Talk:Lexical functional grammar

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WikiProject Linguistics (Rated Start-class)
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Start-Class article Start  This article has been rated as Start-Class on the project's quality scale.
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Why don't we create an article for "Looking for Group" and remove the irrelavant line related to it? I thought creating a disamiguation page for LFG and remove the line but I gave it up finally, for "Looking for Group" is too less representative for LFG in general. The result could be disappointing for ones who wish to have a line for "Looking for Group" in the LFG article, but at least they will have access using the "Looking for Group" query.

Quality Issues[edit]

This is not a good explanation.

Its target audience appears to be those who already know quite a bit about the current way of studying languages amongst the "intelligentsia".

However, while one can explain an engine to a mechanic very succinctly; the rest of us would be baffled by the terminology, even if we could otherwise grapes the concepts.

I believe Wikipedia is intended to inform the public, not become a private enrichment for the initiated. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:25, 30 May 2010 (UTC)