Talk:Original proof of Gödel's completeness theorem

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This page might be made clearer if the same fonts were used in the text as in the expressions. (I mean, use the LaTeX version of the symbol in the text)... I tried doing this in this comment but found that Wikipedia automatically converts "< math > \ phi < / math >" into . Is it possible to get the symbol in without the ?

Shouldn't this be in WikiBooks? --Rory 17:31, Jun 13, 2004 (UTC)

Shouldn't this be called Godels INcompleteness theorem, for which there is already an article and proof here?

No. In addition to his incompleteness theorem, Goedel also proved a completeness theorem, in which he proved that any logically sound statement can be proven in 1st order logic.

Why is there since 13 January 2006 the incompleteness theorem at the page of the completeness theorem? Thank you for removing this again. Why is the core part of the proof missing, is anybody able to complete it?