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recski committed Sep 25, 2017
1 parent 776b0fd commit 06e2398795b03258012f0b1cdabd2bcd5c0a98be
Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
  1. +1 −1
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ __NOTE__: All remaining dependencies are required only for building 4lang graphs
#### Stanford Parser, CoreNLP, jython
For parsing dictionary definitions, `4lang` requires the [Stanford Dependency Parser]( Additionally, `` requires the [Stanford CoreNLP]( toolkit for parsing and coreference resolution, while the `dict_to_4lang` tool requires [jython]( for customized parsing via the Stanford Parser API. Both tools require a copy of the RNN-based parser model for English, which is distributed alongside the Stanford Parser.

Currently, `text_to_4lang` requires the installation of the [corenlp-server]( package. Just download the repository and follow the instructions in its README to start the server (by running `mvn exec:java -D server`), the text_to_4lang module will then be able to connect.
Currently, `text_to_4lang` requires the installation of the [corenlp-server]( package. Just download the repository and follow the instructions in its README to build the package and start the server (mvn package; mvn exec:java -D server), the text_to_4lang module will then be able to connect.

After downloading and installing these tools, all you need to do is edit the `stanford` and `corenlp` sections of the default configuration file `conf/default.cfg` so that the relevant fields point to your installations of each tool and your copy of the englishRNN.ser.gz model (more on config files below).

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