2.1 wnstats(7WN)


wnstats - WordNet 2.1 database statistics


Number of words, synsets, and senses

POS Unique Synsets Total
  Strings   Word-Sense Pairs
Noun 117097 81426 145104
Verb 11488 13650 24890
Adjective 22141 18877 31302
Adverb 4601 3644 5720
Totals 155327 117597 207016


Polysemy information


POS Monosemous Polysemous Polysemous
  Words and Senses Words Senses
Noun 101321 15776 43783
Verb 6261 5227 18629
Adjective 16889 5252 14413
Adverb 3850 751 1870
Totals 128321 27006 78695


POS Average Polysemy Average Polysemy
  Including Monosemous Words Excluding Monosemous Words
Noun 1.23 2.77
Verb 2.16 3.56
Adjective 1.41 2.74
Adverb 1.24 2.49



Statistics for all types of adjectives and adjective satellites are combined.

The total of all unique noun, verb, adjective, and adverb strings is actually 147249. However, many strings are unique within a syntactic category, but are in more than one syntactic category. The figures in the table represent the unique strings in each syntactic category.