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kornai committed Jan 15, 2019
1 parent 733c824 commit 1d19f167b9c0eace5bd874759860781be78f96ed
Showing with 9 additions and 1 deletion.
  1. +1 −1 1200
  2. +8 −0 4lang
2 1200
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ iron
8 4lang
@@ -884,6 +884,7 @@ container tarta1ly vasculum pojemnik 2801 u N artefact, contain
content ele1gedett contentus zadowolony 600 A see contents % in ele1gedett sense: feeling, lack(NEED improvement)
contents tartalom argumentum zawartos1c1 2314 N IN/2758 '
continue folytat pergo kontinuowac1 850 u V after(action), before(action) lack(stop)
continuous folytonos continuus cia1gl1y 2172 u A lack(separate), lack (sudden)
contract megkap afficior zarazic1_sie1 1632 V see 2205
contract szerzo3dik paciscor zawierac1_umowe1 2205 V agree, written, =AGT AT/2744 law
control befolya1s vis kontrola 253 u N
@@ -959,6 +960,7 @@ curse a1tok exsecratio przeklen1stwo 107 N pray, FOR/2782[=PAT HAS harm] conten
curtain fu2ggo2ny velum zasl1ona 867 N hang, AT/2744 <window>, decorate, CAUSE shade AT/2744 cavity
curve go2rbe curvamen krzywa 898 u N line, lack(straight/563), lack(plane/2090), bend/1112, HAS direction[lack(constant)]
custom szoka1s consuetudo zwyczaj 2236 N common (behaviour)
customer vevo3 emptor klient 2711 u N buy agt of
cut va1g seco cia1c1 2542 u V separate, INSTRUMENT edge RA
cut_in_pieces sze1tva1g disseco kroic1 2175 V
cut_off leva1g deseco obcinac1 1538 V cut, after(=PAT[lack] AT =FROM) head, arm, skin, branch, hair
@@ -1413,6 +1415,7 @@ frequent gyakori frequens cze1sty 919 A often
fresh friss viridis s1wiez1y 863 N new, replace
friend bara1t amicus przyjaciel 228 u N person, =POSS KNOW, =POSS LIKE/3382, =POSS TRUST
fright ijedelem # # 2812 N sudden, intense, fear
frighten ijeszt terreo straszyc1 2916 u V CAUSE fright
fro vissza retro tam 2640 G
from -bo1l ab z 2742 u G before(IN/2758 =REL), after(far)
from o1ta ex z 1838 u G AT/2744 [period[begin AT/2744 =REL]] x from y: x IS_A period
@@ -1743,6 +1746,7 @@ jeans farmer braca dz2insy 3477 u N
jelly zsele1 quilon galareta 2687 u N
jewel e1kko3 gemma klejnot 501 N precious, stone, artefact
jewellery e1kszer ornamentum biz1uteria 502 N small, person WEAR, decorate, ring/402 IS_A necklace IS_A
jink cselez evado wymjac1 3084 u V move, sudden
job munka negotium zawo1d 1738 A regular (activity), person GET/1223 pay/237
join csatlakozik comitor dol1a1czyc1 392 u V after(together), after(=PAT MEMBER =TO), after(=PAT PART_OF =TO), before(separate) de:beitreten DAT
joint izu2let articulus staw 1169 N part, join AT/2744
@@ -1814,6 +1818,7 @@ layer re1teg # # # N material, BETWEEN two(thing) Longman real DV
lazy lusta ignavus leniwy 1556 A lack(work), lack(effort)
lead o1lom plumbum ol1o1w 1832 u N soft(metal)
lead vezet duco prowadzic1 2617 u V =AGT CAUSE[=PAT[change]] naive_theo: x LEAD/2617 y, y LEAD/2617 z implies x LEAD/2617 z
leader vezeto3 princeps wo1dz 3106 u N lead/2617 agt of
leaf faleve1l folium lis1c1 723 N organ, green, flat, AT/2744 stem, PART_OF plant
lean do3l acclinor opierac1 475 V lack(vertical) Longman Leaning Tower of Pisa
lean sova1ny macer szczupl1y 2123 A
@@ -2179,6 +2184,7 @@ official hivalatalos publicus oficjalny 1065 u A AT/2744 authority
official tisztviselo3 officialis urze1dnik 2398 u N
offspring uto1d # # 3346 N child
often gyakran saepe cze1sto 921 D many IN/2758 time, little(distance) BETWEEN
oh o1 o o 3170 u G ??vocative
oil olaj oleum olej 1900 N slip, can/1246[burn], liquid, <engine CONSUME>
old o2reg senex stary 1854 u A long(time) FROM/1838 birth, old HAS birth
old-fashioned re1gimo1di # # 3008 A HAS style[old]
@@ -2345,6 +2351,7 @@ plastic alaki1thato1 formabilis/qui_formari_potest elastyczny 144 A material, H
plastics mu3anyag plastica plastik 1733 N see 144
plate ta1nye1r catinus talerz 2279 u N artefact, flat, <round>, <food ON>
play ja1tszik ludo bawic1_sie1 1175 u V game game/1173
player ja1te1kos ludens zawodnik 3201 u A play, participant, PART_OF game agt of play
pleasant kellemes iucundus przyjemny 1288 u A nice
pleasant-smelling kellemes_illatu1 # # 3208 A HAS pleasant(smell) 6
please tetszik place/1026 zadowalac1 2378 V =AGT CAUSE[=DAT HAS joy] RG
@@ -3442,6 +3449,7 @@ woman no3 mulier kobieta 1795 u N female, person
wonder csoda miraculum/prodigium cud 422 N event, surprise, supernatural, action CAUSE fear
wondrous csoda1s mirabilis cudowny 425 A wonder
wood fa lignum drewno 710 u N material, hard, FROM/2742 tree
wooden fa lignum drewniany 3215 u A material, wood/719
woods erdo3 # # # N forest Longman real DV
wool gyapju1 lana wel1na 924 u N material, soft, sheep HAS naive_theo cloth FROM/2742
word szo1 verbum sl1owo 2224 u N sign, speech

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