wnintro - introduction to miscellaneous WordNet information
morphy - discussion of WordNet's morphological processing
uniqbeg - unique beginners for noun hierarchies
wngloss - glossary of terms used in WordNet
wngroups - discussion of WordNet search code to group similar senses
wnlicens - text of WordNet license agreement
wnpkgs - information about WordNet packages and distribution
wnstats - database statistics
This section of the WordNet Reference Manual contains manual pages that describe various topics related to WordNet and the semantic concordances and a glossary of terms.
See Also
wnintro(1WN) , wnintro(3WN) , wnintro(5WN) , morphy(7WN) , uniqbeg(7WN) , wngroups(7WN) , wnlicens(7WN) , wnpkgs(7WN) , wnstats(7WN) , wngloss(7WN) .
Fellbaum, C. (1998), ed. "WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database" . MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.