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Designated Jizz Towel. Used for getting the jizz off the end of your cock or your girl's stomach, asscrack, vagina, back, tits, etc.

Used multiple times so as not to dirty other cleaner towels. Also used mostly when out of tp or kleenex or socks.
Boy: "Oh shit, I just blew my load all over your ass."

Girl: "QUICK! Get the DJT before it gets all over the sheets!"

Boy 1: "Oh man, I hope my mom doesn't find my crusty DJT!"
Boy 2: "Why don't you just stick to kleenex man?"
Boy 1: "I'm going green dude! DJT's are reusable!"
by LillyGranger April 26, 2010
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A Jewish kid who moonwalks all over the place wearing silk dragon shirts and Dojo outfits.
DJT was seen on step of the week
by Nick February 28, 2004
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