Interesting Links
Java® Demos
The Java® Demos were developed by Pavel Grinfeld.
- Eigenvalues
- SVD (Singular Value Decomposition)
- Gaussian Elimination
- Determinants
- Gram-Schmidt = Orthogonalization
- Inner Product of Functions
- Sum of Fourier Series
- Sum of Trigonometric Series
- Gibbs Phenomenon
- Aliasing
- Column Spaces
- Least Squares
- Power Method
Other Demos
- Gauss-Jordan Demo
- LU Demo
- The Media Lab's Eigenfaces Demo
- Projections of Famous and not so Famous Three and Four Dimensional Solids
MATLAB® Information
- Best Guide to MATLAB® (PDF)
- Short MATLAB® Tutorial (PDF) and Cool MATLAB® demos by Mathworks
- MATLAB® Recitation Demos from 1997
- MATLAB® Teaching Codes
- A MATLAB cheat sheet (PDF)
- Pascal Matrices (PDF)
- A Basis for 3 by 3 Symmetric Matrices (PDF)
- Gram-Schmidt in 9 Lines of MATLAB® (PDF)
- Linear Algebra and Music (PDF)
Essays on Teaching Linear Algebra
- Too Much Calculus (PDF)
- Starting with Two Matrices (PDF)
- The Four Fundamental Subspaces: 4 Lines (PDF)
- Fourier Sine Series Examples (PDF)
- Notes on function spaces, Hermitian operators, and Fourier series (PDF)