2.0 wnstats(7WN)


wnstats - WordNet 2.0 database statistics


Number of words, synsets, and senses

POS Unique Synsets Total
  Strings   Word-Sense Pairs
Noun 114648 79689 141690
Verb 11306 13508 24632
Adjective 21436 18563 31015
Adverb 4669 3664 5808
Totals 152059 115424 203145


Polysemy information


POS Monosemous Polysemous Polysemous
  Words and Senses Words Senses
Noun 99524 15124 42325
Verb 6256 5050 18522
Adjective 16103 5333 14979
Adverb 3901 768 1913
Totals 125784 26275 77739


POS Average Polysemy Average Polysemy
  Including Monosemous Words Excluding Monosemous Words
Noun 1.23 2.79
Verb 2.17 3.66
Adjective 1.44 2.80
Adverb 1.24 2.49



Statistics for all types of adjectives and adjective satellites are combined.

The total of all unique noun, verb, adjective, and adverb strings is actually 144309. However, many strings are unique within a syntactic category, but are in more than one syntactic category. The figures in the table represent the unique strings in each syntactic category.