Top definition
A highly concentrated pheromone usually found in cologne or perfume, when applied to the nape of the neck, even in minuscule amounts, the scent will cause the opposite sex to become incredibly aroused with sexual passion and desire.
In Ocean's Thirteen, The Gilroy is when Matt Damon's character, Linus Caldwell (posing as Lenny Pepperidge in disguise), sets up Ellen Barkin's character, Abigail Sponder for seduction; and consequently ends up stealing the diamonds.
by MTF August 06, 2008
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Small squirrel-like quasi-intelligent human who easily climbs shelving, racks, or other humans. Often mistaken for Pee-wee Herman, Gremlins or the Grinch who stole Christmas.
Customer: Who was that little man who came by last week?

Rep: Oh, that was the Gilroy... sorry about that he was dropped as a child
by Ackey Arches March 30, 2012
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