Jan 13
When someone on a dating site wears a hat in all their pictures to conceal the fact that they are bald.
This guy is wearing either a cowboy hat or a bandana in every picture. I think he is hatfishing me. He said to send a selfie so I texted him a picture of Betty White.
by TheDarkKnightLight August 08, 2017
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Jan 12
when a person does way more than is required from the situation.

The English word for "doing the most" is: "Supererogation" which is defined as; "the act of performing more than is required by duty, obligation, or need"
Dude 1: Did you hear John did today's homework and tomorrow's homework?
Dude 2: Yeah, John is always trying to impress the teacher, so he's always doing the most.

If you want to be fancy
Dude 2: Yes, John tries to impress the teacher, but doing homework which has not be assigned amounts to supererogation.
by CoolrUrban November 21, 2017
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Jan 10
taking screenshots/pictures/video/any form of footage or audio to be used against someone. like when an lawyer provides evidence in court.
"Girl, I was collecting receipts on what's going on between her and Bob."
"Oooooh, I want to see!"
by nerdykpopfangirlgamer November 08, 2017
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Jan 8
The cop's version of going on strike. Since they can't legally strike they all call in sick.
When the city threatened to reduce pensions, the NYPD came down with a bad case of the blue flu.
by Tragic Story December 22, 2004
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Jan 2
An idiomatic phrase referring to a newly found affection toward a person that could lead to true love.
She grew a love tumor just meeting him for the first time
by William Dexter April 15, 2010
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