Word Facts
Tips, tricks, commonly confused terms, and words you should know
- ‘Daylight Savings Time’ And More Commonly Mixed-Up Words
- ‘Tis the Season To Learn More About ‘Tis
- “It is I” vs. “It’s Me”: Which One Should You Use?
- 10 Commonly Misused Words
- 12 Essential Types Of Poetry
- 13 Essential Literary Terms
- 3 Easy Tips for Writing Realistic Dialects
- 8 Common Words You’re Probably Using Incorrectly
- A Brief History of the Letter H
- A Look At American Sign Language
- A Paroxysm of Laughter
- A Smack Of Jellyfish And Other Strange Animal Groups
- Accept vs. Except
- Advice vs. Advise
- Affect vs Effect: Use the Correct Word Every Time
- Allusion vs. Illusion
- Alright vs. All Right
- Alumni vs. Alumnus
- Amidst vs. Amid
- Among vs. Amongst
- Ancient Arabic Words You Don’t Know You’re Using
- And Now…Transition Words!
- Anyway, Anyways, and Any Way
- Are There Any English Words That Have No Vowels?
- Are there any words that use w as a vowel?
- Assent vs. Ascent
- Assume vs. Presume
- Assure, Ensure, and Insure
- Basic Spelling Rules Explained
- Bond Ambition: “Squads” and “Squad Goals” Explained
- Bring vs. Take
- Can you see the difference between those symbols?
- Capital vs. Capitol
- Caring About Whether You Couldn’t Care Less
- Common Words With Uncommon Opposites
- Comparatives vs. Superlatives
- Compliment vs. Complement
- Compliment vs. Complement | Video
- Comprise vs. Compose
- Continually vs. Continuously
- Cough, Cough: Here’s 10 Different Ways To Say “ough”
- Cozy Words For A Cold Day
- Cue vs. Queue
- Deciduous: Visual Word of the Day
- Denotation and Connotation
- Digging Up Old Slang For Body Parts
- Digital Words With An Analog Past
- Disinterested vs. Uninterested
- Do You Give Presents Or Gifts? Here’s The Difference
- Do You Know What These Weird Plurals Mean?
- Do Zoologists Pick Animal Names Like “Pink Fairy Armadillo”?
- Does Anything Rhyme With “Orange”?
- Does bimonthly mean twice a month or every two months?
- Empathy vs. Sympathy: Which Word To Use And When
- Everyday Vs. Every Day
- Explain The Difference Between Enemy And Nemesis
- Famous Names That Inspired Common Words
- Farther vs. Further
- Fiancé vs. Fiancée
- Five English Words That Are Utterly Unique
- Footnotes vs. Endnotes
- For All Intents and Purposes vs. For All Intensive Purposes
- Former vs. Latter
- Fun With Opposites
- Gambling Terms To Get Ahead
- Ghost Words That Are Haunting The Dictionary
- Grey vs Gray
- Have you ever noticed “FICO” by your credit score? What it means
- Here Are All The Ways to Use the Word Bae
- Holy $#!%: Where Did The Symbolic Swear Come From?
- Hone In vs. Home In
- Hot Dog! Are They Sandwiches, Or Not?
- How can I figure out when to use some time, sometime, or sometimes?
- How Do You Use i.e. And e.g.?
- How Does The English Language Handle Gender Identity?
- How should I cite a word or a word and its definition?
- Hyper vs. Hypo
- Hyperbole vs. Hype
- I vs. Me
- If “w” is double u, why is it made of two v’s?
- Immigrants, Emigrants, or Migrants
- Imminent, Immanent, or Eminent
- Imply Vs. Infer
- In Case Of vs. In the Event Of
- In Defense of the Figurative Use of Literally
- Inertia vs. Momentum: Which Keeps You Moving?
- Ingenious vs. Ingenuous
- Inhibit vs. Prohibit
- Inquire vs. Enquire
- Insidious vs. Invidious
- Inter- vs Intra-
- Intrusive vs. Obtrusive
- Irreparable vs. Unrepairable
- Is “Supposably” a Real Word?
- Is Ironic the Most Abused Word in English?
- Is Irregardless a Word?
- Is It “I Wish I Were” Or “I Wish I Was”?
- Is It “Different From” or “Different Than”?
- Is it Accept or Except? Quiz Yourself
- Is It Ever OK To Say “Didja”?
- Is It Just Deserts Or Just Desserts?
- Is It With Regard Or With Regards?
- Is There a Connection Between March the Month and “Marching”?
- Is There Such A Thing As A True Synonym?
- Itch vs. Scratch: What’s The Difference?
- Its vs. It’s
- Judgement Vs. Judgment
- Juridical Process vs. Judicial Process
- Jury-rigged vs. Jerry-rigged
- Know These 9 Commonly Confused Homophones?
- Kudo vs. Kudos
- Language Deception: Word Pairs You Thought Were Related
- Lay vs. Lie
- Learn The Strange Link Between The Letters C and G
- Libel vs. Slander
- Loan, Lend, Loaned, and Lent
- Loath vs. Loathe
- Loose vs. Lose
- Ludicrous vs. Ridiculous
- Make Peace With vs. Come to Terms With
- Manor vs. Manner
- Marshal vs. Martial
- Master The Secrets Of Crosswordese
- Math vs. Maths
- Meet The Animal That Inspired the Letter A
- Meet The Man Responsible For The Letter “J”
- Misleading Terms You’ve Been Using Wrong (For Good Reason)
- Misogyny, Sexism, And Taking Down The Patriarchy
- Moot Point vs. Mute Point
- Moribund: Visual Word of the Day
- Motherland vs. Fatherland
- My Apology vs. My Apologies
- Nauseated vs. Nauseous
- Negative Or Positive Reinforcement: Which Is Better?
- No Offense, These Words Used To Be Inoffensive
- Nobody’s Blinkered When Taking This Quiz
- Not Good vs. No Good: When To Use Them Both
- Nutritional vs. Healthy
- Oblivious To vs. Oblivious Of: Are You Using Them Correctly?
- Offbeat Literary Genres To Get Lost In
- Older vs. Elder: Are You Using Them Correctly?
- One of These Words is Not (Exactly) Like the Other
- Opinion Of, Opinion On, or Opinion About?
- Overwhelm vs. Underwhelm
- Palette, Pallet, or Palate
- Paramount vs. Tantamount
- Pesky Homophones: Too, To, And Two
- Pore Over or Pour Over
- Pore Over or Pour Over
- Pore Over vs. Pour Over
- Practice vs. Practise
- Principal vs. Principle
- Proved vs. Proven
- Quiz Yourself On The Meanings Of These Names
- Quiz Yourself: Affect Vs. Effect
- Quiz Yourself: Personification vs. Anthropomorphism
- Reeking vs. Wreaking: What’s the Difference?
- Sherbet or Sherbert?
- Should I say try and or try to? How about would have or would of?
- Should I Use A Singular Or A Plural Verb With A Collective Noun?
- Should I use a singular or plural verb with none?
- Should overused words be banished?
- Should You Say “Between You and I” or “Between You and Me”?
- Snuck or Sneaked
- Soccer Terms For When The World Cup Is The Only Thing On TV
- Sometime, Sometimes, and Some Time
- Spelling Still Matters
- Spice Up Your Sexy Language
- Stationary vs. Stationery
- Stupider vs. More Stupid
- Supper vs. Dinner
- Supposedly vs. Supposably
- Sure, “ain’t” gets the attention, but what do “am’nt,” “h’aint” and “b’aint” mean?
- Taser: A Surprising Acronym With An Unsettling Story
- Terms To Know In Order To Seal The Deal
- That vs. Which
- The Curious Chronicle of the Letter C
- The Dirtiest Words . . . That Aren’t
- The Eight Parts of Speech in English
- The Good And The Bad: Words That Can’t Choose
- The Letter B Once Had A Much Longer Name
- The Longest English Words
- The Lumbersexual Look Defined
- The Most Confusing Words About Dating And Romance
- The Scoop Behind These Weird Words for Gossip
- The Torturous Treadmill And Other Exercise Gear Origins
- The United States of Diversity: Fargo And Its NCVS Don’tcha Know
- The United States of Diversity: Louisiana Creole
- The X In Xmas Is Really About Jesus Christ
- Their, There, and They’re: Do You Know The Difference?
- This is a trick question: What do the A, C, and T of the ACT test mean?
- Top Misspelled Words Quiz
- Trending Words This Week
- Try Tongue Twisters Today!
- Two Nerdy Steps To Take To Improve Your Vocabulary
- USA: Noun or Adjective?
- Want to meet two extinct letters of the alphabet? Learn what “thorn” and “wynn” sounded like
- Warranty Vs. Guarantee
- We’re All Guilty Of Phubbing … Here’s Why
- Weasel Words And Other Ways We Avoid Telling The Truth
- Weird Words For Crazy Urges We’ve All Had
- Were P and R Once the Same Letter?
- What Are Context Clues?
- What are Informal, Nonstandard, and Slang Words?
- What Are Mr. And Mrs. Short For?
- What are the 100 most commonly used words in English?
- What Are The Differences in Spellings Between American And British English?
- What are the most-used words in English?
- What Character Was Removed From The Alphabet?
- What Do “Numpire” and “Ewt” Have in Common?
- What do a.m. and p.m. stand for?
- What do the Z, I, and P in “ZIP code” stand for? And what do the numbers represent?
- What Does “Literally” Have To Do With “Definitely” And “Totally”?
- What does it mean to be “fluent” in a language?
- What Does Wag the Dog Mean?
- What is MLA style?
- What is Phonetic Spelling?
- What is the controversy that “hopefully” caused?
- What is the difference between a bug and an insect?
- What is the difference between a philharmonic and a symphony?
- What is the difference between archaic and obsolete words?
- What Is the Difference Between Attorney and Lawyer? How About Counsel and Counselor?
- What is the difference between might and may?
- What is the difference between partly and partially?
- What Is The Difference Between Snow Flurries And Snow Showers?
- What is the literal meaning of “eleven?”
- What may be the longest single palindromic word?
- What Percentage of English Words are Derived from Latin?
- What the “x” in “Xbox” stands for, plus when did “x” start to mean “the unknown?”
- What The Nog: What’s Eggnog?
- What’s In A Name: Tech Talk
- What’s It Called When You Misinterpret Lyrics?
- What’s The #’s Real Name?
- What’s The Deal With Piqued, Peeked, And Peaked?
- What’s The Difference Between “A While” and “Awhile”
- What’s the Difference Between “Discreet” and “Discrete”?
- What’s The Difference Between “i.e.” And “e.g.”?
- What’s The Difference Between Acronyms And Abbreviations?
- What’s the Difference Between Adverse and Averse?
- What’s The Difference Between Mistrust And Distrust?
- What’s The Difference Between Morals And Ethics?
- What’s The Difference Between Socialism And Communism?
- What’s The Difference: Average, Mean, Median, And Mode
- What’s The Word For When You Can’t Remember A Word?
- What’s The Difference Between Baloney And Bologna?
- What’s the Word for More Than One Software?
- When did the letter U enter the alphabet? It will surprise you.
- When do you capitalize words like “mother,” “father,” “grandmother,” and “grandfather” when writing about them?
- When Do You Use A vs. An?
- When Do You Use Whom?
- When to Capitalize “Earth”
- When X Always = 10
- Where Did African American Vernacular English Come From?
- Where does the phrase cut the mustard come from?
- Where is the Middle East? The Near East? The Far East?
- Where The Bleep Did That Curse Word Come From?
- Where There’s Warmth, There’s Also Coolth: Long Lost Word Pairs
- Who Is Wednesday Named For?
- Who Wrote The Alphabet Song?
- Who’s to Blame for English Spelling?
- Whomever vs. Whoever
- Whose Vs. Who’s
- Why Are People from the Netherlands Called Dutch?
- Why are zero and the letter “O” both circles? The answer involves both science and mysticism
- Why can’t you say chmlk? What makes a vowel?
- Why Capitalization Matters When You Write Native American
- Why did “noon” used to mean 3:00?
- Why Do Flammable and Inflammable Mean the Same Thing?
- Why Does The Letter Q Almost Always Need The Letter U?
- Why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” Was Pure Poetry
- Why Is Marijuana Also Called Pot?
- Why Was Z Removed From The Alphabet (And Then Put Back)?
- Woof, Blaf, or Voff? Animal-Speak Across the World
- Word Fact: Fewer vs. Less
- Word Fact: Let’s vs. Lets
- Word Fact: Then vs. Than
- Word Fact: Toward vs. Towards
- Word Fact: Well vs. Good
- Word Fact: What Is the Difference Between Torturous and Tortuous?
- Word Fact: What’s the Difference Between a Homograph, Homonym, and Homophone?
- Word Fact: What’s the Name for the Dot Over the i and j?
- Words That Are Older Than You Think
- Words That Are Their Own Opposites
- Words That Are Their Own Opposites
- Words You Didn’t Know Were Inspired By Animals
- Worldly Ways to Say “Thank You”
- Y.E.S: These Words Are Acronyms
- You can debunk something, but why can’t you bunk something?