Recognizing Textual Entailment
From ACL Wiki
Textual Entailment > Challenges:
Textual Entailment Recognition has been proposed recently as a generic task that captures major semantic inference needs across many NLP applications, such as Question Answering, Information Retrieval, Information Extraction, and Text Summarization. This task requires to recognize, given two text fragments, whether the meaning of one text is entailed (can be inferred) from the other text.
- RTE-1 Pascal
- RTE-2 Pascal
- RTE-3 Pascal
- RTE-4 TAC 2008
- RTE-5 TAC 2009
- RTE-6 TAC 2010
- RTE-7 TAC 2011
- The Joint Student Response Analysis and 8th Recognizing Textual Entailment Challenge SemEval 2013
Resource Pool
In an effort to determine the relative impact of the many resources used withing the RTE challenge, RTE-3 initiated a new activity for building a Textual Entailment Resource Pool. RTE participants and any other member of the NLP community are encouraged to contribute to the RTE Resource Pool.