Tokenization and Word Segmentation
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- This corpus contains 57109 sentences and 1273287 tokens.
- This corpus contains 8195 sentences and 184348 tokens.
- This corpus contains 9995 sentences and 267631 tokens.
- This corpus contains 822 sentences and 14494 tokens.
- This corpus contains 1000 sentences and 26709 tokens.
- This corpus contains 1266616 tokens (99%) that are not followed by a space.
- This corpus contains 183692 tokens (100%) that are not followed by a space.
- All tokens in this corpus are followed by a space.
- This corpus contains 14477 tokens (100%) that are not followed by a space.
- This corpus contains 26701 tokens (100%) that are not followed by a space.
- This corpus does not contain words with spaces.
- This corpus does not contain words with spaces.
- This corpus does not contain words with spaces.
- This corpus does not contain words with spaces.
- This corpus does not contain words with spaces.
- This corpus does not contain words that contain both letters and punctuation.
- This corpus contains 77 types of words that contain both letters and punctuation. Examples: 、と, 、という, SETI@home, ”と, が、, ら・むうん, スター・ウォーズ, ルイ・ヴィトン, (株), )し, A&M, A.T, D.C.I, E.T, IT'SFRIDAY, J.Z, Jr., L'Arc, L'Orateurdu, L.E.D, O'Malley, PaulKantner's, S&P, ZYX-α, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute_intermittent_porphyria, ”する, ”に, 、が, 、で, 、といった, 、など, 、の, 、を, 」し, アテナ&ロビケロッツ, アル・パチーノ, アンディ・ウォーホル, アンドレ・アガシ, イー・モバイル, ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル, エル・ドラード, エール・フランス, オードリー・ヘップバーン, カール・ツァイス, クリーブランド・ブラウンズ, ゴールドマン・サックス, サム・シェパード, シラノ・ド・ベルジュラック, ジェームズ・ブキャナン, ジェームズ・ワトソン
- This corpus does not contain words that contain both letters and punctuation.
- This corpus does not contain words that contain both letters and punctuation.
- This corpus contains 37 types of words that contain both letters and punctuation. Examples: 、と, ドナルド・トランプ, B.C, 、という, 、を, G.D.P, HerFatherDidn't, Z.A, Zettel’sTraum, 、の, 」な, ウォルト・ディズニー, エル・グレコ, オート・ガロンヌ, オードリー・ヘプバーン, カサ・サンタ・マルタ, カステルフランコ・ヴェネト, サン・ゴーダン, シガー・ロス, シー・オブ・ジ・アンティレス, ジョン・ディ・ドメニコ, スティーラーズ・ホイール, ストレンジャー・シングズ, トーキング・デッド, ド・ゴール, ハーバード・ビジネス・スクール, バハ・カリフォルニヤ, ヒラリー・クリントン, フェデリコ・フェリーニ, フランツ・ヨーゼフ, プンタ・デル・エステ, プンタ・ラサ, マラー/サド, メラニア・トランプ, ラッセ・ハルストレム, ル・コント, ルーカス・クラナッハ
- This corpus uses 17 UPOS tags out of 17 possible: ADJ, ADP, ADV, AUX, CCONJ, DET, INTJ, NOUN, NUM, PART, PRON, PROPN, PUNCT, SCONJ, SYM, VERB, X
- This corpus uses 16 UPOS tags out of 17 possible: ADJ, ADP, ADV, AUX, CCONJ, DET, INTJ, NOUN, NUM, PART, PRON, PROPN, PUNCT, SCONJ, SYM, VERB
- This corpus does not use the following tags: X
- This corpus uses 16 UPOS tags out of 17 possible: ADJ, ADP, ADV, AUX, CONJ, DET, INTJ, NOUN, NUM, PART, PRON, PROPN, PUNCT, SCONJ, SYM, VERB
- This corpus does not use the following tags: CCONJ, X
- This corpus uses 17 UPOS tags out of 17 possible: ADJ, ADP, ADV, AUX, CCONJ, DET, INTJ, NOUN, NUM, PART, PRON, PROPN, PUNCT, SCONJ, SYM, VERB, X
- This corpus uses 15 UPOS tags out of 17 possible: ADJ, ADP, ADV, AUX, CCONJ, DET, NOUN, NUM, PART, PRON, PROPN, PUNCT, SCONJ, SYM, VERB
- This corpus does not use the following tags: INTJ, X
- This corpus contains 1 word types tagged as particles (PART): _
- This corpus contains 61 word types tagged as particles (PART): +, -, ~, およそ, か, かしらん, かどうか, か否か, がな, さ, ぞ, ぞお, な, なぁ, なあ, なー, ね, ねえ, の, のよ, ほぼ, よ, よぉ, よー, わ, ナンバー, ベスト, マイナス, マッハ, 丸, 人口, 全長, 分の, 南緯, 各, 同, 夜, 対, 平成, 年, 延べ, 昭和, 最低, 最多, 最大, 最高, 残り, 毎時, 直径, 第, 築, 紀元前, 約, 総計, 翌, 計, 金, 長さ, 高さ, 齢, ~
- This corpus contains 1 word types tagged as particles (PART): _
- This corpus contains 43 word types tagged as particles (PART): つ, やすく, らく, を, 上, 中, 乎, 交り, 人, 内, 力, 史, 君, 品, 哉, 國, 宗, 官, 家, 島, 師, 張, 所, 易き, 書, 槍, 毎, 氏, 民, 法, 然, 生, 産, 發, 省, 石, 等, 者, 院, 難き, 類, 風, 餘
- This corpus contains 10 word types tagged as particles (PART): か, かどうか, さ, ね, 最大, 最高, 第, 紀元前, 約, 翌
- This corpus contains 1 lemmas tagged as pronouns (PRON): _
- This corpus contains 55 lemmas tagged as pronouns (PRON): あちこち, あちら, あなた, あれ, いずれ, おまえ, おめーら, お前, かれ, ここ, こちら, この方, これ, これら, そこ, そちら, その他, それ, それぞれ, それら, どこ, どちら, どなた, どれ, なん, ぼく, みなさま, みなさん, みんな, わしゃ, わたし, われわれ, 他所, 何か, 何処, 俺, 僕, 僕ら, 君, 奴, 彼, 彼ら, 彼女, 彼女たち, 彼方, 彼等, 我々, 手前, 皆, 皆さま, 皆さん, 皆様, 私, 私たち, 誰
- This corpus contains 23 lemmas tagged as pronouns (PRON): _, 何, 何れ, 何処, 何方, 何時, 余-代名詞, 僕, 其れ, 其処, 其方, 彼れ, 彼方此方, 御前, 我, 我々, 此の方, 此れ, 此処, 此方, 私-代名詞, 誰, 貴方
- This corpus contains 31 lemmas tagged as pronouns (PRON): ある, これ, 之, 之れ, 何, 何れ, 何ん, 何處, 余, 余輩, 僕, 僕輩, 其, 吾儕, 吾子, 吾輩, 子, 小子, 己, 彼, 彼れ, 我, 我輩, 是, 是れ, 此, 此れ, 焉, 爰, 茲, 誰
- This corpus contains 26 lemmas tagged as pronouns (PRON): あなた, いずれ, かれら, ここ, これ, これら, そこ, その他, それ, それぞれ, それら, どこ, どちら, どれ, みなさん, よそ, 君たち, 彼, 彼ら, 彼女, 我々, 皆, 私, 私たち, 私達, 誰
- This corpus contains 1 lemmas tagged as determiners (DET): _
- This corpus contains 4 lemmas tagged as determiners (DET): あの, この, その, どの
- This corpus contains 3 lemmas tagged as determiners (DET): _, 其の, 此の
- This corpus contains 2 lemmas tagged as determiners (DET): 其の, 彼の
- This corpus contains 4 lemmas tagged as determiners (DET): あの, この, その, どの
- Out of the above, 1 lemmas occurred sometimes as PRON and sometimes as DET: _
- Out of the above, 1 lemmas occurred sometimes as PRON and sometimes as DET: _
- This corpus contains 1 lemmas tagged as auxiliaries (AUX): _
- This corpus contains 118 lemmas tagged as auxiliaries (AUX): あう, あげる, ある, いく, いける, いただく, いらっしゃる, いる, う, うる, える, おく, おる, かける, かす, かねる, かもしれる, かも知れる, がたい, がちだ, がる, きる, くださる, くれる, ける, げだ, げる, こむ, ございる, させる, ざるをえる, ざるを得る, しまう, すぎる, する, せる, そうだ, た, たい, たっ, たら, たろ, たー, だ, だす, だめ, ちゃう, っぱい, っぱなし, っぽい, つづける, づめる, づらい, て, てる, できる, でした, ない, なければ, なさる, なら, なる, にくい, ぬく, ね, はじめる, ふうだ, べし, べる, ほしい, ま~す, まい, まいる, まう, ます, みせる, みたいだ, みる, める, もらう, もらえる, やすい, やっ, やる, ゆく, よい, よう, ようだ, らしい, らす, らるる, られる, れる, わす, 下さる, 出す, 出来る, 切る, 化, 参る, 合う, 回る, 始める, 尽くす, 得る, 易い, 来る, 欲しい, 済み, 直す, 終わる, 続ける, 良い, 行く, 込む, 過ぎる, 難い, 頂く
- This corpus contains 79 lemmas tagged as auxiliaries (AUX): _, うう, うー, がらる, がる, けり, ごとし, させる, ず, せる, そう-伝聞, そう-様態, た, たい, たり-断定, だ, てる, です, とく, ない, なり-断定, べし, まじ, ます, む, や, よる, らしい, られる, り, れる, ウ, 上がる, 上げる, 下さる, 仕舞う, 兼ねる, 出す, 出来る, 切る, 去る, 参る, 取る, 合う, 呉れる, 始める, 尽くす, 居る, 得る, 御座る, 慣れる, 成る, 或る, 捲る, 掛かる, 掛ける, 有る, 来る, 果てる, 様, 欲しい, 為さる, 為る, 無い, 直す, 続ける, 置く, 致す, 良い, 行く, 見せる, 見る, 貰う, 込む, 遅れる, 過ぎ-時間, 過ぎる, 遣る, 頂く
- This corpus contains 23 lemmas tagged as auxiliaries (AUX): き, しむ, ず, たり, なし, なり, ぬ, べし, む, らる, り, る, 不, 勿し, 可し, 善し, 如し, 樣, 無し, 然らず, 若し, 莫し, 非ず
- This corpus contains 47 lemmas tagged as auxiliaries (AUX): ある, いく, いる, う, うる, える, おる, かける, かもしれる, くれる, させる, しまう, しめる, すぎる, する, せる, そうだ, た, たい, たら, たろ, だ, できる, でした, ない, なければ, なさる, なら, なる, べし, ます, やすい, ゆく, よい, ようだ, らしい, らす, られる, れる, 出す, 化, 始める, 来る, 終える, 続ける, 良い, 行く
- Out of the above, 1 lemmas occurred sometimes as AUX and sometimes as VERB: _
- Out of the above, 48 lemmas occurred sometimes as AUX and sometimes as VERB: あう, あげる, ある, いく, いける, いただく, いらっしゃる, いる, おく, おる, かける, きる, くださる, くれる, しまう, すぎる, する, せる, だす, つづける, できる, なさる, なる, はじめる, ます, みせる, みる, もらう, やる, ゆく, 下さる, 出す, 出来る, 切る, 化, 参る, 合う, 回る, 始める, 尽くす, 得る, 来る, 直す, 終わる, 続ける, 行く, 過ぎる, 頂く
- Out of the above, 39 lemmas occurred sometimes as AUX and sometimes as VERB: _, なり-断定, や, 上がる, 上げる, 兼ねる, 出す, 出来る, 切る, 去る, 取る, 合う, 呉れる, 始める, 尽くす, 居る, 得る, 慣れる, 成る, 或る, 掛かる, 掛ける, 有る, 来る, 為る, 直す, 続ける, 置く, 致す, 良い, 行く, 見せる, 見る, 貰う, 込む, 遅れる, 過ぎる, 遣る, 頂く
- Out of the above, 16 lemmas occurred sometimes as AUX and sometimes as VERB: ある, いく, いる, かける, する, せる, できる, なさる, なる, 出す, 化, 始める, 来る, 終える, 続ける, 行く
- This corpus does not use the VerbForm feature.
- This corpus does not use the VerbForm feature.
- This corpus does not use the VerbForm feature.
- This corpus does not use the VerbForm feature.
- This corpus does not use the VerbForm feature.
Nominal Features
Nominal Features
Nominal Features
Nominal Features
Nominal Features
Degree and Polarity
Degree and Polarity
Degree and Polarity
Degree and Polarity
Degree and Polarity
- Neg
- AUX: ず, ざる, ざれ, ざら, ざり
- NOUN: 不
Verbal Features
Verbal Features
Verbal Features
Verbal Features
Verbal Features
Pronouns, Determiners, Quantifiers
Pronouns, Determiners, Quantifiers
Pronouns, Determiners, Quantifiers
Pronouns, Determiners, Quantifiers
Pronouns, Determiners, Quantifiers
- Card
- NUM: 1, 2, 3, 4, 一, 5, 10, 6, 二, 7
- Card
- NUM: 1, 2, 3, 一, 10, 4, 6, 20, 二, 億
Other Features
Other Features
Other Features
Other Features
Other Features
Auxiliary Verbs and Copula
- This corpus uses 1 lemmas as copulas (cop). Examples: _.
Auxiliary Verbs and Copula
- This corpus uses 1 lemmas as copulas (cop). Examples: だ.
Auxiliary Verbs and Copula
- This corpus uses 10 lemmas as copulas (cop). Examples: だ, _, 無い, です, とく, なり-断定, たり-断定, 有る, らしい, 成る.
Auxiliary Verbs and Copula
- This corpus does not contain copulas.
Auxiliary Verbs and Copula
- This corpus uses 1 lemmas as copulas (cop). Examples: だ.
- This corpus uses 1 lemmas as auxiliaries (aux). Examples: _.
- This corpus uses 117 lemmas as auxiliaries (aux). Examples: た, する, いる, れる, だ, ます, ない, こと, ようだ, られる, なる, おる, せる, う, 来る, できる, たい, しまう, くれる, いく, そうだ, ける, たら, もらう, みる, える, べし, なら, やすい, くださる, 続ける, いただく, らしい, める, でした, 始める, 行く, かもしれる, みたいだ, 出す, 出来る, 合う, すぎる, 頂く, ある, ちゃう, 込む, おく, なければ, もらえる.
- This corpus uses 74 lemmas as auxiliaries (aux). Examples: _, 為る, 居る, だ, 有る, 来る, 様, うう, うー, べし, 成る, 出来る, た, せる, 行く, ず, 欲しい, そう-様態, ます, 仕舞う, 良い, 貰う, れる, 置く, 始める, られる, 呉れる, 続ける, 見る, 過ぎる, 兼ねる, 切る, たい, ウ, させる, 出す, です, 得る, 下さる, 合う, てる, とく, 直す, 遣る, 頂く, そう-伝聞, なり-断定, 去る, 込む, がる.
- This corpus uses 45 lemmas as auxiliaries (aux). Examples: なり, ず, す, べし, む, たり, 如し, 於く, しむ, り, き, 可し, る, 由る, 非ず, 不, 哉, らる, を, 依る, 因る, 據る, やすし, 樣, 然り, なし, ぬ, よる, 乎, 云ふ, 仕る, 以來, 仰ぐ, 對す, 廢す, 得, 憑る, 放つ, 方る, 易し, 望む, 然, 然らず, 若し, 行ふ.
- This corpus uses 46 lemmas as auxiliaries (aux). Examples: た, する, だ, いる, れる, こと, ない, ます, ようだ, う, られる, せる, なる, おる, 来る, できる, たい, べし, 始める, かもしれる, しまう, なければ, 続ける, すぎる, える, たら, いく, かける, くれる, させる, そうだ, でした, 出す, 化, うる, しめる, たろ, なさる, なら, やすい, ゆく, らしい, らす, 終える, 良い, 行く.
Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts
Here we consider only relations between verbs (parent) and nouns or pronouns (child).
- nsubj
- VERB--NOUN (10)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_) (24436)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (3931)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (81)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (15)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (10)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (3)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (2)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_) (1033)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (203)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (8)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (1)
Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts
Here we consider only relations between verbs (parent) and nouns or pronouns (child).
- nsubj
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(から)-ADP(が) (3)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(が) (2519)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(が)-ADP(に) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(だけ)-ADP(が) (4)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(だけ)-ADP(は) (3)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(など)-ADP(が) (35)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(など)-ADP(は) (7)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(のみ)-ADP(が) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(は) (1882)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(まで)-ADP(が) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(まで)-ADP(も)-ADP(が) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(が) (51)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(は) (116)
Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts
Here we consider only relations between verbs (parent) and nouns or pronouns (child).
- nsubj
- VERB--NOUN (29)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_) (7149)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (105)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (4)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_) (140)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (12)
Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts
Here we consider only relations between verbs (parent) and nouns or pronouns (child).
- nsubj
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(が) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(と)-ADP(は) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(なり)-ADP(は) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(が) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(は) (4)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(にて)-ADP(は) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(の)-ADP(は) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(は) (80)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(や)-ADP(は) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(が) (2)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に)-ADP(は) (4)
Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts
Here we consider only relations between verbs (parent) and nouns or pronouns (child).
- nsubj
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(が) (350)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(だけ)-ADP(が) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(など)-ADP(が) (3)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(の)-ADP(が) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(は) (388)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(まで)-ADP(も)-ADP(が) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(が) (30)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(は) (143)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(も)-ADP(が) (1)
- obj
- VERB--NOUN (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_) (25625)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (440)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (25)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (9)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (2)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_) (476)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (34)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (2)
- obj
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(だけ)-ADP(を) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(と)-ADP(を) (3)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(という)-ADP(を) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(といった)-ADP(を) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(とか)-ADP(を) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(など)-ADP(を) (53)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に当たる)-ADP(を) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(のみ)-ADP(を) (5)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(ほど)-ADP(を) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(まで)-ADP(を) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を) (4504)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を)-ADP(と)-ADP(も) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を)-ADP(はじめ) (4)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を)-ADP(も) (2)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(まで)-ADP(を) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(を) (84)
- obj
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(と)-ADP(を) (4)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(のみ)-ADP(を) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を) (562)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を)-ADP(に) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を)-ADP(も) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(を) (120)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(を)-ADP(か) (1)
- obj
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(だけ)-ADP(を) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(など)-ADP(を) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(の)-ADP(を) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を) (701)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を)-ADP(はじめ) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を)-ADP(も) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(を) (18)
- iobj
- VERB--NOUN (861)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_) (10502)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (472)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (13)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (1)
- VERB--PRON (84)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_) (988)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (102)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (1)
- iobj
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(くらい)-ADP(に) (3)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(だけ)-ADP(に) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(と)-ADP(に) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(など)-ADP(に) (21)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(など)-ADP(に)-ADP(は) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(など)-ADP(に)-ADP(も) (3)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(なり)-ADP(に) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に) (3530)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(しか) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(だけ)-ADP(で)-ADP(も) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(だけ)-ADP(は) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(と) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(は) (393)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(は)-ADP(と) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(まで) (10)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(も) (107)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(のみ)-ADP(に) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(は)-ADP(に) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(ほど)-ADP(に) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(まで)-ADP(に) (23)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(まで)-ADP(に)-ADP(は) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に) (72)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に)-ADP(しか) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に)-ADP(は) (10)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に)-ADP(も) (6)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(まで)-ADP(に) (3)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(まで)-ADP(に)-ADP(も) (1)
- iobj
- VERB--NOUN (128)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_) (4762)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (581)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(_)-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (8)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(くらい)-ADP(_) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(オウシュウ-外国)-ADP(_) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_) (81)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(_)-ADP(_) (12)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(きり)-ADP(_) (1)
- iobj
- VERB--NOUN (222)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(と) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に) (160)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(にて)-ADP(は) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(にて)-ADP(も) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(の) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(も) (4)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(や) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を) (4)
- VERB--PRON (21)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(か) (2)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(が) (2)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に) (21)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に)-ADP(か) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に)-ADP(は) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(は) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(より) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(を) (12)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(を)-ADP(か) (1)
- iobj
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(だけ)-ADP(に) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に) (497)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(しか) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(は) (68)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(も) (7)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(のみ)-ADP(に) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(まで)-ADP(に) (8)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(まで)-ADP(に)-ADP(は) (2)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に) (20)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に)-ADP(は) (3)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に)-ADP(も) (2)
Relations Overview
- This corpus does not use relation subtypes.
- The following 14 relation types are not used in this corpus at all: csubj, ccomp, xcomp, vocative, expl, dislocated, clf, conj, fixed, flat, list, parataxis, orphan, goeswith
Relations Overview
- This corpus does not use relation subtypes.
- The following 14 relation types are not used in this corpus at all: xcomp, vocative, expl, dislocated, discourse, appos, clf, conj, flat, list, parataxis, orphan, goeswith, reparandum
Relations Overview
- This corpus does not use relation subtypes.
- The following 14 relation types are not used in this corpus at all: obj, xcomp, obl, vocative, expl, dislocated, clf, fixed, flat, list, parataxis, orphan, goeswith, reparandum
Relations Overview
- This corpus does not use relation subtypes.
- The following 16 relation types are not used in this corpus at all: csubj, ccomp, xcomp, vocative, expl, dislocated, cop, clf, conj, fixed, flat, list, parataxis, orphan, goeswith, reparandum
Relations Overview
- This corpus does not use relation subtypes.
- The following 13 relation types are not used in this corpus at all: xcomp, vocative, expl, dislocated, discourse, clf, conj, flat, list, parataxis, orphan, goeswith, reparandum