Kleene's algorithm
In theoretical computer science, in particular in formal language theory, Kleene's algorithm transforms a given deterministic finite automaton (DFA) into a regular expression. Together with other conversion algorithms, it establishes the equivalence of several description formats for regular languages.
Algorithm description[edit]
According to Gross and Yellen (2004),[1] the algorithm can be traced back to Kleene (1956).[2]
This description follows Hopcroft and Ullman (1979).[3] Given a deterministic finite automaton M = (Q, Σ, δ, q0, F), with Q = { q0,...,qn } its set of states, the algorithm computes
- the sets Rk
ij of all strings that take M from state qi to qj without going through any state numbered higher than k.
Here, "going through a state" means entering and leaving it, so both i and j may be higher than k, but no intermediate state may.
Each set Rk
ij is represented by a regular expression; the algorithm computes them step by step for k = -1, 0, ..., n. Since there is no state numbered higher than n, the regular expression Rn
0j represents the set of all strings that take M from its start state q0 to qj. If F = { q1,...,qf } is the set of accept states, the regular expression Rn
01 | ... | Rn
0f represents the language accepted by M.
The initial regular expressions, for k = -1, are computed as
- R−1
ij = a1 | ... | am if i≠j, where δ(qi,a1) = ... = δ(qi,am) = qj - R−1
ij = a1 | ... | am | ε, if i=j, where δ(qi,a1) = ... = δ(qi,am) = qj
After that, in each step the expressions Rk
ij are computed from the previous ones by
- Rk
ij = Rk-1
ik (Rk-1
kk)* Rk-1
kj | Rk-1
By induction on k, it can be shown that the length[4] of each expression Rk
ij is at most 4k+1(6s+7) - 4/3 symbols, where s denotes the number of characters in Σ.
Therefore, the length of the regular expression representing the language accepted by M is at most 4n+1(6s+7)f - f - 3/3 symbols, where f denotes the number of final states.
The automaton shown in the picture can be described as M = (Q, Σ, δ, q0, F) with
- the set of states Q = { q0, q1, q2 },
- the input alphabet Σ = { a, b },
- the transition function δ with δ(q0,a)=q0, δ(q0,b)=q1, δ(q1,a)=q2, δ(q1,b)=q1, δ(q2,a)=q1, and δ(q2,b)=q1,
- the start state q0, and
- set of accept states F = { q1 }.
Kleene's algorithm computes the initial regular expressions as
00= a | ε R−1
01= b R−1
02= ∅ R−1
10= ∅ R−1
11= b | ε R−1
12= a R−1
20= ∅ R−1
21= a | b R−1
22= ε
After that, the Rk
ij are computed from the Rk-1
ij step by step for k = 0, 1, 2.
Kleene algebra equalities are used to simplify the regular expressions as much as possible.
- Step 0
00= R−1
00 (R−1
00)* R−1
00 | R−1
00= (a | ε) (a | ε)* (a | ε) | a | ε = a* R0
01= R−1
00 (R−1
00)* R−1
01 | R−1
01= (a | ε) (a | ε)* b | b = a* b R0
02= R−1
00 (R−1
00)* R−1
02 | R−1
02= (a | ε) (a | ε)* ∅ | ∅ = ∅ R0
10= R−1
10 (R−1
00)* R−1
00 | R−1
10= ∅ (a | ε)* (a | ε) | ∅ = ∅ R0
11= R−1
10 (R−1
00)* R−1
01 | R−1
11= ∅ (a | ε)* b | b | ε = b | ε R0
12= R−1
10 (R−1
00)* R−1
02 | R−1
12= ∅ (a | ε)* ∅ | a = a R0
20= R−1
20 (R−1
00)* R−1
00 | R−1
20= ∅ (a | ε)* (a | ε) | ∅ = ∅ R0
21= R−1
20 (R−1
00)* R−1
01 | R−1
21= ∅ (a | ε)* b | a | b = a | b R0
22= R−1
20 (R−1
00)* R−1
02 | R−1
22= ∅ (a | ε)* ∅ | ε = ε
- Step 1
00= R0
01 (R0
11)* R0
10 | R0
00= a*b (b | ε)* ∅ | a* = a* R1
01= R0
01 (R0
11)* R0
11 | R0
01= a*b (b | ε)* (b | ε) | a* b = a* b* b R1
02= R0
01 (R0
11)* R0
12 | R0
02= a*b (b | ε)* a | ∅ = a* b* ba R1
10= R0
11 (R0
11)* R0
10 | R0
10= (b | ε) (b | ε)* ∅ | ∅ = ∅ R1
11= R0
11 (R0
11)* R0
11 | R0
11= (b | ε) (b | ε)* (b | ε) | b | ε = b* R1
12= R0
11 (R0
11)* R0
12 | R0
12= (b | ε) (b | ε)* a | a = b* a R1
20= R0
21 (R0
11)* R0
10 | R0
20= (a | b) (b | ε)* ∅ | ∅ = ∅ R1
21= R0
21 (R0
11)* R0
11 | R0
21= (a | b) (b | ε)* (b | ε) | a | b = (a | b) b* R1
22= R0
21 (R0
11)* R0
12 | R0
22= (a | b) (b | ε)* a | ε = (a | b) b* a | ε
- Step 2
00= R1
02 (R1
22)* R1
20 | R1
00= a*b*ba ((a|b)b*a | ε)* ∅ | a* = a* R2
01= R1
02 (R1
22)* R1
21 | R1
01= a*b*ba ((a|b)b*a | ε)* (a|b)b* | a* b* b = a* b (a (a | b) | b)* R2
02= R1
02 (R1
22)* R1
22 | R1
02= a*b*ba ((a|b)b*a | ε)* ((a|b)b*a | ε) | a* b* ba = a* b* b (a (a | b) b*)* a R2
10= R1
12 (R1
22)* R1
20 | R1
10= b* a ((a|b)b*a | ε)* ∅ | ∅ = ∅ R2
11= R1
12 (R1
22)* R1
21 | R1
11= b* a ((a|b)b*a | ε)* (a|b)b* | b* = (a (a | b) | b)* R2
12= R1
12 (R1
22)* R1
22 | R1
12= b* a ((a|b)b*a | ε)* ((a|b)b*a | ε) | b* a = (a (a | b) | b)* a R2
20= R1
22 (R1
22)* R1
20 | R1
20= ((a|b)b*a | ε) ((a|b)b*a | ε)* ∅ | ∅ = ∅ R2
21= R1
22 (R1
22)* R1
21 | R1
21= ((a|b)b*a | ε) ((a|b)b*a | ε)* (a|b)b* | (a | b) b* = (a | b) (a (a | b) | b)* R2
22= R1
22 (R1
22)* R1
22 | R1
22= ((a|b)b*a | ε) ((a|b)b*a | ε)* ((a|b)b*a | ε) | (a | b) b* a | ε = ((a | b) b* a)*
Since q0 is the start state and q1 is the only accept state, the regular expression R2
01 denotes the set of all strings accepted by the automaton.
See also[edit]
- Floyd-Warshall algorithm — an algorithm on weighted graphs that can be implemented by Kleene's algorithm using a particular Kleene algebra
- Star height problem — what is the minimum stars' nesting depth of all regular expressions corresponding to a given DFA?
- Generalized star height problem — if a complement operator is allowed additionally in regular expressions, can the stars' nesting depth of Kleene's algorithm's output be limited to a fixed bound?
- Thompson's construction algorithm — transforms a regular expression to a finite automaton
- ^ Jonathan L. Gross and Jay Yellen, ed. (2004). Handbook of Graph Theory. Discrete Mathematics and it Applications. CRC Press. ISBN 1-58488-090-2. Here: sect.2.1, remark R13 on p.65
- ^ Kleene, Stephen C. (1956). "Representation of Events in Nerve Nets and Finite Automate" (PDF). Automata Studies, Annals of Math. Studies. Princeton Univ. Press. 34. Here: sect.9, p.37-40
- ^ John E. Hopcroft, Jeffrey D. Ullman (1979). Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-02988-X. Here: Theorem 2.4, p.33-34
- ^ More precisely, the number of regular-expression symbols, "ai", "ε", "|", "*", "·"; not counting parantheses.