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samples for manual evaluation of root word detection

	new file:   eval/roots.rand100
	new file:   eval/roots.rand100.issues
  • Loading branch information...
Gabor Recski
Gabor Recski committed Mar 11, 2015
1 parent 0654ddc commit 4ec786f18800350961b92c1d73f52f9facda4fdb
Showing with 127 additions and 0 deletions.
  1. +100 −0 eval/roots.rand100
  2. +27 −0 eval/roots.rand100.issues
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
strategist good person good at planning things, especially military or political actions
unlikely not not likely to happen
digger machine a large machine that digs and moves earth
jolt shock a sudden shock
locution style a style of speaking
well comes if a liquid wells or wells up, it comes to the surface of something and starts to flow out
non-toxic not not poisonous or harmful to your health
stead do to do something that someone else usually does or was going to do
spoof book a funny book, play, or film that copies something serious or important and makes it seem silly
seaward facing facing towards the sea
!much-heralded event a much-heralded event, product, etc has been talked about a lot before it happens or becomes available
incessant continuing continuing without stopping
!politico- relating relating to both politics and something else
chord combination a combination of several musical notes that are played at the same time and sound pleasant together
woeful bad very bad or serious
rattler rattlesnake a rattlesnake
!blockade put to put a place under a blockade
squadron force a military force consisting of a group of aircraft or ships
little slightly slightly or to a small degree
elf creature an imaginary creature like a small person with pointed ears and magical powers
!med abbreviation an abbreviation of medical
stepladder flat a ladder which has two sloping parts that are joined at the top so that it can stand without support, and which can be folded flat
well-fed having having plenty of good food to eat
sensation feeling a feeling that you get from one of your five senses, especially the sense of touch
rouse wake person to wake sleeping deeply
provoke cause to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one
plagiarize take to take words or ideas from another person's work and use them in your work, without stating that they are not your own
rephrase say to say or write something again using different words to express what you mean in a way that is clearer or more acceptable
eyeliner make-up coloured make-up that you put along the edges of your eyelids to make your eyes look bigger or more noticeable
liquor drink a strong alcoholic drink such as whisky
donkeywork work the hard boring work that is part of a job or project
velocity speed the speed of something that is moving in a particular direction
onlooker watches person watches something happening without being involved in it
!sweatshop used a small business, factory, etc where people work hard in bad conditions for very little money - used to show disapproval
!suffering physical serious physical or mental pain
!OD take to take too much of a drug so that it is dangerous
blithe seeming seeming not to care or worry about the effects of what you do
!nocturnal active an animal that is nocturnal is active at night
!reciprocate do to do or give something, because something similar has been done or given to you
S letter the 19th letter of the English alphabet
situate describe to describe or consider something as being part of something else or related to something else
steal cheap to be very cheap
bibliography list a list of all the books and articles used in preparing a piece of writing
abomination something person or something that is extremely offensive or unacceptable
stem stop to stop something from happening, spreading, or developing
jovial friendly friendly and happy
!starlit made made brighter by light from the stars
hereinafter later later in this official statement, document, etc
oracular from from or like an oracle
overwhelm feel if someone is overwhelmed by an emotion, they feel it so strongly that they cannot think clearly
stud use the use of animals, especially horses, for breeding, an animal that is used in this way, or a place where this is done
!dutiable those dutiable goods are those that you must pay duty on
bike ride to ride a bicycle
sundress dress a dress that you wear in hot weather, which does not cover your arms or shoulders
!hamburger cut a flat round piece of finely cut beef which is cooked and eaten in a bread bun
tanker vehicle a vehicle or ship specially built to carry large quantities of gas or liquid, especially oil
harsh difficult harsh conditions are difficult to live in and very uncomfortable
extinguisher extinguisher a fire extinguisher
!impure pure not pure or clean, and often consisting of a mixture of things instead of just one
!madden make to make someone very angry or annoyed
huff feeling feeling angry or bad-tempered, especially because someone has offended you
!ill-equipped having not having the necessary equipment or skills for a particular situation or activity
settler goes person goes to live in a country or area where not many people like them have lived before, and that is a long way from any towns or cities
outdid past the past tense of outdo
stepmother woman a woman who is married to your father but who is not your mother
effrontery rude rude behaviour that shocks you because it is so confident
!parasol type a type of umbrella used to provide shade from the sun
food things things that people and animals eat, such as vegetables or meat
roll piece a piece of paper, camera film, money, etc that has been rolled into the shape of a tube
!hood pull a part of a coat, jacket, etc that you can pull up to cover your head
!kohl eyes a black pencil used around women's eyes to make them more attractive
!ballyhoo is when there is a lot of excitement or anger about something - used to show disapproval
macho behaving behaving in a way that is traditionally typical of men, for example being strong or brave, or not showing your feelings - used humorously or in order to show disapproval
birdbath bowl a bowl in a garden that is filled with water for birds to wash in
stockbroker person a person or organization whose job is to buy and sell shares , bonds, etc for people
!tarot set a set of 78 cards, used for telling what will happen to someone in the future
krill shellfish small shellfish
!inflammable start inflammable materials or substances will start to burn very easily
storeroom room a room where goods are stored
Turk from person from Turkey
!wide open completely open, awake, or apart
!freephone arrangement an arrangement by which a company or organization pays the cost of telephone calls made to it
!impressive makes something that is impressive makes you admire it because it is very good, large, important, etc
long-lived living living or existing for a long time
negotiate discuss to discuss something in order to reach an agreement, especially in business or politics
!tempting seems something that is tempting seems very good and you would like to have it or do it
revue show a show in a theatre that includes songs, dances, and jokes about recent events
!subhuman having not having all the qualities a normal human being has
winsome behaving behaving in a pleasant and attractive way
!capP abbreviation the abbreviation of
ornamentation decoration decoration on an object that makes it look attractive
cowrie shell a small shiny shell that was used in the past as money in parts of Africa and Asia
belongings things the things you own, especially things that you can carry with you
bonfire fire a large outdoor fire, either for burning waste or for a party
hearth area the area of floor around a fireplace in a house
ultra- extremely extremely
dispossess take to take property or land away from someone
poodle dog a dog with thick curly hair
feminism belief the belief that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men
advertorial advertisement an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine that is made to look like a normal article
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
!much-heralded event a much-heralded event, product, etc has been talked about a lot before it happens or becomes available
!politico- relating relating to both politics and something else
!blockade put to put a place under a blockade
!med abbreviation an abbreviation of medical
!sweatshop used a small business, factory, etc where people work hard in bad conditions for very little money - used to show disapproval
!suffering physical serious physical or mental pain
!OD take to take too much of a drug so that it is dangerous
!nocturnal active an animal that is nocturnal is active at night
!reciprocate do to do or give something, because something similar has been done or given to you
!starlit made made brighter by light from the stars
!dutiable those dutiable goods are those that you must pay duty on
!hamburger cut a flat round piece of finely cut beef which is cooked and eaten in a bread bun
!impure pure not pure or clean, and often consisting of a mixture of things instead of just one
!madden make to make someone very angry or annoyed
!ill-equipped having not having the necessary equipment or skills for a particular situation or activity
!parasol type a type of umbrella used to provide shade from the sun
!hood pull a part of a coat, jacket, etc that you can pull up to cover your head
!kohl eyes a black pencil used around women's eyes to make them more attractive
!ballyhoo is when there is a lot of excitement or anger about something - used to show disapproval
!tarot set a set of 78 cards, used for telling what will happen to someone in the future
!inflammable start inflammable materials or substances will start to burn very easily
!wide open completely open, awake, or apart
!freephone arrangement an arrangement by which a company or organization pays the cost of telephone calls made to it
!impressive makes something that is impressive makes you admire it because it is very good, large, important, etc
!tempting seems something that is tempting seems very good and you would like to have it or do it
!subhuman having not having all the qualities a normal human being has
!capP abbreviation the abbreviation of

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