-
# Universal Dependencies
# Some lines may occur above, these are commented out below.
# clausal modifier of noun
acl -,-
acl:about -,-
acl:after -,-
acl:as -,-
acl:at -,-
acl:based_on -,-
acl:before -,-
acl:between -,-
acl:by -,-
acl:compared_to -,-
acl:compared_with -,-
acl:except_for -,-
acl:for -,-
acl:from -,-
acl:in -,- IN
acl:in_order -,-
acl:including -,-
acl:inside -,-
acl:like -,-
acl:near -,-
acl:next_to -,-
acl:of -,-
acl:on -,-
acl:out_of -,-
acl:rather_than -,-
acl:relcl -,-
acl:than -,-
acl:through -,-
acl:to -,-
acl:with -,- INSTRUMENT
acl:without -,- LACK
# adverbial clause modifier
advcl 0,-
advcl:about -,-
advcl:according_to -,-
advcl:around -,-
advcl:as -,-
advcl:at -,-
advcl:away_from -,-
advcl:based_on -,-
advcl:because_of -,-
advcl:but -,-
advcl:by -,-
advcl:compared_to -,-
advcl:compared_with -,-
advcl:existing -,-
advcl:for -,-
advcl:from -,-
advcl:in -,-
advcl:in_order -,-
advcl:instead_of -,-
advcl:into -,-
advcl:of -,-
advcl:on -,-
advcl:onto -,-
advcl:out -,-
advcl:out_of -,-
advcl:rather_than -,-
advcl:than -,-
advcl:to -,-
advcl:towards -,-
advcl:under -,-
advcl:with -,- INSTRUMENT
advcl:without -,- LACK
# adverbial modifier
# advmod 0,-
# adjectival modifier
# amod 0,-
# appositional modifier
# appos 0,0
# auxiliary
# aux -,-
# passive auxiliary
# auxpass -,-
# case making
case -,-
# coordination
# cc -,-
# preconjunct
cc:preconj -,-
# clausal complement
ccomp 2,-
# compund
compound -,-
# phrasal verb particle
compound:prt 0,-
# conj -,-
conj:and -,-
conj:but -,-
conj:if -,-
conj:negcc -,-
conj:nor -,-
conj:not -,-
conj:of -,-
conj:or -,-
conj:so -,-
conj:well -,-
# cop -,-
#but will be necessary to disambiguate nsubj and csubj
# clausal subject
# csubj 1,0
# 1,0 for copular sentences, 1,- otherwise (just like with nsubj)
# clausal passive subject
# csubjpass 2,-
# dep 0,-
# det ?,?
#Articles will probably trigger some direct action and not have their own nodes
#in the graph
# det:predet -,-
# discourse -,-
# direct object
# dobj 2,-
# expl -,-
# iobj ?,?
mark -,-
# mwe -,-
#We should handle each of these uniquely
# neg 0,-
#Mostly X -0-> "not". "no", "never", and "n't" are posptrocessed into "not"
# nominal modifiers
nmod 0,-
nmod:' -,- HAS
nmod:'s -,- HAS
nmod:about -,-
nmod:above -,-
nmod:according_to -,-
nmod:across -,-
nmod:after -,- AFTER
nmod:against -,-
nmod:agent -,-
nmod:ahead_of -,-
nmod:along -,-
nmod:among -,-
nmod:apart_from -,-
nmod:around -,-
nmod:as -,-
nmod:at -,-
nmod:away_from -,-
nmod:based_on -,-
nmod:because -,-
nmod:because_of -,-
nmod:before -,-
nmod:behind -,-
nmod:below -,-
nmod:beneath -,-
nmod:beside -,-
nmod:between -,-
nmod:beyond -,-
nmod:but -,-
nmod:by -,-
nmod:close_to -,-
nmod:containing -,-
nmod:down -,-
nmod:during -,-
nmod:except -,-
nmod:except_for -,-
nmod:far_from -,-
nmod:following -,-
nmod:for -,- FOR
nmod:from -,-
nmod:given -,-
nmod:if -,-
nmod:in -,- IN
nmod:in_addition_to -,-
nmod:in_front_of -,-
nmod:in_order -,-
nmod:including -,-
nmod:inside -,-
nmod:inside_of -,-
nmod:instead_of -,-
nmod:into -,-
nmod:involving -,-
nmod:less -,-
nmod:like -,-
nmod:near -,-
nmod:nearest -,-
nmod:next_to -,-
# noun phrase as adverbial modifier
nmod:npmod 0,-
nmod:of -,- !HAS
nmod:off -,-
nmod:on -,-
nmod:onto -,-
nmod:opposite -,-
nmod:or -,-
nmod:out -,-
nmod:out_of -,- NOTIN
nmod:outside -,-
nmod:outside_of -,-
nmod:over -,-
nmod:past -,-
nmod:per -,-
nmod:poss -,- !HAS
nmod:rather_than -,-
nmod:since -,-
nmod:subsides -,-
nmod:such_as -,-
nmod:than -,-
nmod:that -,-
nmod:through -,-
nmod:tmod -,- AT
nmod:to -,-
nmod:together_with -,-
nmod:towards -,-
nmod:under -,-
nmod:until -,-
nmod:up -,-
nmod:using -,-
nmod:while -,-
nmod:with -,- INSTRUMENT
nmod:within -,-
nmod:without -,-
# nominal subject
# nsubj 1,0
# passive nominal subject
# nsubjpass 2,-
# numeric modifier
nummod 0,-
# parataxis ?,?
# ref -,-
# root -,-
# tells us what the predicate is
# open clausal complement
# xcomp 2,-