Liberal Gun Club

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Liberal Gun Club
Legal status501(c)(4) nonprofit organization[2]

Liberal Gun Club is an American gun owners group composed primarily of people with left-of-center political views. The group has a pro-Second Amendment position on gun ownership despite favoring and voting for politicians that don't have their same beliefs.[3]

In regard to gun control, the group favors "root cause mitigation for violence prevention, stronger mental health care, addressing poverty, homelessness and unemployment rather than focusing on prohibiting or restricting one tool." They also generally oppose "assault weapon" bans, but individual members have a wide range of opinions.[4] In 2014, the group had about 1,200 members.[5] From 2016 to 2017, after the Pulse Nightclub shooting and the Trump election, membership swelled 65% year over year and the group's Facebook and social media presence grew significantly as well.


The Liberal Gun Club operates throughout the United States with Chapters on a state or regional level. As of November 2017, the Club had active chapters in New England, Texas, Arizona, Oregon, Virginia/DC/Maryland, Rocky Mountains, and the "Flyover States" (which are states within a six-hour drive of Chicago, Illinois). Other chapters have been proposed and are expected to come on line in 2018. Members who do not belong to a regional Chapter participate in national and regional events.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ "Liberal Gun Club Inc". Guidestar. Retrieved September 26, 2017.
  2. ^ "Who We Are". Liberal Gun Club. Retrieved September 26, 2017.
  3. ^ Carla Marinucci (January 2, 2014). "Liberals find comfort level in 'NPR of gun clubs'". SFGate.
  4. ^ "They like guns - and Democrats". October 18, 2015.
  5. ^ Alan Farnham (February 18, 2014). "Gun Club for Liberals: The Un-NRA". ABC News.

External links[edit]