The act of publicly masturbating while on a street corner in San Diego, usually after having led a social justice campaign, and gone nuts from the pressure. The term was coined by South Park which satirized the founder of Invisible Children, Jason Russell, for engaging in the aforementioned act, which pretty much destroyed any momentum his movment, Kony 2012, had left.
Kyle: "Well when you're naked and jacking it in San Diego, don't say I didn't warn you."

Stan: "What?!"...

Barber shop trio: "Jackin' it, jackin' it, jack-ity jack, spankin' it, slappin' it, spank-ity slap!"...

Mayor: "...why not try jacking it on one of our city streets? San Diego, cum, take a load off."
by MAV28 March 11, 2013
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To say "I rest my case" means therefore that, as far as you are concerned, you've done more than enough to prove your point, and need say no more.
John: "You know your problem, Bill? You're far too quick to descend to insulting people who disagree with you."

: Bill: "Don't be ridiculous! That's the sort of thing only a complete idiot would say."

: John: "I rest my case..."
by Will-Xu November 04, 2008
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spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam
That is what spam is. Would be better without it.
by Can of Worms November 03, 2006
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Two people, either of the opposite sex or same sex, touching each others penis/vagina for pleasure and/or orgasm.
As I lay next to my girlfriend she used her hand to rub my hard cock, while I slipped my fingers into her hot tight pussy.
by robin May 16, 2005
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The intro to almost all the songs produced by music producer Metro Boomin as said by Future.
Future: "If young metro don't trust you, I gon shoot you"

Ron: "No, I don't think he trusts you because you can't even say it right..."
by The haker July 22, 2016
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A bomb-ass female.
The baddest female.
She is loyal to her friends,lives for her family,and gives no fucks to bitter,petty bitches.
She also enjoys listening to trap music.
by OG Trap Queen May 04, 2014
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