Fields in the concept dictionary

Alexander Seifert edited this page May 14, 2018 · 2 revisions

4lang is a tab-separated file with the following fields:

  1. English
  2. Hungarian
  3. Latin
  4. Polish
  5. ID (Words 1--2692 belong to the original vocabulary that was created in the [](MEO project (Unified Hungarian Ontology))
  6. Defining vocabulary membership -- words with u are sufficient for defining the whole vocabulary, for details, see the paper. This filed was created in a semi-automatic manner and has to be taken with a grain of salt.
  7. Part of speech (see the table bellow)
  8. Definition
  9. Comment
frequency tag meaning
1811 N noun
679 A adjective
593 V transitive verb
150 U intransitive verb
100 D determiner
157 G other function word
7 # not specified
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