UD Japanese Modern
Language: Japanese (code: ja
Family: Japanese
This treebank has been part of Universal Dependencies since the UD v2.2 release.
The following people have contributed to making this treebank part of UD: Mai Omura, Masayuki Asahara, Yuta Takahashi.
Repository: UD_Japanese-Modern
Search this treebank on-line: PML-TQ
Download all treebanks: UD 2.2
License: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Genre: nonfiction
Questions, comments? General annotation questions (either Japanese-specific or cross-linguistic) can be raised in the main UD issue tracker. You can report bugs in this treebank in the treebank-specific issue tracker on Github. If you want to collaborate, please contact [masayu-a (æt) ninjal • ac • jp]. Development of the treebank happens outside the UD repository. If there are bugs, either the original data source or the conversion procedure must be fixed. Do not submit pull requests against the UD repository.
Annotation | Source |
Lemmas | annotated manually in non-UD style, automatically converted to UD |
UPOS | annotated manually in non-UD style, automatically converted to UD |
XPOS | annotated manually |
Features | not available |
Relations | annotated manually in non-UD style, automatically converted to UD |
This Universal Dependencies (UD) Japanese treebank is based on the definition of UD Japanese convention described in the UD documentation. The original sentences are from `Corpus of Historical Japanese’ (CHJ).
The Japanese UD treebank contains the sentences from CHJ Meiji Era / Taishō Era Series I: Magazines - Meiroku Zasshi samples http://pj.ninjal.ac.jp/corpus_center/chj/meiji_taisho-en.html with BCCWJ-DepPara[2] compatible annotation [5].
We prepared conversion rules from BCCWJ-DepPara to UD_Japanese v2.1 guidelines [3][4].
The all data in UD_Japanese-Modern is test data.
test: all
You are encouraged to cite the following paper when you refer to the Universal Dependencies Japanese Treebank.
Omura, M., Takahashi, Y., & Asahara, M. (2017). Universal Dependency for Japanese Modern. In JADH-2017.
Asahara, M., Kanayama, H., Tanaka, T., Miyao, Y., Uematsu, S., Mori, S., Matsumoto, Y., Omura, M., & Murawaki, Y. (2018). Universal Dependencies Version 2 for Japanese. In LREC-2018.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grants Numbers JP15K12888 and JP17H00917 and is a project of the Center for Corpus Development, NINJAL.
The original treebank was provided by:
- National Instutite for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Japan
The corpus was converted by:
- Mai Omura
- Masayuki Asahara
through discussion and validation with
- Yuta Takahashi
Statistics of UD Japanese Modern
POS Tags
acl – advcl – advmod – amod – appos – aux – case – cc – compound – dep – det – discourse – iobj – mark – nmod – nsubj – nummod – obj – obl – punct – root
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- This corpus contains 822 sentences and 14494 tokens.
- This corpus contains 14477 tokens (100%) that are not followed by a space.
- This corpus does not contain words with spaces.
- This corpus does not contain words that contain both letters and punctuation.
- This corpus uses 17 UPOS tags out of 17 possible: ADJ, ADP, ADV, AUX, CCONJ, DET, INTJ, NOUN, NUM, PART, PRON, PROPN, PUNCT, SCONJ, SYM, VERB, X
- This corpus contains 43 word types tagged as particles (PART): つ, やすく, らく, を, 上, 中, 乎, 交り, 人, 内, 力, 史, 君, 品, 哉, 國, 宗, 官, 家, 島, 師, 張, 所, 易き, 書, 槍, 毎, 氏, 民, 法, 然, 生, 産, 發, 省, 石, 等, 者, 院, 難き, 類, 風, 餘
- This corpus contains 31 lemmas tagged as pronouns (PRON): ある, これ, 之, 之れ, 何, 何れ, 何ん, 何處, 余, 余輩, 僕, 僕輩, 其, 吾儕, 吾子, 吾輩, 子, 小子, 己, 彼, 彼れ, 我, 我輩, 是, 是れ, 此, 此れ, 焉, 爰, 茲, 誰
- This corpus contains 2 lemmas tagged as determiners (DET): 其の, 彼の
- This corpus contains 23 lemmas tagged as auxiliaries (AUX): き, しむ, ず, たり, なし, なり, ぬ, べし, む, らる, り, る, 不, 勿し, 可し, 善し, 如し, 樣, 無し, 然らず, 若し, 莫し, 非ず
- This corpus does not use the VerbForm feature.
Nominal Features
Degree and Polarity
- Neg
- AUX: ず, ざる, ざれ, ざら, ざり
- NOUN: 不
Verbal Features
Pronouns, Determiners, Quantifiers
Other Features
Auxiliary Verbs and Copula
- This corpus does not contain copulas.
- This corpus uses 45 lemmas as auxiliaries (aux). Examples: なり, ず, す, べし, む, たり, 如し, 於く, しむ, り, き, 可し, る, 由る, 非ず, 不, 哉, らる, を, 依る, 因る, 據る, やすし, 樣, 然り, なし, ぬ, よる, 乎, 云ふ, 仕る, 以來, 仰ぐ, 對す, 廢す, 得, 憑る, 放つ, 方る, 易し, 望む, 然, 然らず, 若し, 行ふ.
Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts
Here we consider only relations between verbs (parent) and nouns or pronouns (child).
- nsubj
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(が) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(と)-ADP(は) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(なり)-ADP(は) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(が) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に)-ADP(は) (4)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(にて)-ADP(は) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(の)-ADP(は) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(は) (80)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(や)-ADP(は) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(が) (2)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に)-ADP(は) (4)
- obj
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(と)-ADP(を) (4)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(のみ)-ADP(を) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を) (562)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を)-ADP(に) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を)-ADP(も) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(を) (120)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(を)-ADP(か) (1)
- iobj
- VERB--NOUN (222)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(と) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(に) (160)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(にて)-ADP(は) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(にて)-ADP(も) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(の) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(も) (4)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(や) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(を) (4)
- VERB--PRON (21)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(か) (2)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(が) (2)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に) (21)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に)-ADP(か) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(に)-ADP(は) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(は) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(より) (1)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(を) (12)
- VERB--PRON-ADP(を)-ADP(か) (1)