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to hold someone and never let them go
he held me close
by lsd September 10, 2003
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To possess drugs that yo' want to sell.
"Know anyone 'holding' tonight?"
by Diego August 31, 2003
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v. to regard with inappropriately high esteem. Meant to conjure the image of the object's testicles being cradled by the subject, casting homoerotic aspersions on the latter.
by bigstig January 09, 2008
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How much alcohol/beer you can have before getting drunk
"Yo man i can hold 7 beers before i get drunk
by Brew king9361 September 20, 2009
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It comes from a TV show. You can search "Holdไฝๅง" on youtube. It basically means "everything is under control"
Boss: "The activity is totally a mess!"
Employee: "I can hold it"
by meimeimei January 29, 2012
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